
Good Source to Learn Python?

11 posts in this topic

Any good educational source to learn Python? Maybe something interactive.

There are so many tools online now that charges you monthly. And a lot of them are powered by Chat GPT API.

Also, Python  seems to be a high value skill to have in the near future.

Edited by D2sage

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It's been years since I've looked up anything but Udemy had really nice courses for Python.  If you check in every month (might be every 2 months, can't remember) they do promotional offers on pretty much all the web scripting/programming courses so you can pick up a course worth £200 for like £20.

If money is super tight you can't go wrong with Youtube.  Traversy Media and Net Ninja were the two channels that taught me 90% of what I knew about scripting.



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Lynda.com has all the video tutorials you'd ever want for any coding language or software app. Totally worth the small monthly price.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Here's one I like to recommend since it has exercises that you can do.

Once you're done, the absolute best way to really learn Python (and how to code in general) is by building projects. Google some beginner projects you can build.

Edited by thenondualtankie

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this course is probably good to begin with, there's a link to homework projects and other course materials in the description 
it's free, by Harvard
they also have courses about web development in python and about  A.I.  in python.

I didn't take it but when I took their other course called  introduction to computer science it was enough to make my first few bucks writing Python scripts 

This site has some useful articles about more specific things : https://realpython.com/ though you'd probably stumble upon it yourself when googling.

there's also w3schools.com if you need to refresh something basic. 

codewars.com has exercises, it's  good for finding new and more efficient ways to solve programming problems

But after a while most of the learning will be reading documentation and stackoverflow 



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If you enjoy books I can recommend the no starch series of learning python. It helped me to prepare for a university course the themes have been similar, although the exercises from the course where way to advanced. It has a good intro and exercises. They also have projects and exercises in the series about Python. Also how to deal with mathematical questions and an intro to this. 

You can upload it to GitHub presumably...leetcode is also a tool I was recommended for data-structures and problem solving. Codecademy has also new professional certificates for developers that can be bought for a more affordable price.

Real projects is what recruiters look for I talked to a career advisor this week. I am a bit skeptical. If you can get any work experience/internships. I did one at a research institute even drop by and say hello, this is worth it more than any possible course online. Real world experience and coding projects. I was a bit unfortunate in that area, yet I might find something soon, through the advisor. There are also now many students who work remotely as work students offers and get experience that way via LinkedIn. Might be a bit of extra effort. 

He said I was setup well, I doubted him and he pointed out some small mistakes, projects with companies is the best you can get in terms of experience/internships etc. 

Sorry if this sounds jumpy. 

  • Upload code to GitHub (tutorials even it's all good, most don't do this)
  • Internships
  • Codecademy professional certificates
  • LinkedIn remote students work
  • No Starch python book series
  • Leetcode
    • (I will use udemy currently)

If you can have the option for an advisor who can help you apply take the opportunity and he/she can help with painpoints and doubts. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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1 hour ago, T_i_m said:

this course is probably good to begin with, there's a link to homework projects and other course materials in the description 
it's free, by Harvard
they also have courses about web development in python and about  A.I.  in python.

I didn't take it but when I took their other course called  introduction to computer science it was enough to make my first few bucks writing Python scripts 

This site has some useful articles about more specific things : https://realpython.com/ though you'd probably stumble upon it yourself when googling.

there's also w3schools.com if you need to refresh something basic. 

codewars.com has exercises, it's  good for finding new and more efficient ways to solve programming problems

But after a while most of the learning will be reading documentation and stackoverflow 

I'm doing CS50p right now actually haha. Yup CS50p, codewars, w3school, realpython all good.

* * * * * * * * * * *

There's so many great sources, tutorials and courses You can't make a definitive list of which are best. Just start learning. My additions:

https://www.techbeamers.com/python-tutorial-step-by-step/#tutorial-list --> Good tutorials.

https://docs.python-guide.org/ --> Another guide I'd recommend.

Have a strong motivation to learn it or You'll run out of steam. Not just because "it seems to be a high value skill to have".

Edited by Sincerity

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@D2sage Just do searches about Python and educational platforms. Be specific and creative with your searches.

This forum is not the place to ask such questions, I think. I have been scouring the internet for a long time and would say that no one here really knows the value of the internet.

But one piece of advice that I would give is to get a library card.

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On 6/11/2023 at 5:06 PM, 001 said:

their courses are outdated 

Courses on LinkedIn Learning are regularly updated.

Edited by Understander

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@001 I know there are other platforms. But you gotta start from somewhere. It's not like that I have tried every course on Linkedin.

If you don't want to pay, but want to try it, there is a way to use it for free. But you gotta search for it.

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Once you have the basic skills down from a course, you should try coming up with your own ideas for projects and implementing them from start to finish. This is really the best way to actually get good at a programming language and programming in general.

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