
Personal question...

3 posts in this topic

So when I was 18 I had a huge emocional release (huge criying) where I saw basically all my life I had the thought "thats not me!!!" and then something similar to the experience that  Echkart Tolle and so many people relates happened to me, some kundalini energy awaked and I was at pure bliss for 2 weeks or so. I started reservación what was happening to me and at some point I found this blog and the YouTube channel. Later on I had a huge dark night of the soul, depression and all that stuff, I repressed all the LOVE that I had seen and, believe me, there was too mucho to repress. I had up and downs that came from that times but you can say it lasted until now that Im 24 yo. 

Almost every day i feel anxiety but I can handdle It, i dont know why I have It but I think It is related to that memory of the time I was in bliss. My question would be: how can i start to relieve that anxiety in a healthy way? I still lo ve with my parents and that doesn't help at doing emotional work. 

Also, how can I start to bring that awakening back, being my soul and body so scared of It?

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Congrats, this whole forum is about that: mediation, energy work, pschycodelics, etc...



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I had a similar experience at 15, I would recommend this from my  knowledge:

  • Set up meditation practice, start with 20 minutes, work up to an hour (you can do focus on breath, you can do see hear feel or noting, you can do the "do nothing" meditation, you can use the mind illuminated book, etc. look up the instructions for any technique you choose closely, there are also videos about meditation techniques in this channel, I would recommend Shinzen's see hear feel, or what Leo calls "mindfulness meditation with labeling") 
    • it would be perfect if you also start your sits with a concentration practice, and do your sits as a strong determination sitting, but not necessary.
  • after 1-3 months of daily meditation of at least 20 minutes, when you feel ready, start doing daily self-inquiry too, you can look up the instructions for it.
  • you can optionally do Kriya Yoga too, but that would be complicated, start simple.

Other stuff that will help much:

  • clean up your diet, eat very clean
  • have your material life in order, have a life purpose
  • taking retreats 

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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