
Sister is Vegan and Tested Very Low For Iron

82 posts in this topic

10 hours ago, Lila9 said:

God's design is not fixed, it's dynamic, always changing and evolving.


There are many """evils""" in this world that I myself seek to expunge. For example, I believe that industrial seed oils (aka hydrogenated vegetable oils such as canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, etc.) are the primary driver of chronic disease and metabolic dysfunction (mental health issues too) in modern humans.

If this ego had God's magic touch, I would "poof" all seed oils out of the food supply chain entirely in the name of alleviating suffering. But of course there is a trade-off.

If I deleted seed oils overnight, there would be global economic collapse and famine, seeing how this is a multibillion dollar industry firmly rooted in every single developed country.

To take down such a behemoth, humanity would have to work together to gradually undo decades of corruption & sickness.

I imagine you think similarly, but replace "seed oils" with "animal consumption."

10 hours ago, Lila9 said:

However, there are things that are within our control. As we are part of the divine creation and a species blessed with a good amount of creativity, why repress it?

Because it is highly likely that you are foolish and myopic. How do you actually know that eradicating animal farming will actually result in increased net benevolence? Your best educated guess from your current viewpoint says so, but the ego does not see infinite steps ahead the way God does.

As God you designed the human body to be extremely compatible with digesting animal flesh for nutrients. As God, you manifested hundreds of thousands of years of human ancestral history in which animal flesh (organs, bones, and blood as well!) was prime sustenance.

The cycle of life, of one being dying for another, is baked into MILLIONS OF YEARS of biological evolution. In fact, this is a metaphysical/cosmic principle. If you are indeed vegan, even you must accept this as you consume the life of plants, believing that you are being greatly benevolent. The only reason you think nothing of your plant consumption while you condemn animal consumption is because one resembles your human self more. It is pure bias and actually, selfishness. 

10 hours ago, Lila9 said:

If not through a collective increase in consciousness and people's voluntary decision to abstain from consuming meat, it may be achieved through advancements in technology.

I am open to this suggestion but my instinct is to be skeptical. Our technological advancement far outstrips our advancement in consciousness and wisdom. For example, as incredible as phones are, they enslave the majority of us in 2023. And I only see it getting "worse" from here. I don't see the solution to any of our woes being more technology. Rather, returning to "nature," that is, eating, sleeping, moving, acting as humans have for thousands of years prior to being enveloped in unfamiliar food, lights, obligations, motionlessness, etc. will heal and remove pathologies.

More specifically, if every human being switched to beyond burgers instead of animal flesh today, I suspect we would all be sick and infertile and the human race will literally perish within 3 generations (even if you or I remain unscathed for 20 years, what of our descendants?). Are researchers and scientists and activists and vegans accounting for this when they believe they've found triumph over meat consumption?

And again, "moar better technology" is just spinning our wheels in place. Beyond burger v2.0 or even v69.0 is all lunacy. Lab grown meat is lunacy (this is precisely the kind of invention to give us cancer 50 years later, and 100 years too late scientists will "discover" we had been poisoning ourselves all along).

Let's eat regeneratively raised cattle like our ancestors. Our minds, bodies, the soil, the grass, and even the cows themselves will heal and benefit from this. Industrial slaughterhouses are lunacy. But the vegan agenda (eradicate the need to raise any animals?) is also lunacy.

10 hours ago, Lila9 said:

From the absolute perspective it's all beautiful nice and perfect, from the relative perspective, there is a place for improvement and there is no shame about that.

I'm not sure if it's possible to completely get rid of suffering, but we can definitely make progress in reducing it as society develops.

I agree. I'll reiterate that industrial slaughterhouses, the mass shipment of sunlight-deprived animals crammed tightly together in cages after being fed copious grains and wastefoods is peak human madness. We can work to restructure the systems that govern the production of our animal products.

But to eliminate animal consumption alltogether? This is where I find you "arrogant." It's like you (from what I've seen you argue here) and all vegans actually think that you can bypass the cycle of life which you yourself as GOD built into the human condition!

Have you heard the argument that the vegan diet actually kills more sentient lifeforms per human than the carnivore diet when you zoom out in perspective? I'm not saying this is the objective truth, but as an ex-vegan this argument really put me in my place. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Let's say I eat 3 pounds of beef every single day for a year (That's quite a lot. I personally wouldn't do this, but I'm just arguing as if I were a strict carnivore). That's 365x3lbs (=1095lbs) of beef in 1 year. THAT'S 3/4th OF A SINGLE COW (cows are roughly 1,300lbs on average)!!!

If I got my meat from my local butcher who raises his 100% grass-fed cattle on his regenerative farm, I'M NOT EVEN KILLING A WHOLE COW IN ONE YEAR.

But the vegan? Oh boy. Ohohoho. A single salad with fruits and veggies that are seasonally inappropriate (I mean how else would I even get my cucumbers & avocado in the northern hemisphere winter lol), just imagine the massive cargo ship imports of these plantfoods. And how were these plants produced? Massive amounts of wildlife were ravaged and repurposed to be crop fields. To make tons of soybean yield you have to obliterate entire habitats and ecosystems. So many rodents and insects and trees murdered to satisfy the vegan's self-righteousness.

So I'll reiterate: the vegan diet likely kills MORE SENTIENT LIFEFORMS PER HUMAN than a (thoughtful) carnivore diet.

I know you may be thinking: "But don't you know the animals are fed copious grains and plants? The argument you just made against vegans backfires on the carnivores too!"

...which is why I stress that where and how you source your meat matters. Animals are actually not meant to eat grains or corn or soy lol. Ruminant animals (cows, bison, deer, elk, etc) eat GRASS. Poultry like chicken and pork eat grubs, insects, etc.

A naturally raised animal does not require the input of genocide-soybean fields.

Mass industrial meat farming is messed up. The animals are treated like shit and fed shit, which in turn produces low-quality toxic and nutrient deprived flesh which leads to malnourished humans and [the excessive machinery and transportation leads to] environmental pollution. (The methane from cows farting accusation is a myth btw, global warming is overwhelmingly caused by fossil fuels and transportation, anybody whining about a cow fart who rides an airplane is a clown)

But veganism is NOT the answer, as it essentially does the same thing from a different angle (obliterates habitats and sentience, without the presence of animals, the soil is completely deprived of nutrients producing low-quality toxic and nutrient deprived plants which leads to malnourished humans, and the enormous import chains contribute to environmental pollution).

The most conscious path I can see right now even amidst my own ignorance (I am myopic as well) is consuming regeneratively raised local farm animals.

10 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Have you noticed that we create lots of suffering because we are unconscious and selfish?

Yes. Bittersweet eh?

10 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Are you entitled to be arrogant while I am not? Am I missing something?

We are all outrageously arrogant. Some acknowledge it and move on, while others act shocked and indignant: "me? arrogant? no way!"

10 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Regardless, I accept it, and I'm not mad.

Thank you for your genuine comment ?

I appreciate that a lot!

P.S. I'm not actually advocating for a carnivore diet lol. The whole "carnivore vs vegan" framing was more or less a prop to showcase the blindspots of the vegan paradigm.

In terms of what a modern human ought to eat, I would say: Just eat whole minimally processed foods, locally sourced as much as possible, and include some form of animal fat/protein from smaller family owned farms. And of course, avoid seed oils. That would be my most sincere encouragement to the majority of humans!

14 hours ago, Schizophonia said:


You know you've interacted too much with the politically correct schizophrenic people of when you start putting warning paragraphs at the end of the post to avoid being blocked/ghosted because you didn't put a smiley or compliment on all the lines.

@Schizophonia Lmao yeah for real. Lila9 is cool as fuck but I could picture other people on this platform getting all heated and defensive from my honest observations.

Edited by RendHeaven
Grammar fix lol

It's Love.

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12 hours ago, RendHeaven said:


@Schizophonia Lmao yeah for real. Lila9 is cool as fuck but I could picture other people on this platform getting all heated and defensive from my honest observations.

Yeah, never had a problem with her. 

The devil is in the details.

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16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:


There are many """evils""" in this world that I myself seek to expunge. For example, I believe that industrial seed oils (aka hydrogenated vegetable oils such as canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, etc.) are the primary driver of chronic disease and metabolic dysfunction (mental health issues too) in modern humans.

If this ego had God's magic touch, I would "poof" all seed oils out of the food supply chain entirely in the name of alleviating suffering. But of course there is a trade-off.

If I deleted seed oils overnight, there would be global economic collapse and famine, seeing how this is a multibillion dollar industry firmly rooted in every single developed country.

To take down such a behemoth, humanity would have to work together to gradually undo decades of corruption & sickness.

I imagine you think similarly, but replace "seed oils" with "animal consumption."

It will happen gradually as the level of our collective consciousness increases. Such changes take time, and I don't think they can or should occur immediately. It may take many generations.


16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Because it is highly likely that you are foolish and myopic. How do you actually know that eradicating animal farming will actually result in increased net benevolence? Your best educated guess from your current viewpoint says so, but the ego does not see infinite steps ahead the way God does.

As God you designed the human body to be extremely compatible with digesting animal flesh for nutrients. As God, you manifested hundreds of thousands of years of human ancestral history in which animal flesh (organs, bones, and blood as well!) was prime sustenance.

The cycle of life, of one being dying for another, is baked into MILLIONS OF YEARS of biological evolution. In fact, this is a metaphysical/cosmic principle. If you are indeed vegan, even you must accept this as you consume the life of plants, believing that you are being greatly benevolent. The only reason you think nothing of your plant consumption while you condemn animal consumption is because one resembles your human self more. It is pure bias and actually, selfishness. 

No, I am neither myopic nor foolish for considering the possibility that humans in the future may not consume meat for survival, or at least not rely on it as heavily and blindly as they do nowadays.

And yes, I consider myself selfish for eating plants, but I would have been even more selfish if I consumed meat.

The price of meat consumption inflicts more suffering and pain on the world than the price of plant consumption.

It has been scientifically proven that plants do not have a nervous system and as a result do not feel pain.

For individuals who are genuinely concerned about the well being of plants, it would make more sense to focus on the well being of farm animals.

Farm animals possess well developed nervous systems and their capability to sense pain is evident through observation as we can see and hear that they are in pain. We don't even need science to prove that.

16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

returning to "nature," that is, eating, sleeping, moving, acting as humans have for thousands of years prior to being enveloped in unfamiliar food, lights, obligations, motionlessness, etc. will heal and remove pathologies.

This is also my dream, but at this point, I'm not sure whether we can fully remove technology, perhaps only to slow it down and utilize it for higher purposes.


16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

More specifically, if every human being switched to beyond burgers instead of animal flesh today, I suspect we would all be sick and infertile and the human race will literally perish within 3 generations (even if you or I remain unscathed for 20 years, what of our descendants?). Are researchers and scientists and activists and vegans accounting for this when they believe they've found triumph over meat consumption?

I'm not advocating for a switch to Beyond Burgers. They are considered junk food. There are plenty of healthy and tasty plant based dishes available.


16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Lab grown meat is lunacy (this is precisely the kind of invention to give us cancer 50 years later, and 100 years too late scientists will "discover" we had been poisoning ourselves all along).

How do you know?

Sounds like a legit option.


16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Let's eat regeneratively raised cattle like our ancestors. Our minds, bodies, the soil, the grass, and even the cows themselves will heal and benefit from this. Industrial slaughterhouses are lunacy. But the vegan agenda (eradicate the need to raise any animals?) is also lunacy.

Lots of respect to our ancestors, peace and love for them, Many thanks as well. It is possible that we may align ourselves more closely with nature and choose to consume only animals that have died naturally. This is another option within my myopic fantasy dream.


16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

I agree. I'll reiterate that industrial slaughterhouses, the mass shipment of sunlight-deprived animals crammed tightly together in cages after being fed copious grains and wastefoods is peak human madness. We can work to restructure the systems that govern the production of our animal products.

I was referring to the specific industry you mentioned, which indeed causes significant suffering. Wouldn't you desire its complete reduction (while considering alternative solutions)?


16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Have you heard the argument that the vegan diet actually kills more sentient lifeforms per human than the carnivore diet when you zoom out in perspective? I'm not saying this is the objective truth, but as an ex-vegan this argument really put me in my place. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I heard this argument so many times and I'm sorry that it put you in place as an ex-vegan but for me, unfortunately, it's not.


16 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Let's say I eat 3 pounds of beef every single day for a year (That's quite a lot. I personally wouldn't do this, but I'm just arguing as if I were a strict carnivore). That's 365x3lbs (=1095lbs) of beef in 1 year. THAT'S 3/4th OF A SINGLE COW (cows are roughly 1,300lbs on average)!!!

If I got my meat from my local butcher who raises his 100% grass-fed cattle on his regenerative farm, I'M NOT EVEN KILLING A WHOLE COW IN ONE YEAR.

But the vegan? Oh boy. Ohohoho. A single salad with fruits and veggies that are seasonally inappropriate (I mean how else would I even get my cucumbers & avocado in the northern hemisphere winter lol), just imagine the massive cargo ship imports of these plantfoods. And how were these plants produced? Massive amounts of wildlife were ravaged and repurposed to be crop fields. To make tons of soybean yield you have to obliterate entire habitats and ecosystems. So many rodents and insects and trees murdered to satisfy the vegan's self-righteousness.

So I'll reiterate: the vegan diet likely kills MORE SENTIENT LIFEFORMS PER HUMAN than a (thoughtful) carnivore diet.

I know you may be thinking: "But don't you know the animals are fed copious grains and plants? The argument you just made against vegans backfires on the carnivores too!"

...which is why I stress that where and how you source your meat matters. Animals are actually not meant to eat grains or corn or soy lol. Ruminant animals (cows, bison, deer, elk, etc) eat GRASS. Poultry like chicken and pork eat grubs, insects, etc.

A naturally raised animal does not require the input of genocide-soybean fields.

Mass industrial meat farming is messed up. The animals are treated like shit and fed shit, which in turn produces low-quality toxic and nutrient deprived flesh which leads to malnourished humans and [the excessive machinery and transportation leads to] environmental pollution. (The methane from cows farting accusation is a myth btw, global warming is overwhelmingly caused by fossil fuels and transportation, anybody whining about a cow fart who rides an airplane is a clown)

But veganism is NOT the answer, as it essentially does the same thing from a different angle (obliterates habitats and sentience, without the presence of animals, the soil is completely deprived of nutrients producing low-quality toxic and nutrient deprived plants which leads to malnourished humans, and the enormous import chains contribute to environmental pollution).

The most conscious path I can see right now even amidst my own ignorance (I am myopic as well) is consuming regeneratively raised local farm animals.

Most of the soy which consumes so much space, goes to the animal industry rather than for human consumption. Moreover, raising these animals results in significant space consumption and wastage of resources. While the plant industry does cause some damage, it cannot be compared to the extensive damage caused by the meat industry.

In your comparison between local farm meat and industrially grown plants, a more accurate comparison would be between local grown plants and local farm meat. I don't believe that local farm meat is more environmentally conscious than local grown plants.


17 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

I appreciate that a lot!

P.S. I'm not actually advocating for a carnivore diet lol. The whole "carnivore vs vegan" framing was more or less a prop to showcase the blindspots of the vegan paradigm.

In terms of what a modern human ought to eat, I would say: Just eat whole minimally processed foods, locally sourced as much as possible, and include some form of animal fat/protein from smaller family owned farms. And of course, avoid seed oils. That would be my most sincere encouragement to the majority of humans!

I sincerely respect your description of what a modern human ought to eat and agree about most of it.

However, I'm not convinced that meat is mandatory for human survival.



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On 6/3/2023 at 4:04 PM, Lila9 said:

In your comparison between local farm meat and industrially grown plants, a more accurate comparison would be between local grown plants and local farm meat. I don't believe that local farm meat is more environmentally conscious than local grown plants.

@Lila9 If you live on or near the equator, fair enough. But many of us live in harsh winters where "conscious local grown plants" is not a valid option year-round. Veganism in certain latitudes REQUIRES genocide-fields and mass transportation.

On 6/3/2023 at 4:04 PM, Lila9 said:

However, I'm not convinced that meat is mandatory for human survival.

It seems certain people can "get away" with avoiding meat entirely. For every vegan "failure" story (including my own), there seems to be a self-described "thriving" vegan elsewhere. So whether or not meat is "mandatory" can be very personal.

As someone who performs and feels a thousand times better with meat than without meat, my personal paradigm is as such:

Meat has historically been and thus still is to this day the "natural" diet of humans. Some humans based on genetic adaptations are able to deviate from meat without much consequence.

Others will be throttled by their biology if they deviate from meat for too long (even this is God's Plan, somehow...)

My friend Jason personally knows a woman who was vegan for 37 whole years before the physiological backlash "finally" caught up to her (brain fog, depression, various failures in her body, etc.). She now eats meat and all of her symptoms are gone. I believe stories like this ought not be dismissed.

I really appreciate you. I encourage you to continue to speak your truth while generously considering the other side of the coin, which is everything I've presented here.

I will of course do the same do the same with respects to your points. I believe strongly in my current opinions, but by no means do I have the full truth.

It's Love.

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On 6/5/2023 at 1:44 AM, RendHeaven said:

If you live on or near the equator, fair enough. But many of us live in harsh winters where "conscious local grown plants" is not a valid option year-round. Veganism in certain latitudes REQUIRES genocide-fields and mass transportation.

There are lots of plants that thrive in cold climate, and it's possible to be prepared for the winter on the summer or autumn like people always did.

On 6/5/2023 at 1:44 AM, RendHeaven said:

It seems certain people can "get away" with avoiding meat entirely. For every vegan "failure" story (including my own), there seems to be a self-described "thriving" vegan elsewhere. So whether or not meat is "mandatory" can be very personal.

As someone who performs and feels a thousand times better with meat than without meat, my personal paradigm is as such:

Meat has historically been and thus still is to this day the "natural" diet of humans. Some humans based on genetic adaptations are able to deviate from meat without much consequence.

Others will be throttled by their biology if they deviate from meat for too long (even this is God's Plan, somehow...)

  • Vegan diet requires time to prepare and good understanding of what sources can give you x amount of any vitamin or nutrient the body need in order to avoid vitamin deficiencies. It requires some research or consulting with a dietician. Many people misapply vegan diet and buy all the possible junk food that is associated with veganism. Bread is vegan, french fries are vegan, and many other things that aren't very nutritious are vegan and put people in danger if they relay on them only.
  • Vegan diet requires responsibility and it's not easy to follow it, especially in the begining, later it becomes much more easier and you get your simple but nutritious recipes but in the begining it can be very frustrating
  • I think that most of the unsuccessful vegan stories related to the following reasons:

1. Not having enough time to prepare healthy vegan food.

2. Not having enough understanding of what food should be eaten to avoid vitamin deficiencies.

3. Psychological attachment to meat, dairy products and eggs since the early childhood.

  • I think that there is a lot of misunderstanding around veganism.

Yet, I understand that it's hard to switch directly from being a meat eater to vegan, thus I'm not advocating for the average meat eater to immediately become a vegan because if there is any chance for such person to become a vegan, its by a gradual process only.

At this moment, I believe that it would be enough if the average person limits their meat consumption and become a bit more conscious about it, for example, instead of eating meat everyday, eating it four times times a week, for the begining.

Even if such person will never be vegan, that's still good enough. The impact of millions of people who reduce their meat consumption and consum it more consciously, is obviously greater than the impact of 300 vegan people in some big green city.

I understand that humans eat meat for million years, yet, humans are still not carnivores and even not omnivores according to their physiological traits.

Humans are opportunities and would do everything to survive, humans would eat the most gross insects if this is the only thing that is available to them, they will explore the best way to make a delicious dish out of it.

I understand that veganism arises a lot of antigonism, not sure whether it comes from the guilt feelings of non vegan people when they encounter vegans or because vegan people' attitude that implays that they are morally superior, which can be annoying because no one likes to feel that their sense of morality is being threatened.

Yet, it's important to look through it.

On 6/5/2023 at 1:44 AM, RendHeaven said:

I really appreciate you. I encourage you to continue to speak your truth while generously considering the other side of the coin, which is everything I've presented here.

I will of course do the same do the same with respects to your points. I believe strongly in my current opinions, but by no means do I have the full truth.

Thank you for your kind words and thank you for sharing your truth with me. Take care.


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On 2023-05-27 at 3:40 AM, integral said:

Very Low Iron Vegan, what is the protocol for this? She wants to go buy a supplement if so what is the correct form for absorption? I tired a iron supplement a few years ago and it made me very sick so im of course skeptical, is there any other way to solve this with out eating meat? 

   Is she allergic to nuts? If not tell her to eat more nuts as they contain some iron. There could be iron supplements but you'll have to check. Peanut butter is great if mixed with porridge for example. 

   Is she open to the possibility of changing her diet again, even if the change may look like a regression into whole foods and eating meats again?

   How is her diet, nutrition, sleep and rest like? Does do fitness and exercises and what are they like?

   Is her vegan diet based on morality or based on the health aspect? Is she open to changes further?

   Any more information to develop this context more will probably be helpful, more context = more specific the advice from others. Thanks and hope the sis is doing fine.

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On 27/05/2023 at 4:42 AM, Something Funny said:

Says a guy who bombs every thread he doesn't agree with to push his own ideology, lol.

On 27/05/2023 at 4:37 AM, Schizophonia said:


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On 27/05/2023 at 5:50 AM, Lila9 said:

Would you, as the creator of this universe, consciously choose to torture and kill millions of animals for the sake of your egoic pleasure? No. As a conscious creator who understands that everyone and everything around you is essentially a part of yourself, you would strive to keep everyone safe, promote their well being and happiness as much as possible.


Your point can easily be expanded to include plants and rocks. From god's POV, the ground you step on or the toilet you shit in has no lower right to safety and dignity than a cow. You feel bad because the animal moos when you destroy it. Plants would do it too, if they could.

You're eating yourself. And you be eaten too. Don't be so nervous about this.

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4 minutes ago, Israfil said:

Your point can easily be expanded to include plants and rocks. From god's POV, the ground you step on or the toilet you shit in has no lower right to safety and dignity than a cow. You feel bad because the animal moos when you destroy it. Plants would do it too, if they could.

You're eating yourself. And you be eaten too. Don't be so nervous about this.

Yes it can be expanded that much that I could be identified with rocks and stinky toilets.

So what? Rocks and toilets are not cows and chickens, rocks and toilets are materiels that don't feel pain, as simple as that.

And no I'm not eating myself and no I'm not nervous, you are merely projecting.




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36 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Yes it can be expanded that much that I could be identified with rocks and stinky toilets.

So what? Rocks and toilets are not cows and chickens, rocks and toilets are materiels that don't feel pain, as simple as that.

And no I'm not eating myself and no I'm not nervous, you are merely projecting.



I'm still waiting for you to explain the final problem to me.

The devil is in the details.

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15 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

I'm still waiting for you to explain the final problem to me.

Keep waiting, I have no idea what you're talking about.


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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:

Keep waiting, I have no idea what you're talking about.

   Hey, is that are sailor moon profile pic?

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2 hours ago, Lila9 said:

So what? Rocks and toilets are not cows and chickens, rocks and toilets are materiels that don't feel pain, as simple as that.


Every mammal feels pain. I don't see how is a moral imperative to reduce pain. This just seems cheap utilitarian thinking to me.

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8 minutes ago, Israfil said:

Every mammal feels pain. I don't see how is a moral imperative to reduce pain. This just seems cheap utilitarian thinking to me.

   The problem I think is typically most people weaponize the general statement for their own biases specifically of 'every mammal feels pain' which can lead to millions of logical implications like 'Every mammal feels pain, animals are mammals, humans are mammals, cows/sheep/chickens/pigs/horses maybe lambs and ducks feel pain. pain=sentience=conscious as humans=animal rights and well being, therefore moral imperative to reduce pain for all animals and humans. Why? Because animal farming bad and veganism good, veganism and humanitarians and environmentalism all say evil industry, so if every mammal feels pain means I feel pain, or at least I should pretend to empathize and understand with animal sufferings cuz all animals and mammals=me=mammals feeling pain or some twisted logic of this kind. Problem is that this is too ideological to claim universally that EVERYONE SHOULD BE VEGANS/ENVIRONMENTALISTS OR POLITICAL ACTIVISTS FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS OR YOU'RE FUCKING EVIL!!! You know the extreme excess of stage green valued SJWs, karens, snow flakes, hippies, new age thinkers and moral relativists that are too into feel feels to logically think straight and clearly without getting into idiot compassion fallacies like fucking Lex Fridman and others.

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10 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   The problem I think is typically most people weaponize the general statement for their own biases specifically of 'every mammal feels pain' which can lead to millions of logical implications like 'Every mammal feels pain, animals are mammals, humans are mammals, cows/sheep/chickens/pigs/horses maybe lambs and ducks feel pain. pain=sentience=conscious as humans=animal rights and well being, therefore moral imperative to reduce pain for all animals and humans. Why? Because animal farming bad and veganism good, veganism and humanitarians and environmentalism all say evil industry, so if every mammal feels pain means I feel pain, or at least I should pretend to empathize and understand with animal sufferings cuz all animals and mammals=me=mammals feeling pain or some twisted logic of this kind. Problem is that this is too ideological to claim universally that EVERYONE SHOULD BE VEGANS/ENVIRONMENTALISTS OR POLITICAL ACTIVISTS FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS OR YOU'RE FUCKING EVIL!!! You know the extreme excess of stage green valued SJWs, karens, snow flakes, hippies, new age thinkers and moral relativists that are too into feel feels to logically think straight and clearly without getting into idiot compassion fallacies like fucking Lex Fridman and others.

You have an orange shadow the size of Trump's forehead looming behind you.

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Is she allergic to nuts? If not tell her to eat more nuts as they contain some iron. There could be iron supplements but you'll have to check. Peanut butter is great if mixed with porridge for example. 

   Is she open to the possibility of changing her diet again, even if the change may look like a regression into whole foods and eating meats again?

   How is her diet, nutrition, sleep and rest like? Does do fitness and exercises and what are they like?

   Is her vegan diet based on morality or based on the health aspect? Is she open to changes further?

   Any more information to develop this context more will probably be helpful, more context = more specific the advice from others. Thanks and hope the sis is doing fine.

Can iron be absorbed from nuts?

She has recently started eating eggs, but thats probably the limit she will go. There are moral reasons involved. 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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2 minutes ago, Israfil said:

You have an orange shadow the size of Trump's forehead looming behind you.


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Just now, integral said:

Can iron be absorbed from nuts?

She has recently started eating eggs, but thats probably the limit she will go. There are moral reasons involved. 

   Found an interesting website that has a list of iron rich foods here:,if consumed in large quantities.

   Great she's eating eggs as part of her diet. Is she eating the whole egg, egg whites and egg yolk? Especially the egg yolk as that's majority of the nutrients, and kind of half runny half solid, like a creamy orange is what you want. Also, if you or her garden, you can recycle the egg shells as compost or turn them into powder to feed your house plants or organic small vegetables.

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@Lila9  why are you still arguing with all those mentally challenged people? Have some respect for yourself. 

 P.S. their arguments involving god and spirituality do crack me up though. Bulshitting on an online forum - a hallmark of spiritual development, lol.


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9 hours ago, Something Funny said:

 why are you still arguing with all those mentally challenged people?

differences of opinion do not mean someone is mentally challenged. Let's try to avoid using inflammatory statements.  Present your arguments and be prepared to defend them the way @Lila9 was doing, just stay away from provocative arguments such as the above. 


Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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