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Am I....

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In 2020/2021 , I met someone whom in our childhood my parents used to buy them gifts like a whole head to toe clothes &shoes. Someone poor. And in 2020/2021 I met her, and wonder who is poorer? She already had a car and a career. Working in tourism industry. And one day, when I passed by her old house, I wonder, whose poorer? It was the same house that my parents drop her off back then in our childhood after having bought her/them those gifts. I felt so trapped and having no freedom. I still was drive by my father. Being (however age I was in at that time/years). I felt trapped. And poor. Having no freedom. Despite being an adult. Those are the 2020/2021 year. She has now had a car and are promoting a travel thing working in a specialized tourism/travel agency. So I am poor. Poorer than her. Idk. 

How can I own a car (even if it's a small car) and have a work? That I can do?. Not even a proper career but just work to hv an income (this I know but didn't know if I could spent such a time into it.). 

This was after my university. So I wasn't completely pathless. /Clueless in my path. I should have finished my degree. But didn't. Should I enroll into another? 



5:28AM I like how my life is right now. Just chilling at home. I have gotten used to not having to go out (hence needing a driver to drive me everywhere.) < This, the lack of freedom.. I like how my life are but also want to be normal. I wanna live normally. To be able to drive and have a car. And a normal job. 

Edited by Sabth

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