
Dark masculine.

15 posts in this topic

I believe that this video could be a valuable resource for men here (and in general) in their dating journey and life as men.

As a woman, I tend to agree that women are not necessarily attracted to a completely civilized man in complete control, nor to an uncontrolled savage.

Instead, we are drawn to men who give us the impression that they are savages in control. 


Light masculine traits




Task oriented


Problem solver


Self disciplined




Dark masculine traits














Edited by Lila9


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Men are less aggressive than women.

The devil is in the details.

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7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Men are less aggressive than women.



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5 hours ago, Lila9 said:


Yeah, men prison is kindergarten compared to woman prison, shit really hits the fan there...

Have you seen a dog mother? You certainly don't want to fuck with them.

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Great video, I agree with his perspective but I think young men are so beaten down today the dark masculine is stamped out before they have a chance to really get to know it. If you are for example a 25 year old man and you have been rejected all of your life, never been encouraged, shamed as a child the foundation upon which a healthy masculinity would be built have already been tarnished. So great message but easier said than done.

I think on a macro level we are not quite sure of the masculine's place in contemporary society. There seems to be a love/hate relationship, a yearning for it while simultaneously aggressively pushing it away.

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On 4.6.2023 at 0:30 AM, Lila9 said:

Instead, we are drawn to men who give us the impression that they are savages in control. 

Which requires them to actually have been savages first...basically bad boys.

Nice share!

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Instead, we are drawn to men who give us the impression that they are savages in control. 

I watched a video by a guy called Lindybeige recently (great channel if you're a nerd, although rarely covers dating topics etc.) who made a related point.

The topic of discussion was why women are often attracted to men who are good dancers.

The gist of his argument is that you can break men down into 4 categories:

  • Men who can fight, and do fight
  • Men who can fight, and don't fight
  • Men who can't fight, and do fight
  • Men who can't fight, and don't fight

His argument was that really, women want men who can fight, but don't fight. All other options have serious drawbacks. For example a man who can fight and does fight will eventually meet someone who fights better, and that's bad for him and his partner. A man who can't fight and does fight will very quickly meet someone who fights better and lose or end up killed.

And the relation of this to men who dance well was that being a good dancer is a great indicator of a man who is a good fighter. But it doesn't require him to actually be in fights to demonstrate.

The rough relation of this to what you said is that 'savage in control' is roughly equivalent in this story to the man who can fight but doesn't fight.

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On 6/5/2023 at 1:54 AM, UnlovingGod said:

Yeah, men prison is kindergarten compared to woman prison, shit really hits the fan there...

Have you seen a dog mother? You certainly don't want to fuck with them.

According to your words, sounds like it's safer to leave children with the most dangerous male criminals rather than with the average woman.



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On 6/5/2023 at 3:20 AM, Tenebroso said:

I think on a macro level we are not quite sure of the masculine's place in contemporary society. There seems to be a love/hate relationship, a yearning for it while simultaneously aggressively pushing it away.

Definitely. There is a fear of it and repression and at the same time it's needed.


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On 6/5/2023 at 3:11 PM, meta_male said:

Which requires them to actually have been savages first...basically bad boys.

Nice share!

Savages (dark masculine) in control (light masculine).

There is dark and light masculine in every man, they don't have to be savages first, they can be civilized first who integrate their savage part later, it doesn't matter what comes first or later, the most important thing is the integration of both.

Bad boys, the type that men think that women are attracted to are uncontrolled savages.

But there is no biological reason to be attracted to such type as it's hard and even impossible for a woman to have with them a satisfying emotional connection and for their children to connect to this type of father.

But I think that I understand what you refer to when you say bad boy. You talk about someone who owns his sexuality and is dripping sex in a way that women can't ignore.

But why it would be considered bad in the first place? In a society that sex and sexuality is associated with evilness, such energy is considered bad.

Same with women who are dripping sexuality, they considered bad and in several cultures get punished or covered.

But do they really bad? Is sexuality inherently bad?


Edited by Lila9


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On 6/5/2023 at 6:15 PM, something_else said:

I watched a video by a guy called Lindybeige recently (great channel if you're a nerd, although rarely covers dating topics etc.) who made a related point.

The topic of discussion was why women are often attracted to men who are good dancers.

The gist of his argument is that you can break men down into 4 categories:

  • Men who can fight, and do fight
  • Men who can fight, and don't fight
  • Men who can't fight, and do fight
  • Men who can't fight, and don't fight

His argument was that really, women want men who can fight, but don't fight. All other options have serious drawbacks. For example a man who can fight and does fight will eventually meet someone who fights better, and that's bad for him and his partner. A man who can't fight and does fight will very quickly meet someone who fights better and lose or end up killed.

And the relation of this to men who dance well was that being a good dancer is a great indicator of a man who is a good fighter. But it doesn't require him to actually be in fights to demonstrate.

The rough relation of this to what you said is that 'savage in control' is roughly equivalent in this story to the man who can fight but doesn't fight.

Thank you for sharing. I totally agree.


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14 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Bad boys, the type that men think that women are attracted to are uncontrolled savages.

Integrating the dark parts looks very messy. But I get that your point is making clear those types you think men think women are attracted to aren't what one should strive to become.

14 hours ago, Lila9 said:

But I think that I understand what you refer to when you say bad boy. You talk about someone who owns his sexuality and is dripping sex in a way that women can't ignore.

Yeah, as long as he really cares about sex.

14 hours ago, Lila9 said:

But why it would be considered bad in the first place?

I have no clue, I don't think bad exists. Maybe cause society at large doesn't benefit from them.

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On 6/6/2023 at 0:59 PM, Lila9 said:

According to your words, sounds like it's safer to leave children with the most dangerous male criminals rather than with the average woman.


Don't twist my words!

You are not even twisting my words, you are accusing me of things that are outlandish and have not any sensible reference to what I said.

Stop trying to read the things you want to read! Truth is not what you want! It is, what it is!

Get in contact with your biasis, if you want to progress in this work.

Edited by UnlovingGod

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On 04/06/2023 at 11:54 PM, UnlovingGod said:

Have you seen a dog mother? You certainly don't want to fuck with them.

yes indeed, Mother is awfully fierce she will tear an enemy into pieces in order to protect.

softly into the Abyss...

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