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I have 0 points marked and I can't message people. Please help 

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See no one cares. When I realized I am God NO ONE was there to care or reach out. 

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I've been Concious I'm god/everything/nothing for 3 years and NO ONE has gone out of their way to even say hello to me

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6 minutes ago, Yeshua1 said:

I've been Concious I'm god/everything/nothing for 3 years and NO ONE has gone out of their way to even say hello to me

God is alone. Hence the illusion of "other".

Edited by cetus

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Just now, cetus said:

God is alone!

AL"L"-one ofc 

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My dad held me down as a kid and hit until I let it happen and when I realized I was god fully having an absolute realization Leo told I wasn't awake and then solipsism 

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IM CONCIOUS IM CREATING EVERYTHING but I can't message you @cetus I just want to kill myself

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I just want  someone to talk to im only 22 or so I imagine. There's nothing outside imagination. Because I'm absolutely sovereign and concious 

Edited by Yeshua1

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2 minutes ago, Yeshua1 said:

There's nothing outside imagination. Because I'm absolutely sovereign and concious 


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We can talk right here. What's on your mind?

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@cetus I want someone to talk to actually to understand I'm ready to kill myself right now 

Edited by Yeshua1

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4 minutes ago, Yeshua1 said:

@cetus I want someone to talk to actually to understand I'm ready to kill myself right now 

You cant kill yourself, stop playing games

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3 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

You cant kill yourself, stop playing games

OFC I KNOW THAT. YOU realize it makes 0 difference if you say that to me or a brick wall. So PISS OFF. Doesn't mean there's a life to live. 

Edited by Yeshua1

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Just now, Yeshua1 said:


No, i am god i control your thoughts, emotions, your expression and who you are.

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Youre fucking retarded @Jowblob 

We have the SAME intials you fuckint idiot JB 

Edited by Yeshua1

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Just now, cetus said:

@Yeshua1 OK calm down or your out of here.

Please just message me directly

How do you expect one to calm down when 

A They realize they are you and transcend self and other directly 

B they are constructing ALL of direct experience directly 

Edited by Yeshua1

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