
Women Are The Source Of Life, But When They Are Not Bringing Babies, They're A Burden

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@Mesopotamian You are wrong about everything.

"Women Are The Source Of Life, But When They Are Not Bringing Babies, They're A Burden"

Men are equally the source of life. Women can't make any babies without men.

And no women aren't a burdain. But maybe just a personal burdain if you have a emotional issue with them.

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3 hours ago, Mesopotamian said:

I feel it's pretty easy for a female to undermine her rationality in favor of' emotions. In another word, she takes emotions as her life compass. 

So how? 

At any point, you're under the threat of facing irrational decisions just because they feel they need to go a certain way. Couple that with self-deception, and you end up with an impossible situations. 

Notice how you talk that women are so emotional, but at the same time the basis of this whole thread is coming from the place of you being upset.

This whole thread is a big coping mechanism for you to deal with your emotions.

You are doing endless rationalisations so that you don't need to take any accountability. 


Do you think a self-confident, well established, successful man would spent his life writing endless excuses why women is in the wrong?

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12 minutes ago, zurew said:

Do you think a self-confident, well established, successful man would spent his life writing endless excuses why women is in the wrong?

Of course not, because probably that type of man is for you to look for and try to latch on and suck energy from.. 

14 minutes ago, zurew said:

Notice how you talk that women are so emotional, but at the same time the basis of this whole thread is coming from the place of you being upset.

notice how your feel of thirst and hunger is most likely the reason that you're coming out of your bed every single day

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19 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Sure, I have plenty of work to do.

Still, I'm allowed to write my opinions too and I don't think that this particular respond came from masculine shadow but from geniune self love and self appreciation.

It came from a place of strong believe in women abilities and contribution because I'm evident to that and I want this kind of people to see what I'm seeing too.

But apparently their biased wall is too strong and too high to overcome.

Additionally, I don't know why on this forum, everytime I write something in woman's favor some man has the need to write that I have a masculine shadow.

Not every "uncute" response that comes from woman is a sign of masculine shadow. FYI.

Maybe you should start seeing women as humans with opinions and not as some objects who need to go on eggshells beside you so they will be labeled as feminine.

I know that many men have a distorted understanding of what femininity is.

For me, femininity is to be authentic and speak my mind, speak my feelings and heart and here I am.

   Doesn't that sound more like individualism than femininity, you speaking your mind and feelings openly?

   If you could broadcast a universal definition for men about femininity, and it's characteristics, what would you define it and with what examples?

   Are you implying I'm sexist and misogynistic, because I see women as objects instead of human beings? Where did I say I see women as objects?


   Yes, bias is deep whoever you are.

   Yes, you can express your opinions, just don't break the forum guidelines. Have a nice day.

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15 hours ago, eos_nyxia said:

For consistency, if you're even going to have the pretense of "moral equalism" (as in, people have the same intrinsic worth regardless of their gender, not that we are and should all want to be clones of each other lol), gender swapping your terms is a pretty easy thing to do. Try it on and see how it sounds. As I did above.

Feasibly above, what's called "masculine" is what anyone needs to self-actualize in this world.

Not everyone who has a few terrible experiences becomes bitter and hateful and ends up making this the focal point of their life and using it to justify their life philosophy and decisions (this includes those of us who have been literally chronically physically and sexually assaulted), though we all have our own personal limits to start with, as well as varying abilities to cope, adapt, and make sense of it all. Really not sure the OP was just venting.

   So, you edited my post and 'gender swapped' the pronouns, because of my lack of 'moral equalism' and not because you wanted to dismiss and obfuscate OP's experiences?(No0te that it's my assumption that he COULD have been traumatized by females in the past, not really OP).

   So masculinity defined by you is 'what anyone needs to self-actualize in this world' and not defined as a force of penetration, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as a giver? It's not defined as a fucking of a woman, and fucking of reality, injecting one's willpower and imposing one's will to create a dream come true?

   The way I written is more feministic of me to do to OP, showing some support and some agreeableness for his POV. In your words, should I have not been too empathetic and feminine? Should I have been more masculine and said to @Mesopotamian "Hey sexist pig! STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT WOMEN AND THINKING OF THEM AS SEXUAL OBJECTS! STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR LIVING STANDARDS, WORK HARD BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS AND COME TO AMERICA! STOP VICTIM BLAMING YOUR PROBLEMS ONTO WOMEN, AND JUST GO OUT THERE AND FUCK! STOP BEING SCARED OF BOOBIES AND JUST SUCK ON IT!YOU SOUND LIKE A SISSY BOY BLAMING WOMEN, ARE YOU A WOMAN YOURSELF?!"?

Edited by Danioover9000

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5 hours ago, zurew said:

Notice how you talk that women are so emotional, but at the same time the basis of this whole thread is coming from the place of you being upset.

This whole thread is a big coping mechanism for you to deal with your emotions.

You are doing endless rationalisations so that you don't need to take any accountability. 


Do you think a self-confident, well established, successful man would spent his life writing endless excuses why women is in the wrong?


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Mesopotamian I sense deep resentment and hatred towards women and I also can very much assume you have very little (if not zero) success with women and that's why you're resentful and hold this f-ed up view of women. 

This is why I don't visit this section of the forum anymore. It's toxic. Someone needs to regulate this. 

All human beings have inherent worth. Just because they exist. Women are not just worthy only when they have babies, they are worthy and "useful" even if they choose to not have babies. 

Would advise you to go on a journey of discovering what is self worth and why we have it despite what's happening on the external. I am certainly on this journey too. 

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Locking due to mysoginy.

@Mesopotamian Please check your biases. We won't allow this kind of attitude towards women here.

Words can't describe You.

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