Rafael Thundercat

How heavy is Reality? Infinity?

4 posts in this topic

Who define that a man have 70kg? Who defined mesures? Based in what, compared what? I feel a sensation that feels heavy, is all I feel. The act of measure and define kilos is also a visual sensation of the scale going up to a certain number. And as I see two visual figments to hit the same mark I define them as having the same kilos.

So where will I end following this line?

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For the Caption of your Thread: How heavy is Reality? Infinity?

Absolute Reality is infinite. Not finite. 

Infinity is different from infinite.

Mathematically there are many differently sized Infinities.


Infinity and Infinities are contained in the Infinite Absolute Reality. Of which can not be spoken.

The Tao Te Ching: “… Tao is both Named and Nameless
As Nameless, it is the origin of all things
As Named, it is the mother of all things …” ~ Lao Tzu


And for the content of your post:

PS: Mass can be physically defined quite easily.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass#:~:text=Mass can be experimentally defined,gravitational attraction to other bodies.

For example over its Inertia.

For the kilogram:



Selling Water by the River

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They are all man made you are actually bigger than the sun

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Weight, height, speed, location, time, and other measures depend on comparing this to that. They presuppose differences that don't actually exist, and are bound to the relative dimensions of the dream. When seamlessness is realized, measures lose their meaning.

It's fairly common to identify the absolute as emptiness. While it's true that the absolute is devoid of matter, it is equally true that the absolute is incomprehensibly dense, devoid of space. Chalk it up as another paradox proving that the mystery of the absolute can't be conceptually solved, only directly realized.

There are the two -- the person and the witness, the observer. When you see them as one, and go beyond, you are in the supreme state. It is not perceivable, because it is what makes perception possible. It is beyond being and not being. It is neither the mirror nor the image in the mirror. It is what is -- the timeless reality, unbelievably hard and solid.

There is only light and the light is all. Everything else if but a picture made of light. The picture is in the light and the light is in the picture. Life and death, self and not-self -- abandon all these ideas. They are of no use to you.

- Nisargadatta Maharaj

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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