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reality must be infinite, because there is nothing outside of reality which could limit it

there must be something rather than nothing, because nonexistence… does not exist

consciousness cannot be material, because the properties generally accepted to be found in matter, are not present in consciousness, and the properties found in consciousness are not found in what is called matter. this has been called the hard problem of consciousness in the last 20 years, but Leibniz was talking about this same thing hundreds of years ago.

I still don’t know how to prove that everything is consciousness, but I have become conscious of it. somewhat. for instance, I briefly become aware of how I am creating my reality whenever a really strange and unexplainable synchronicity occurs, then I forget about it. I might need some 5 meo to really get it. 

the realization that everything is love, that is something I still haven’t verfied. but it makes intuitive sense. because there is not death (since consciousness is immaterial), it make sense. it just hasn’t fully clicked yet.

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this is the type of relationship I want


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yo… this shit will make you trip OUT




whatever they’ve cooked up over at the Monroe institute , I applaud them, this is like the original gateway experience tapes on crack. I’ve had telepathic communication with a female spirit, damn near astral projection with mininal effort, the most lucid dreams ever experiencing alternate timeline. I can’t wait to try this on some special k or mushrooms.

this just in: the human brain most definitely produces small amounts of dmt. I verified it.

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there was a time and place when I thought you were my forever or at least my next ten years, but a voice in my heart told me no so I listened and lived in a hellscape of my own making. and a little miracle seeing our old friends made it all come back when I thought I was good. and I hope you hear this, I hope a part of you can hear this. because life’s been tough, yeah it tried to kill me but I’m still here, still dreaming, still doing this human thing wondering how long until I forget. so I took the pain and put it in these words and sounds , took my music and played it for the universe to listen hoping God forgives me for whatever I did to deserve a pain so deep it kills you. not suicide no the hurt literally kills you, died so many times of a broken heart in the last two years or so but shit’s been pretty straight since may. I just pray that you hear it. I know you can hear it. and in case you can’t now I gotta release it.

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today I had an unpleasant acid experience because I basically tripped just to escape boredom. Well, I tripped to not smoke weed but the reason I smoke weed is to escape boredom.


something I've realized about these substances is that they demand respect and my lack of respect led to me seeing all kinds of dark images and constantly worrying about my breathing. I'm not sure if I got anything of value out of this one... only time will tell.

I'm beginning to think that perhaps I'm treating psychedelics like a recreational drug and need to seriously re-evaluate my usage of them. the beatings will continue until morale improves.

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it seems like my entire generation vapes nicotine and smokes weed

I started vaping while I was quitting weed.

that was mf stupid. should've bit the bullet and not substituted one for the other

I go through this cycle of buying (weed or a vape), using it once or twice, throwing it out, buying another

this is the dumbest shit ever.

more psychedelics. (just not as a recreational escape from boredom/ substitute.)


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who would’ve thought, two of the greatest political blunders , the war on drugs and the war on terror, are deeply interconnected



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everything is cope

religion is cope, materialism is cope, spirituality is cope, nihilism is cope, nonduality is cope, addiction is obviously cope. LYING is probably the biggest cope. the amount of lies I tell is disgusting, I should vomit.

the first lie I remember telling is when I said my favorite Star Wars movie was A New Hope, even though my actual favorite was Return of the Jedi. I thought my older cousins would judge me for loving the ewoks or some bullshit. 

I feel like a sewer rat covered in sludge. but I can’t allow myself to fall into self loathing, because that would just be more cope.

everything short of taking absolute, 100% responsibility for every aspect of life is cope. I chose this, all of it. fucking all of it is my creation. I am actively creating hell for myself.

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normies quit their pursuit of truth the moment they get a taste of immortality. that's as far as 99% of seekers will go, because that's the ego's primary concern. it's all about survival for the ego...

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Leo bitchslapped a lot of my nonduality out of me the other day. and then I had the following insight.

for a philosophy that claims to be the antidote to suffering, is nonduality even a particularly beautiful or inspiring narrative?

Wouldn’t it be more beautiful to retain your individuality?

fuck being assimilated into the singularity. I want to explore the multiverse….

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Imagine being so lost in the human dream that you engage in culture wars.

Facts don't care about feelings. tee hee.

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Barbie is one of the most pro-men movies ever made. it's so pro-men that stupid, unconscious men think it's sexist!

Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate are not men. they are babies.

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not interested in acid or mushrooms anymore

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On 8/6/2023 at 11:10 PM, Oppositionless said:

not interested in acid or mushrooms anymore

I want something more clearheaded .

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I'm trying to reconcile the magic of God with the suffering and inequality in the world.

I can see why people cling to materialism. in some ways it's a comforting philosophy, there's so much bad stuff in the world that believing in Love , Consciousness and God can lead to some major disappointment.

it's hard for me to not feel like God is singling me out sometimes. sometimes synchronicities just feel like a "fuck you in particular" rather than a sign of good things to come.

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after seeing the magnificently anxiety-inducing movie Oppenheimer, I have just one question:


(men who stare at goats doesn't count)



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my online persona is pure farce, an infinite web of machinery


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