
If im god where are all the evidences

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If im God where all the evidence for my omniscience, omnipotence? Why cant I just show myself all the evidences right now? Whats so hard about it. Since on psychedelics its easy to feel like god and have all those experiences.  But as soon as the trip is over all the questions about reality rise again and nothing makes sense infact even more questions arise. Why cant u be 1000% sure that u are god trough a miracle or something outside psychedelics? And why would you dream yourself a hellish life, having goals and dreams and working your ass off to see yourself never accomplishing them and having to accept that you cant do anything about it. On top of that you might be god that denies yourself that and tortures you in this life. Like wtff is one of gods traits beeing crazy, dumb & mentally ill? Its paradox doesnt make any sense anymore.

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It's the treasure hunt that you created for yourself. You can demand that whoever hid it takes you directly to the treasure, but where is the adventure in that? You might as well have kept the treasure to yourself, and decided not to play the game in the first place. ?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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God is mentally ill and insane. That's correct 

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9 minutes ago, Moksha said:

It's the treasure hunt that you created for yourself. You can demand that whoever hid it takes you directly to the treasure, but where is the adventure in that? You might as well have kept the treasure to yourself, and decided not to play the game in the first place. ?

Are coincidences/gross coincidences a piece of the treasure?


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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God just likes to troll and torture. And there is noone else evailbale as a victim but you...

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3 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Are coincidences/gross coincidences a piece of the treasure?

Synchronicities and insights are bursts of light along the way that hint you are on the right path.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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6 minutes ago, FourCrossedWands said:

God just likes to troll and torture. And there is noone else evailbale as a victim but you...

But wtff.. who tortures oneself and also has no enjoyment in that. Thats so ill and insane how are you guys managing to cope with that and even be happy and at peace?

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@Holykael then arent we just living in hell? How come you guys be so happy, blissful about this?

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@PataFoiFoi  someone who is extremely bored of being happy. If you were eternal and insanely intelligent you are the only one who could do it to you. If god wants to live in hell like situations then we are and if god wants to live in beautiful situations then we are in heaven

Pretend there is a giant orb in front of you instead of a computer and a room you can talk to this orb and this orb has thoughts in it that you can hear you believe them to be your own but they arent they are the orbs thoughts. The orb can put you into bad situations or good situations depending on how good or bad you feel about the situation the orb has you in right now.

The orb is insanely ruthless but also insanely giving at the same time as it does not give a fuck and it dosent know what you like to experience.

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo But how can that be god? He is never happy no matter what, if ur in god state u get bored from all the hapiness and bliss and proceed to create a hellish life were you are also not content because its horrific and painful. Like wtf its so paradoxical. That wouldnt be an omnipotent god at all.

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@PataFoiFoi  yes because everything you see in the orb is just part of the orb and this orb contains every single thing you have ever experienced in reality, except you because you are god looking at god. When someone sees you, you are in the orb and they arent in the orb, when you look at them, they are in the orb and you arent. Gods not happy cause you are not happy. When you become happy god becomes happy at least outside the orb becomes happy and this will warm the orb with happiness. The orb contains every timeline every single thing every dimension and you can change your path through the orb by changing yourself. So today you could be a bored human tommorow you could be in another dimension because its just you travelling through it no one else exists. The orb is omnipotent it contains everything and everyone

Edited by Hojo

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@Hojo these are outrageous claims were is the evidence for that? 

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@PataFoiFoi theres no evidence anything exists. Science says grant me the fact that this particle isnt part of an orb and we can do science.

being a human means god gave you a chance to define the orb for yourself. humans have self reflection which is just the orb thinking about itself and how it feels about itself.

Edited by Hojo

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I think the suffering makes the moments of blissfulness more valuable.  After a long cold drab winter, a sunny vibrant spring seems like pure heaven to me.

I also don't believe from my experiences on LSD that the universe is an controlling force. I always seem to think that "its all me" But as you said i have no direct control over anything. Yet somehow things always seem to turn out the way i want them to be, for better or for worse. Its kind of mysterious.


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The level of suffering is always the same. It doesn't matter if you are a healthy millionaire, or an sick unemployed person, everyone's suffering is always the same. The key is to learn how to live with the suffering.

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21 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@PataFoiFoi theres no evidence anything exists. Science says grant me the fact that this particle isnt part of an orb and we can do science.

being a human means god gave you a chance to define the orb for yourself. humans have self reflection which is just the orb thinking about itself and how it feels about itself.

But if we cant prove something trough facts or direct experience how can we certain of anything then?

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@PataFoiFoi  The only we can prove is the orb everything else is a thought or projection if you stop labelling things in your awareness and look at reality for what it is its just an orb with no context.

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57 minutes ago, PataFoiFoi said:

@Holykael then arent we just living in hell? How come you guys be so happy, blissful about this?



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3 hours ago, PataFoiFoi said:

If im God where all the evidence for my omniscience, omnipotence? Why cant I just show myself all the evidences right now? Whats so hard about it. Since on psychedelics its easy to feel like god and have all those experiences.  But as soon as the trip is over all the questions about reality rise again and nothing makes sense infact even more questions arise. Why cant u be 1000% sure that u are god trough a miracle or something outside psychedelics? And why would you dream yourself a hellish life, having goals and dreams and working your ass off to see yourself never accomplishing them and having to accept that you cant do anything about it. On top of that you might be god that denies yourself that and tortures you in this life. Like wtff is one of gods traits beeing crazy, dumb & mentally ill? Its paradox doesnt make any sense anymore.

These are the kinds of questions that will lead you to enlightenment. Keep asking. The answers will reveal themselves to you.  Evidence of God is all around you. Miracles happening are all around you. Gods will is not your egoic will so God does not see working the ass off to accomplish material things a goal. God is just experiencing itself as Infinity and every part of Reality is also God. When you realize that nothing in life will ever permanently satisfy you, you will start to go within and return home to Source where you truly reside and where fulfillment is your natural state of being. No one would ever awaken if life was always comfortable with no challenges. Most people are comfortable in their misery and pain and have come to accept it as LIFE. Thats why this awakening thing is so rare. Few existential questions are being asked. I asked questions, the right kind of questions, and they are slowly being answered. By me. Letting go of the self is a start. Surrendering to life and realizing there's something big at play here is also essential for your realization. Move your hand up and down. Thats evidence of God. God's energy flowing through you. Leave the vacuum on the floor and it does nothing. Plug it in and now its potential begins to actualize then you move it and it does its job. Your body the same thing. Its plugged into God's energy. You are pure potential waiting to ripen into your full being as God. The problem stems from our beliefs and attachments to the thoughts that come in and our assumptions about ourselves and life. We believe our thoughts to be ours and we sometimes act upon them . Thoughts=beliefs=actions=experience.  We label things as being dumb, crazy and mentally ill, but its just energy. Like the circuit breaker breaking or malfunctioning due to whatever the source of that. Thats what a stroke is. Its like a malfunction in the circuit. God is living life through you and why it can seem so tortuous and cruel to you is because, since you are God and God is energy the energy that's flowing through you has been "disturbed" or has malfunctioned in some way and you need to get it back in alignment using tools such as thoughts and beliefs. Thats how powerful you are. To me, tho, enlightenment is not something you become or gain, its the recognition of realizing what you are not. All of it. Recognition that you are no-thing and everything simultaneously.  Like a wave recognizing it cannot stand on its own without the ocean and that it is the entire ocean. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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