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Music Analysis, Tool, Deep Lyrics

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Elizabeth Zharoff is a world-class singer, voice coach, and arranger of video game soundtracks. She has the ability to articulate music at a very advanced level! My ability to listen to, describe, and enjoy music has improved from watching her videos!

The following video is analysis of the amazing song "Lateralus" by the band Tool. They have many songs relating to spirituality including "The Grudge" about struggling with the human ego. 

Maynard's lyrics in general encourage self-identity, understanding and reflection and Danny Carey is known for his incredible drum mastery and odd time signatures. Also, the guitarist and bassist excell at arpeggios, rhythm, and sound.

I am also linking the song with lyrics and incredible visuals so it can be experienced uninterrupted. There are many other Tool videos available in this fashion to check out!


"I embrace my desire to Feel the rhythm, to feel connected Enough to step aside and weep like a widow To feel inspired To fathom the power To witness the beauty To bathe in the fountain To swing on the spiral Of our divinity And still be a human"

These lyrics sound spiraling and so soothing in the song. 



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