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are spiritual people an oppressed minority ?

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If we think in terms of genetics, many people, a minority but a significant number of humans, are naturally born spiritual and contemplative. People who have mystical experiences without having done any spiritual practice. I remember my first mystical experiences and heart chakras connections, started without doing spiritual work, just by watching leo’s content. Now maybe let’s say 1 to 5% of the population is like that, are we an oppressed minority since spirituality isn’t taught in our culture as a scientific field, and we’re not taught about it unless we do independent research. Plus when people have spiritual talents they generally tend to not have many opportunities in terms of traditional jobs, and also spiritual people aren’t very effective under the current capitalist system that promotes careers as a means to an end and not the end in itself. A lot of spiritual people might want to not work, just because they’re concerned with other stuff. In a sense society is designed for materialistic people, we have a materialistic normative society. And people with spiritual talents are excluded and not even acknowledged as legitimately different and deserving of special consideration. Consider what i’m saying as for the heterosexuality, homosexuality dichotomy. It’s like materialistic people are analogically the heterosexual people oppressing and not acknowledging the validity of the homosexual minority, in this case spiritual people. 

Should we have a sort of life orientation guidance, in the sense that the same way we teach sexual orientation, we should teach life orientation whether it’s materialistic or spiritual and create a society where both these categories even though different have equal empathy and place, same way with men and women for example, different but equally deserving of empathy and place in society, and not having the men, patriarchy, oppressing women, misogyny. Maybe we should have a similar name for our materialistic society, same way as patriarchy in the case of the genders, but for the life orientations, something like materialarchy.

Edited by Majed

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2 hours ago, Majed said:

If we think in terms of genetics, many people, a minority but a significant number of humans, are naturally born spiritual and contemplative. People who have mystical experiences without having done any spiritual practice. I remember my first mystical experiences and heart chakras connections, started without doing spiritual work, just by watching leo’s content. Now maybe let’s say 1 to 5% of the population is like that, are we an oppressed minority since spirituality isn’t taught in our culture as a scientific field, and we’re not taught about it unless we do independent research. Plus when people have spiritual talents they generally tend to not have many opportunities in terms of traditional jobs, and also spiritual people aren’t very effective under the current capitalist system that promotes careers as a means to an end and not the end in itself. A lot of spiritual people might want to not work, just because they’re concerned with other stuff. In a sense society is designed for materialistic people, we have a materialistic normative society. And people with spiritual talents are excluded and not even acknowledged as legitimately different and deserving of special consideration. Consider what i’m saying as for the heterosexuality, homosexuality dichotomy. It’s like materialistic people are analogically the heterosexual people oppressing and not acknowledging the validity of the homosexual minority, in this case spiritual people. 

Should we have a sort of life orientation guidance, in the sense that the same way we teach sexual orientation, we should teach life orientation whether it’s materialistic or spiritual and create a society where both these categories even though different have equal empathy and place, same way with men and women for example, different but equally deserving of empathy and place in society, and not having the men, patriarchy, oppressing women, misogyny. Maybe we should have a similar name for our materialistic society, same way as patriarchy in the case of the genders, but for the life orientations, something like materialarchy.

Of course, but I mean, who isn't discriminated? Discrimination can just happen, because you have an Ego. I mean, it's not that the seperation are out there, you are making the seperation that a seperation is being projected to you.

You need to cope, understand and then appreciate your Ego.

And as long as you are not a slave in the confederate states or a jew in Nazi Germany, which I take the assumption you are not, there's always a way out, because reality is your imagination. I know it's kinda hard to comprehend, and when you comprehend it, you want to twist it for your own agenda, but intuite that god exists and that you can have faith in him and everything can turn out nice.

At the end you are god, that's confidence right here.

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Humanity oppresses itself. Nobody goes unscathed. We are still very much in the dark ages.


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this is a good topic to discuss. 

probably people who have spiritual abilities are a minority group yes.. the secret though is to try to lead some sort of a double life, but then make it a goal of your life to get somewhere where you might be better understood, or even start a circle of your own.

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Most of the time spiritual people are just very curious people.

Otherwise society is not materialistic, without food or home you are not going to be spiritual for very long.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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