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The BELIEF that you are a Human Being

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...It´s fucking ridiculous. 

And NO! It doesn't cut it to say that you are God but you are now 'incarnated' as a human form.

More bullshit of the ego, more fucking games. Hahahaha....

No, you are not all.

The human appearing in Consciousness right now it's not at all you. 

And... if you say that it's you because its a part of you, then Ok...sure enough, but then, I expect you to give the same importance of 'youness' to the fucking chair or litter bin its around your house. 

No? Then you still belief you are more the body than anything else. So don't try bullshit me. 


 I´m fucking tired of the games. I want you to awaken and stop fucking around with illusory identities.

AWAKEN NOW! This is you talking to yourself. Stop 'thinking' this. THIS IS YOU writing this! You are Alone!


Ah no, it's not solipsism. Open you mind more god dam it! It's more BIG than that. 

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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