
Layers Of Ignorance

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All there is, is Experiencing. Its pure and perfect. Something interesting happens in the Experiencing - appearance of a Mind, the universal Mind, organizer of all experiences. Mind starts building structures - knowledge. The Self finds itself surrounded by structures. This view is nothing but knowing, knowledge itself. While the structures are still forming, the knowledge appears incomplete and is seen as ignorance. It takes more experiences to complete the knowledge, which is done, but not before incomplete knowledge does its job - of causing suffering. This incomplete knowledge is Ignorance.


How does ignorance start?

In view of the above it starts as soon as the knowledge gathering starts. And when does knowledge start? It starts as soon as Experiencing itself starts. Experiencing is beyond time too, it is Change, which does not happen in time. So all we can say is - ignorance is, knowledge is.

Why does the all knowing Self get into ignorance, why does it even allow it?

Self is not ignorant, Mind is. Mind creates knowledge, and hence also creates ignorance.

When does ignorance end?

It ends as soon as knowledge is completed. The completion involves realization that everything is Self. This dissolves all ignorance instantly, and the Mind is freed, ending suffering. A happy ending.

How to end ignorance?

It is simple. Realize who you are. The direct experience of Self completes the knowledge.

How to get that experience?

It happens when the time is right. I call it Ripening, some people may call it Grace. You can surely make efforts to get there, once you get a hint of it.

Can the Ripening be quickened?

I don't know. There is no harm in asking for "more Grace", "more Ripeness". It may work, or may not work. Reading about Self, singing its praises, being with wise, attending meetings that discuss it, practices that focus on mind, body and energies are said to quicken it. Sometimes just presence of a master is enough.

Layers of Ignorance

If you are under the Grace, Self-Enquiry or introspection is the fastest way to get there. Once we start questioning, which is essentially what path of knowledge is, we begin dismantling ignorance actively. The ignorance is removed in the reverse order of its accumulation. So we go from outer to inner layers progressively. Its of utmost importance to note that we do not destroy the structures that cause ignorance, we merely see past them. In other words, we do not destroy the incomplete knowledge, we just complete it. So removal of ignorance is a process of gaining more knowledge.

The following is my understanding of layers. It matches my own experiences. Some of you may find more or less of them depending on your experience.

1.  Inert matter is the first layer of ignorance. Its just gas, crystals and rocks. Self "thinks" its inert, rigid, bound in tight laws. Self itself is "inert and sleeping".

2. Active matter is highly energized matter, such as reactive chemicals (e.g. fire), or radioactive elements. Sun, water, some planets etc. are active but are still tightly bound by mechanical laws. Self "thinks" its nothing but such activity.

3. Living matter, which is just plain matter but with some interesting and complex organization, is the third layer. DNA, unicellular organisms, plants, fungi etc. are structures of matter that grow, replicate and act in complex ways. They are mechanical and chemical, still bound by laws, but have a tiny bit of freedom. Self "thinks" its life. Its engaged in a play of germination, growth, reproduction and decay back to inert matter.

4. Rudimentary minds are forth layer, where there is ingrained learning (genetic), basic memory and survival instincts. Insects, fish and reptiles have such minds. I can safely put machines at this level, as they currently are (2017).

5. Animal minds are fifth. They have even more knowledge, learning ability, emotions, rudimentary Ego and even some intelligence. Apes, mammals and birds are in this layer. Self is engaged in a survival game here, completely unaware of itself.

6. Human minds are sixth on the layers of ignorance. Human mind can reflect deeply, express and learn effectively, and has higher cognitive functions to override the lower (more ignorant aka Ego) ones. Teachers, teachings, transfer of knowledge and students appear at this level. So humans have the needed potential to complete the knowledge.

7. Parahuman minds are seventh. I'm on a borderline here, and I'm including these non-physical "beings" only speculatively. They already know what Self is, but they are not very interested, they are engrossed in desires. Self is enjoying heavenly pleasures here, it is also not interested.

8. Rishis or Buddhas are eight. It is a thin layer, almost non existent. Only thing is - these minds still experience individuality if they choose to.

9. Universal Mind is the ninth layer.It has a tiny bit of ignorance. That's a surprise, but remember that wherever there is structure, there is knowledge and ignorance. Universal Mind is still dwells in duality, even if it itself is one. It still divides. The first division it creates is that of experience and an experiencer, just like we, human minds, do. Anyhow the ignorance is almost nil. It always knows it is Self. When we reach here, we become one with the universal Mind.

If you are on a path, just knowing this landscape eases everything. Remember that you can quicken it, if possible, but there is no hurry, you are already the Self.

A more detailed version of this is available here - Layers of Ignorance.


My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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