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Heavy metal chelation. Should DMSA/DMPS be done before ALA?

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Hello everyone, a month ago I came across Leo's video discussing heavy metal detox using chelation. I bought Andy Cutler's book. I recently removed my silver amalgam fillings. This means I can't take Alpha Lipoic Acid since you need to wait 3 months since last potential exposure to mercury before using ALA.

Besides ALA there is DMPS and DMSA which is used. DMSA or DMPS can be used in combination with ALA is my understanding. Leo said that Andy Cutler said you should detoxify the body with either DMSA or DMPS alone before introducing ALA. The reason for this is to remove heavy metals from the body before removing it from the brain. Is this true?

Next week I'll do a urine test to see how heavy metal poisoned I am. Given that I can't take ALA right now, I am wondering whether there is a good cost-efficiency to practical-benefit ratio of doing rounds of DMSA or DMPS without ALA. If anyone has any experience or random insights about this it would be appreciated

Edited by CherryColouredFunk

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