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Are you ready to die?

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Sometimes I wonder if anyone of you understand that your particular self, and this particular consciousness you have now runs on borrowed time and will quite dramatically never get a second chance and how all spiritual mumbo jumbo (sorry couldn't help myself) is a defence mechanism against this insane realisation.

And that it is this precise realisation that constitutes the condition for a possible enlightenment.

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There is seemingly no end to how conscious you will become when you understand that this is it.

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All thinking, all narrative, all I thought, think and rethink that I am becomes meaningless drivel once I notice that the clock is ticking, the literal light around me, the sounds around me becomes hundred times more interesting than who I want to tell anyone that I am.

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It is so tiering with all these stories, and they are made of smoke, which is why I refuse endlessly to think anything that isn't a theory on something that is way more interesting than me, I can not help being suspicious that many if not most of you think that the smoke of your personal existence can be put on fire, lit up, enlightened, but that is to have everything backwards.

The smoke is there for a reason.

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Have you ever considered that to be a guru you kind of have to be a master manipulator? To be a master salesman? Not out of ill-intent but to convince other that they are far more than a thought when all they do is think? 

Have you ever considered that by attempting to become like the guru, to become enlightenment-like, to have this or that set of characteristics you have, again, flipped it all on its head? That instead there is nothing wrong with how you carry yourself as you do already, that this is effortlessly taken care of either way, that instead what you actually look for is here already and that every word you have used to describe it just feeds into more ego.

That instead, the ego can be appreciated on its own terms, and accepted as insufficient in "realms" beyond itself?

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And what about how much you obsess over whether others are carrying the deed you do not dare to carry yourself? How much you strut around "checking" whether or not they fit a literal barometer of "god-like behaviour", how it all becomes a massive narrative?

You are doing it all because you don't want to be natural, and now you are stuck because you have created an identity of already being one of those who are natural.

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Now enough from me, now ill go away and do some more theorising and logicising, like this particular character enjoys doing, its gonna do a lot of thinking, but what about? Not itself.


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I think  I am. On my last mushroom trip I ego deathed into another dimension and was there with no body but I was almos6 totally fearless and for what was happening to me I should have been Freaking out. So I hope that remains with me when I die and can stomach what happens. To be okay with death is to not fear leaving your sense organs forever can you stomach never having a sense organ again. And to be really okay with death is to be okay with having no sense organs no identity and no thoughts and to be able to sit as a void forever and be happy with that

Edited by Hojo

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13 minutes ago, Hojo said:

am. On my last mushroom trip I ego deathed into another dimension and was there with no body but I was almos6 totally fearless and for what was happening to me I should have been Freaking out

@Hojo I hear you, you ego deathed and then you ego revived, and then your ego creates a narrative out of the experience to feel like it makes sense, and then you use other people such as on this forum as means for it to appear to make more sense while you are still an ego and it no longer is dead.

Or you tell me?

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28 minutes ago, Reciprocality said:

@Hojo I hear you, you ego deathed and then you ego revived, and then your ego creates a narrative out of the experience to feel like it makes sense, and then you use other people such as on this forum as means for it to appear to make more sense while you are still an ego and it no longer is dead.

Or you tell me?

I would say more of an identity wipe and a identity re upload

thats just the term used as identity wipe

when people ego death all that is happening is their thoughts are stopping and consciousness can leave out of the back of your skull.

all thought algorithms deleted or turned off

but I experienced the re upload so they were deleted

the soul is like a naked man and as you learn, your naked man puts 1 t shirt on for everything it learns or identifies with

ego death or identity wipe is the little naked man taking all of his t shirts off and being naked, when naked he can slip out of the tiny naked man shaped hole in the back of your skull.

If he is still wearing a t shirt he cant fit out of the hole. Even one t shirt and he cant leave.

Edited by Hojo

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Death is imaginary. The self is imaginary. Lol.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@r0ckyreed True, from the relative perspective death is imaginary, in the "absolute" perspective however death would be an absence of a particular mode/composition of substance.

Though it will cease to mean what we mean by death, that is, the descriptive definition of death in our culture.

Edit: and to be sure, it were the latter meaning of death I referred to in the post.

Edited by Reciprocality

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Not quite right.

On 5/31/2023 at 1:06 AM, Reciprocality said:

this particular consciousness you have now runs on borrowed time

What time if there's none? It's an illusion after all. Our consciousness is already infinitely forward and infinitely backward in "time". No beginning and therefore no end which nullifies time. I've already won, I've already lost... I've already died. Nowhere to go and nowhere to do. Oh well... 


On 5/31/2023 at 1:06 AM, Reciprocality said:

will quite dramatically never get a second chance

How do you know we're not on the nth chance already instead of the first? And it's irrelevant either way. We could have one chance, two, 8 billion... no difference. What is there to lose anyway? There's your life, there is mine, it's just experience which isn't necessarily more valuable than no experience. Why be so apprehensive about it ending then? I mean, try to imagine living in your current form for eternity. It'd be absolute hell.


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After all my self development and spiritual work I thought I would be prepared to die and I would let go with wisdom and peace.

Then I tried salvia (called also the backdoor to death) and well I cried and screamed like a baby, I'm surprised I didn't shit my pants. I cried to God, to guru, to anything or anyone that could help me, I was absolutely helpless, wanting to have any anchor in reality whatever it was.

All was futile, I was dying and there was anything at all I could do.

After death, the experience was interesting, but it pales in comparison with the intensity of dying. I had ego deaths in the past but with salvia you really die... I mean the shit hits the fan and it gets so real.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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On 31/05/2023 at 10:06 AM, Reciprocality said:

Sometimes I wonder if anyone of you understand that your particular self, and this particular consciousness you have now runs on borrowed time and will quite dramatically never get a second chance and how all spiritual mumbo jumbo (sorry couldn't help myself) is a defence mechanism against this insane realisation.

And that it is this precise realisation that constitutes the condition for a possible enlightenment.

@Reciprocality More than dying, it's abandoning the body.

And no, I´m probably not ready to abandon the body at this time. 

Edited by Javfly33

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31 minutes ago, Jehovah increases said:

I am ready hold on how does infinity die? This idea was created for the dream so you can experience being limited meaning birth and death are just your mind. Death is a construct of being a so-called human being.

? Exactly


'Death' it's just another thought ?

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@michaelcycle00 What time if there's none? It's an illusion after all.  Time is finite and illusory construct in the absolution of self-identity, yet it becomes reality through the limitation of self-identity.


Our consciousness is already infinitely forward and infinitely backward in "time".    If the "our" in this statement were our identity then this would be impossible because the identity is created finitely, this is the nature of duality, and in the finite there is always singular forwards time. If the "our" in this statement referred to the god-self then neither infinity nor time would function as meaningful predicates in relation to it.


No beginning and therefore no end which nullifies time. :D


"How do you know we're not on the nth chance already instead of the first? " "We could have one chance, two, 8 billion... no difference." This presupposes a soul, which is created out of speculative logic, instead "we" are always under change, and can experience nothing except for in relation to the place we come from and the unknown place we move towards. On the other hand, if you referred to the god-self in your statement above as "we" then it would be contradictory to say that it could have one chance and also be infinite in expression.


"What is there to lose anyway?"   The unknowability of things does not imply the impossibility of things, your whole life function as evidence of this statement, whether or not you believe your life is a mere memory or were actually lived. Therefore the unknowability of the things of the future does not imply that things are impossible in the future, all evidence suggest that there will unfold one and that the future becoming of us have something to lose, we can lose our own becoming, the crystallisation of potentiality, that is what we have to lose. And this is the mode of substance that you did not ask any question concerning the meaning of before you responded.

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Just now, Jehovah increases said:

You don't have to abound your body you can keep it forever.

I mean...I´m not sure if I want to do that

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36 minutes ago, Jehovah increases said:

I am ready hold on how does infinity die? This idea was created for the dream so you can experience being limited meaning birth and death are just your mind. Death is a construct of being a so-called human being.

@Jehovah increases I am a bit disturbed by how you could confuse what I said for the death of infinity when I try my best explicating the opposite, and I have spent adequate time on this forum to not think this is by intent.

Your particular limited self, this is what absolves, whether through the absolution of its body or through psychodelics, not infinity itself.

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