
The Strangest Thing About Being Employed And Success.

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I thought I was a sociopath once, too, but I took a test online and it said that I'm not; turns out I'm just socially retarded.  

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When I worked grocery, I noticed that the management buddies would get together and spread their knowledge at the cigarette circle.  I used to be jealous in a twisted way that I wasn't more of a drinker/smoker/gossip.  One theory that I hate, but sometimes seems true is FUMU: Fuck up, move up.  If it's true, then I am embracing it fully.  I am gonna use every "fuck up" as a way to advance my life and create comradderie.  I don't think I need to get addicted to anything new for that to happen.

Secondly, if I had really wanted to advance my career in grocery, I am sure there could have been many cut and dry pathways.  If I really wanted to make friends with the management, I could have talked to ones who were more open to my energy, or I could have had fun weasling my way into the smoking circle by treating everyone to coconut water.  Yes, this might take a little courage and creativity and embracing social awkwardness, but when you realize that they are just little kids on the inside too, we can go play with them.

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15 hours ago, MissMiki said:

but when you realize that they are just little kids on the inside too, we can go play with them.

Words of the wise.

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