
My theory on WHY being a BAD BOY makes you have MORE SUCCESSFUL with Women

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...And why you shouldn't care about it/ Embrace it. 


So.... Women don't just naturally are attracted to bad boy behaviours and not interested to high conscious behaviours.

It's not because evolution or 'inherent traits or likes' of Women.

No, it's because, if you look around how society functions, society it's still at quite low stages of development. Our society, even first world countries, it's run by anxiety and fear.

Women have a lot of fear and are scared (as men), but with women it's more noticeable. Because at the end of the day being women you have to be more careful. When your avatar is vibrating in this fear, you will naturally find attractive the men with more noticeable raw-masculine traits and strong-not fucking around-not time to play games kind of vibe.

This is why becoming more conscious, holistic thinking, valuing more the health of the overall body-system instead of building muscle 'just because' will drastically lower your success with women. 

On the other hand, become a gym fanatic, get some tattoos (please don't get tattoos just to get laid LOL), and have more self-centered view/attitude overall with life and people, and BOOM, you will ramp up your successs you won't even believe it. 

Its raw? yeah? Its offensively 'animalistic'? Yeah. But as society this is still where we at. And Women likes on males are a good indicator on 'where' we are. 

There is no easy solution, society overall is obviously moving up to higher states of development but it will take some time. 

If you haven't had successful experience with women, I´d advise you, give a try to the 'bad boy' perspective. At the end of the day you will build more Karma if you don't do it and subconsciously day-dream about it and judge men about it, than actually doing it and being done with it.

It's not like you need to do be a 'bad boy' for ever. Just be it for some time, experience and feel what comes with it, and let it go when you feel its time/you have gotten tired of women validation/sex/intimacy.

Edited by Javfly33

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43 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

So.... Women don't just naturally are attracted to bad boy behaviours and not interested to high conscious behaviours.

It's not because evolution or 'inherent traits or likes' of Women.

I'd even say that being anything other than a "bad boy" isn't very high conscious.

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Bad boy is someone who doesnt care and is truly himself,have spine,looks for his self interest above all,no compassion, so if you are that you will stand out and be percived as higher value, than compassionate males with no spine ,care too much and thus making all the weak moves in the game...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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It's already well understood why women like bad boys.

They view women as below or equal to them.

Other guys view women as above or equal to them, the former of which to women is unattractive.

Simple as that.


However all women want to get a bad boy to grow up and settle down eventually, and fall in love with them and view them as the most beautiful woman on the planet (literally they expect their eventual life partner to find them more attractive than any other woman on earth), so it's not like the game is rigged, it's just nuanced.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self Equal to them,below them? Then they would be same as everyone else, they dont give a damn about women thats why they all over them..they are like if she wants it okay if she dont okay who cares.If you would ask him you have all this women he would say yeah like you said you have bread at home somewhere?...

I guess you can say below them but they do it by putting themselves first not even thinking shes below them..

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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My experience with being «bad boy»: Offending girls for things I considered nothing, and at worst being yelled at, but most importantly: Never getting laid. Not even close. This is the part of pickup/dating theory that seems like the biggest myth, in my experience…

Edited by Kid A

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I did the 'bad boy' thing once. And what happened is that the girl I was trying to get with by doing that, got into a placating-mode and started trying to placate me/coddle me. 

If I actually were a bad boy, I would've converted that and gotten her. But, the reality is that when she did that, I felt disrespected. It was not the relationship-dynamic I wanted, it was polarity-flipped. I did not want a mommy-figure. So, I let it go. 

The bad boy/good girl dynamic is not something to be envied, as a guy. It may look unfair from the outside, when she's trying to placate a bad boy. But, the reality is that nothing good comes out of it for either party. Which is precisely why most people who are a part of this dynamic are unconscious. Some try to artificially make it work. I'd suggest not doing that. 

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11 hours ago, Lila9 said:

It's not working to 'try' to be bad.

A man has to start somewhere though. You love the bad boys, you just don't view them as bad because they make you feel safe...

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26 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

I feel safe around "good" guys who I can be myself around without judgement. And muscles are intimidating for me as well, and not attractive
But the real solution is to find who they truly are and develop their own unique character and muscles

girl a man is not a woman doesn't look like a woman doesn't sound like a woman, doesn't act like a woman but why do the 2 get attracted ? because they fulfill what other is lacking
man get attracted by physical beauty, feminity (woman strengths)
woman get attracted by leadership, masculinity (man strengths)
so yeah man must act a certain way, manly way, it is manipulative but isn't necessarily toxic, bodybuilding is manipulating but it's healthy sport
you want a unique character ? or you want a man

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57 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

I don't feel safe around men who are capable of doing bad things, who see women below them and treat me like I'm an object. I don't feel safe being in this position.

Yeah, I didn't mean the jerks. Edgy would probably be a better word than bad. The good guys will listen to you talking about emotions, but in an emergency situation, they'll panic or run...there's no love in that.


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Its probably impossible to immitate the behavoir, voice, attitide and way of talking of someone called "Bad Guy" when not being one,
even when knowing what exactly attracts women to these men.
Being real, relaxed, fearless, natural, confident, dominant, possessive, a leader, spontanous if its needed, prepared for unexpected situations, ready to fight back, and more.
Working out and learning(studying,meditating,self-developement) gives confidence by mental and physical superiority 

Edited by GLORY

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Bad boys are not necessarily attractive because they're bad, they're more attractive than men who are too nice, but you can avoid being a bad boy or a nice guy, just be a good person who isn't a pushover. 

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It's very simple:

A woman and her children's survival depends enormously on good leadership from a man.

What a woman is looking for is a good leader to lead her.

A leadher ;)

That is who she will be attracted to, get wet for, and fall in love with. The rest is monkey games.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's very simple:

A woman and her children's survival depends enormously on good leadership from a man.

What a woman is looking for is a good leader to lead her.

A leadher ;)

That is who she will be attracted to, get wet for, and fall in love with. The rest is monkey games.

Strong sense of reality is a common denominator that all bad boys have. 

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The older you get the less any women is going to want a ‘bad boy’. Stay authentic to yourself and build genuine self confidence, that’s how you will attract a real woman.

Edited by Pheonix

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@Leo Gura

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It's very simple:

A woman and her children's survival depends enormously on good leadership from a man.

What a woman is looking for is a good leader to lead her.

A leadher ;)

That is who she will be attracted to, get wet for, and fall in love with. The rest is monkey games.

Then why is this demonized so much in Western World and called toxic, controlling etc?

Just saying a guy leads and the girls follows his lead will get you labeled as a mysogonistic toxic man and canceled.

You have no idea how much inner work I had to do and still do to unwire the idea that leading and being dominant assertive regarding dating stuff does not make me a bad person or toxic or an asshole etc.  Basically correcting meekness imposed by society to "fit in" and be a "good boy".

It is sad really.

Edited by Karmadhi

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2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Then why is this demonized so much in Western World and called toxic, controlling etc?

Your view of society can change depending on what information you consume. I live in the Western world and it's not being demonised as far as I've observed. It just takes a good leader...becoming one is the difficult part.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's very simple:

A woman and her children's survival depends enormously on good leadership from a man.

What a woman is looking for is a good leader to lead her.

A leadher ;)

That is who she will be attracted to, get wet for, and fall in love with. The rest is monkey games.

Not necessarily, humans just like other primates are quite quick to adapt their behavior into a changing environment. What is the optimal strategy to ensure the childrens survival largely depends on the environment, in relationship with which the genetically informed predisposition unfolds.

For example there has been research on geographical differences in women's mate preference. In areas where there is a larger ongoing threat to survival and less affluence, women tend to prefer men as mates that show signs associated with higher testosterone, whereas in areas where there is a stronger social safety net and less danger to survival, women tend to prefer men who have lower testosterone and are more androgenous in a sense. It makes sense since why would a woman need a strong leader in a safer environment, a more equal relationship makes more sense where the man can also take a more active role in raising the child and the mother can also pursue higher needs in the maslow hierarchy. 

In different environments vastly different strategies and preferences tend to make sense, but in general I think women do tend to prefer more leadership in a man than the other way around.

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-James P. Carse

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23 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

I guess you can say below them but they do it by putting themselves first not even thinking shes below them..

Same outcome. Not putting her on a pedestal, and therefore not prone to being too needy.

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5 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Then why is this demonized so much in Western World and called toxic, controlling etc?

Just saying a guy leads and the girls follows his lead will get you labeled as a mysogonistic toxic man and canceled.

It is not seriously demonized, it is the living reality for most men and women.

However in Progressive bubbles they tend to be too "woke" to see the importance of such things. This is where Progressives be stupid.

You just have to stop caring if a few people call you mysogonistic, and just keep being a strong masculine force. Think of it as a test of your manhood. If you are so easily detered from being a man by a few whiney overly woke Greens, then you failed the manhood test. Stop apologizing for being a strong man and a good leader. And push back on those who are overly woke and PC.

Life is fucking survival of the fittest. Women die without men to protect them. No woke bullshit will ever change that. A proper woman respects and even appreciates that. It is not a diminishment of womanhood. Not at all.

Remember, at least 50% of what these Progressive spew is silly bullshit. Don't take it too seriously.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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