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Existence discovers itself through us

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Every duality collapses because they are self-subsistent, their meaning is never found in the things they refer to, there is nothing "explicit" in the world nor is there something "implicit" in the world, instead the world becomes explicit here and implicit here through the insistence on self-identity.

The same is true for every concept, that is, every duality. This is the mechanism of existence discovering itself through us, its natural inclination is to be in opposition with itself, existence does not want to be alone and the recurrence of our ego is the consequence. 

We are working against our lonely existence. Everything in between is a narrative.

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1 hour ago, A Fellow Lighter said:

If I may... Existence discovers what it means to be itself through us. 

@A Fellow Lighter Hi I remember you from a year ago, and perhaps you are right, let us investigate.

So if existence discover what it means to be itself through us and this meaning is nothing more or less than what we are then "existence" adds nothing to the conversation whatever, it would be like saying that "there is around us a mere discovery".

While if existence discovers itself through us and such things as us are necessary for it, that is, if meaning is a necessary means for existence, then this adds to the conversation that everything in popular culture has the order of things entirely backwards.

We already know what meanings are, this is the object of discourse of our entire lives, while existence itself, as and end in itself, and ourself merely as its means, this is far from typical discourse.

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@Reciprocality we are existence itself, as differentiated and polarised as it appears, we are nevertheless it. Perhaps, we may say we are expressions of existence itself. However, even so, the latter statement does not precede the first assertion.

7 hours ago, Reciprocality said:

So if existence discover what it means to be itself through us and this meaning is nothing more or less than what we are then "existence" adds nothing to the conversation whatever, it would be like saying that "there is around us a mere discovery".

Yes. However, the word “mere” makes it sound absolute, as though it is all that there is to it. There is discovery as equally as there is creation. This is the duality.

7 hours ago, Reciprocality said:

We already know what meanings are, this is the object of discourse of our entire lives, while existence itself, as and end in itself, and ourself merely as its means, this is far from typical discourse.

Yes. This is because existence itself was never the object of discovery/creation nor the end, for what existence is is already whole – with no polarity nor duality, nonesoever. Existence itself is absolutely unified/one. 

The problem, here, and philosophically speaking, of course, is none other than the fact that we have confused the pronoun, if you'll let me use this analogy, for the proper noun: the x instead of the true value, which is the very word “existence”. There is no true meaning in this word, no one knows what it actually refers to except for the minority who have received that insight. It is because of this reason that persons find themselves in an endless loop of logical paradoxes. 

Existence was never the matter of discussion. People are more interested in the meaning of life than what life actually is. [This fact alone should be a pointer.] This is because it is already known, already reconciled, or rather, already whole regarding what is. It's not that we are alive but, instead, are life itself. Yes. So the only matter that one can care about is not what is but what it means to be what is.

By the way, existence isn't nothing, we are not nothing. Such an assertion is a typical example of what happens when one attempts to rationalise and make a subject of what was never meant to be rationalised. This is a common case of simply using the wrong tool to achieve something, in this case, logic for enlightenment. So clearly you see that existence is far from nothing yet you find yourself calling yourself Nothing. 

Edited by A Fellow Lighter

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For your contemplation.

The absolute is beyond existence and non-existence.

It imagines the cosmos, appearing as existence, but this is only an appearance.

It imagines the void, appearing as non-existence, but this also is only an appearance.

There are infinite dualities within its dream, but the dualities of the cosmos and the void are of the highest order.

The meaning of existence and non-existence is the means of their imagining.

Meaning is the manifestation of the absolute. Beyond meaning there is only the unmanifested mystery of Tát (the Sanskrit name for "That").

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 people exist in the universe

One looks at the two and says I'm the universe looking at itself

Two looks at one and says I'm the universe looking at itself

Each looking into the universe from the same window they see everything but themselves.

That is shiva

Edited by Hojo

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