
Women Are The Source Of Life, But When They Are Not Bringing Babies, They're A Burden

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17 minutes ago, Cubbage said:

sausage party

such a gross term

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Such a crazy world you live in. These posts make me appreciate my reality. Women are beautiful and great. 

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On 26/05/2023 at 10:47 AM, Mesopotamian said:

This following conviction has liberated me:

Women are the source of life, they make life possible, they conceive babies, and raise them up and most of them play their role perfectly, however, when they're not raising babies, they're at best 10% useful, 20% entertaining, and 70% just a burden to man. 

There's this game going on that there's supposedly an emotional void and that's supposed to be filled somehow. But in all actuality there's none. A man is sufficient by himself if he can grow in character.

This means that women are in trouble. And indeed they're. In this day and age, women need to be treated according to the merit of their character. They need to grow in character. 

Men need to stop cutting slack for women and letting them fill this hypothetical emotional void, because the cost is very very high. It can certainly lead up to man giving up autonomy one step at a time.

A woman needs me, cuz I have a strong character and I can lead, but I don't need her for that matter. She needs to lower her expectations and she's the one who needs to give up her autonomy in exchange for my time, not me giving up my autonomy for the promise of getting some pussy one day which might or might not arrive.

My boys, work on your leadership skills, you create the world, you make the world possible. Women should follow you. 

Also tip No. 2: Emotional intelligence, without it, your character is immature and don't expect the above to work.


   I can agree with you to some extent, but most of what you said of women being burdensome is highly context sensitive, and depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological differences. On average in the west women have decent jobs and roles to fit in that society.

   I especially agree with the men part, they can be great but if they limit or stop viewing pornography, limit or stop masturbating and stop telling lies to themselves that men need women fundamentally. If you're a man of God or whatever religion and have strong faith in yourself and the divine, you don't need to depend on having sex voraciously with women long term to deeply satisfy you, that long term satisfaction comes from your heart and mind. Maybe you can for short term but little satisfaction, God's love is far more satisfying. Main reason, not all not all not all but main reason why there's so many Incels, red pill boys, lazy gamers, is due to too much abundance in technology and pornography, which creates this false sense of security and accomplishments that will later can be destroyed, which leaves most of these lost men lost and hollow, always seeking new addictions and pleasures to distract them. Too much free porn and free stuff basically weakens men and also gives these men boys false confidence and self entitlement.

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3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

 I can agree with you to some extent, but most of what you said of women being burdensome is highly context sensitive, and depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological differences. On average in the west women have decent jobs and roles to fit in that society.

I guess it is context sensitive yes. and in the west, things are laid out for women to be better versions of themselves, and not all women are taking that chance, only a small percentage. 

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

 I especially agree with the men part, they can be great but if they limit or stop viewing pornography, limit or stop masturbating and stop telling lies to themselves that men need women fundamentally.

This totally agree..

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

that long term satisfaction comes from your heart and mind.

probably true..

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

red pill boys, lazy gamers, is due to too much abundance in technology and pornography, which creates this false sense of security and accomplishments that will later can be destroyed,

I guess also abundance in technology is due to women setting high standards, wanting a man who can move them rather than a wise man, so the wise man my theory goes and create distractions for himself. 

3 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

Too much free porn and free stuff basically weakens men and also gives these men boys false confidence and self entitlement.

Men need sex to grow in character, and it's becoming increasingly heart to get it, so maybe invent a virtual porn enhanced by AI to distract more. If all went well, woman will find no man to date in the near future. Man will be busy with his AI-powered silicon doll. 

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It all sounds nice and idealistic from a narrow minded, selfish and egoic male perspective but unfortunately, you have a weak character and no woman can really rely on you.

Because if you had a strong character, you would never talk so much shit about women. You have so many hate posts of women. No woman can ever feel safe around you because you have so much shit, hate and insecurities within yourself.

I have never seen a good man with a strong character who is taking like that about women. No woman with self respect wants someone so primitive and old fashioned beside her. I understand that you are living in a 3rd world country but at least make some efforts to be a bit more progressive. 

You really live in a bubble and you have no idea how much women contribute to this society and how much they did through the history, and unfortunately many of them didn't receive the credit that they deserve because of people like you.

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:

It all sounds nice and idealistic from a narrow minded, selfish and egoic male perspective but unfortunately, you have a weak character and no woman can really rely on you.

Because if you had a strong character, you would never talk so much shit about women. You have so many hate posts of women. No woman can ever feel safe around you because you have so much shit, hate and insecurities within yourself.

I have never seen a good man with a strong character who is taking like that about women. No woman with self respect wants someone so primitive and old fashioned beside her. I understand that you are living in a 3rd world country but at least make some efforts to be a bit more progressive. 

You really live in a bubble and you have no idea how much women contribute to this society and how much they did through the history, and unfortunately many of them didn't receive the credit that they deserve because of people like you.

   Chill, again it's all relative, and we know little about @Mesopotamian, whether he was bullied, rejected or attacked by a girl, and he carries that trauma within him which he gained from his upbringing, environment, his life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life and society. True, since he came from a 3rd word country, that's a totally different reality to a 1st world democracy, so the struggles will mostly be varied here, which makes it difficult to understand and empathize with that kind of paradigm and worldview. Also, ego development and shadow aspects of the psyche will still be in effect, like I said it only takes a few bad experiences with women to then generalize and project that hate and fear onto other women, therefore disowning his own femininity, whilst trying to uphold a masculine standard from his society he lives in. Plus states of consciousness, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, and different stages of development and value systems. Show some compassion and restraint.

   True that this forum isn't a freedom of speech zone where all opinions positive and negative flourish and hate speech isn't encouraged, this user still is allowed to express his feelings and thoughts in this forum about the opposite sex, and his own sex too to a degree, even if his wording triggers and offends you, well, that's a sign that you need more personal development, understanding and shadow work to integrate this type of masculinity shadow into your own ego because that's the few signs of your ego rejecting and disowning the masculine/feminine polarity.

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8 hours ago, Mesopotamian said:

I guess it is context sensitive yes. and in the west, things are laid out for women to be better versions of themselves, and not all women are taking that chance, only a small percentage. 

This totally agree..

probably true..

I guess also abundance in technology is due to women setting high standards, wanting a man who can move them rather than a wise man, so the wise man my theory goes and create distractions for himself. 

Men need sex to grow in character, and it's becoming increasingly heart to get it, so maybe invent a virtual porn enhanced by AI to distract more. If all went well, woman will find no man to date in the near future. Man will be busy with his AI-powered silicon doll. 

   I agree with all the other points, except for the sex part. Men need to learn how to channel that sexual energy into something they can create and contribute their creativity into. It may have been okay in the past to masturbate and marry multiple wives or whenever, but masturbating and viewing pornography too often and too much just creates more and more sexual distortions that don't fit into actual reality, actual reality being that average females don't have big boobs and big buts, only some do but most don't, and the same is true for average males, some have big bulky muscles most are lean or too round. Those men waste their seeds, and then they wonder why they're less manly than they need to be, why their less grounded and more susceptible to manipulations, it's because they're wasting their semen too often. We've got too much abundance in western societies at least.

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@Danioover9000 Kind of feeling that all is going to this:

10 hours ago, Mesopotamian said:

Men need sex to grow in character, and it's becoming increasingly HARD to get it, so maybe invent a virtual porn enhanced by AI to distract more. If all went well, woman will find no man to date in the near future. Man will be busy with his AI-powered silicon doll. 

It's a revolution against woman. Right now we're living in an age where population in many places around the world is dwindling. Man is creating a virtual environment. With the advent of virtual reality and AI, we're heading to a world where woman isn't going to be needed. Imagine a realistic silicon doll powered by AI and virtual reality at the same time. You wear some sort of googles and you have a full experience with the doll.

Needless to say that AI can simulate a woman't mind too. Also we do have good literature on film. Movie, TV shows, of when a woman used to enjoy a role in societies around the world.

 It's a bleak future form women as I see it now. And probably you and your peers are living in the golden age at this moment.


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@Danioover9000 Women are guilty of not raising emotionally sound men. They're not passing this emotional intelligence to their male kids as they're supposed to do.

Men are brought up dumb emotionally because woman pushes them to seek survival, money and bread and put that above anything else. And when it's time for a man to mate and have sexual encounters, he finds that he needs now to play a game that's already rigged against him. 
It's a basic man's need to mate, but right now there are endless conditions before he has a chance to do so. Sex is used as a weapon against him. Denying him.. 

So now this man who's as intelligent as a monkey emotionally, being denied a basic need like this, driving him crazy sometimes!  

So man goes back to the cave, creates AI and virtual reality, and will come out soon and turn the tables upside down. 

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2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

wording triggers and offends you, well, that's a sign that you need more personal development, understanding and shadow work to integrate this type of masculinity shadow into your own ego because that's the few signs of your ego rejecting and disowning the masculine/feminine polarity.

Sure, I have plenty of work to do.

Still, I'm allowed to write my opinions too and I don't think that this particular respond came from masculine shadow but from geniune self love and self appreciation.

It came from a place of strong believe in women abilities and contribution because I'm evident to that and I want this kind of people to see what I'm seeing too.

But apparently their biased wall is too strong and too high to overcome.

Additionally, I don't know why on this forum, everytime I write something in woman's favor some man has the need to write that I have a masculine shadow.

Not every "uncute" response that comes from woman is a sign of masculine shadow. FYI.

Maybe you should start seeing women as humans with opinions and not as some objects who need to go on eggshells beside you so they will be labeled as feminine.

I know that many men have a distorted understanding of what femininity is.

For me, femininity is to be authentic and speak my mind, speak my feelings and heart and here I am.

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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2 hours ago, Mesopotamian said:

@Lila9 congratulations... keep on living the lie

“Love me or hate me, both are in my favour. If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart... If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.”

"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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On 5/27/2023 at 3:57 AM, Mesopotamian said:

I am starting to think that it's impossible to have a peer to peer relationship with a woman. They fall into two categories, they're either infatuated with you, or want to enslave you and suck your blood.

With that kind kind of attitude, yeah, I am not surprised you don't have good relations with women.

What woman would want to tolerate you? Only a self-hating one. Lol

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Mesopotamian Go ahead. Let it all out. Feel it. Feel the hatred. Feel the disappointment. Feel the anger. Feel all those emotions that are arising. Then after you have felt them deeply, let it go. They are coming up for a reason. The body doesn't like what's stored there so it has to regurgitate it somehow; and if this is where it feels safe to do so, then so be it. The body probably feels a lot lighter now, less stored baggage. All those belief systems that you have incurred that doesn't align with your true being are manifesting into your reality without your being aware that you're doing so. So your reality is going to reflect that. And now you're fighting with yourself. Fighting with the mirror.  What you believe, will become true for you.  You feel women are a burden to you because you feel like a burden to them. Subconsciously, that is. I just hope none of the women on this forum takes this post personally and recognize its just a projection of his own mental state. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I think a healthier attitude would be:

"I'm in this relationship because it brings me joy and I love being in this company." And not because it's some kind of duty or a burden that you must carry out. If one doesn't enjoy being in company with another, then it's normal to stay alone and enjoy life in other ways. Maybe there's really no conflict here, and perhaps that weird demeaning attitude towards opposite sex is unnecessary.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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7 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Chill, again it's all relative, and we know little about @Mesopotamian, whether she was bullied, rejected or attacked by a girl MAN, and she carries that trauma within her which she gained from her upbringing, environment, her life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life and society. True, since she came from a 3rd word country, that's a totally different reality to a 1st world democracy, so the struggles will mostly be varied here, which makes it difficult to understand and empathize with that kind of paradigm and worldview. Also, ego development and shadow aspects of the psyche will still be in effect, like I said it only takes a few bad experiences with women MEN to then generalize and project that hate and fear onto other women MEN, therefore disowning her own femininity sense of agency, whilst trying to uphold a masculine feminine standard from her society she lives in. Plus states of consciousness, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, and different stages of development and value systems. Show some compassion and restraint.

   True that this forum isn't a freedom of speech zone where all opinions positive and negative flourish and hate speech isn't encouraged, this user still is allowed to express her feelings and thoughts in this forum about the opposite sex, and her own sex too to a degree, even if her wording triggers and offends you, well, that's a sign that you men need more personal development, understanding and shadow work to integrate this type of masculinity femininity shadow into your own ego because that's the few signs of your ego rejecting and disowning the masculine/feminine polarity.

For consistency, if you're even going to have the pretense of "moral equalism" (as in, people have the same intrinsic worth regardless of their gender, not that we are and should all want to be clones of each other lol), gender swapping your terms is a pretty easy thing to do. Try it on and see how it sounds. As I did above.

Feasibly above, what's called "masculine" is what anyone needs to self-actualize in this world.

Not everyone who has a few terrible experiences becomes bitter and hateful and ends up making this the focal point of their life and using it to justify their life philosophy and decisions (this includes those of us who have been literally chronically physically and sexually assaulted), though we all have our own personal limits to start with, as well as varying abilities to cope, adapt, and make sense of it all. Really not sure the OP was just venting.

Edited by eos_nyxia

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

With that kind kind of attitude, yeah, I am not surprised you don't have good relations with women.

What woman would want to tolerate you? Only a self-hating one. Lol

I feel it's pretty easy for a female to undermine her rationality in favor of' emotions. In another word, she takes emotions as her life compass. 

So how? 

At any point, you're under the threat of facing irrational decisions just because they feel they need to go a certain way. Couple that with self-deception, and you end up with an impossible situations. 

I've seen it countless times, women do something because it feels a certain way regardless of rationality, and this is the equivalent of men neglecting their emotional side and leaning more into their rational side.

All women are guilty of this and it's also a sort of corruption..

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@Mesopotamian why does it bother you so much?

okay, we got it, women are awful, irrational, corrupt creature, who are a burden to you.

So why don't you just cut all contact with them then? Just stop engaging with women, talaking about women, making posts about women. Who is stopping you?

Go unburden yourself.

From the way I see it: no woman in the world gives a damn about your existance, you are the one who is obsessed with them.

Edited by Something Funny

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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Seriously, when you people create retarded misogynistic threads like that I wonder if you had no mom and were born in a test tube and raised by aliens. Then dropped on earth...

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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