
Enlightened people - is it easier for you to make bold life decisions?

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I am not woke, but sometimes I like to roleplay for fun in my head what my life and struggles would look like through an awakened persons eyes.

If you had direct experience that everyone/thing was one consciousness - how does that affect your decision making process? 

I understand you don't need to be 'woke' to make any particular life decision, I'm just interested in how you feel about major life events relative to someone who hasn't had these experiences.

For example say breaking up with a partner, is this easier somehow?

if your boss shouts at you at work are you more likely to get up and just leave because - why are you there anyway?

Less afraid of doing risky (not reckless) activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, extreme sports because you are eternal anyway?

Do the usual worries and fear of life seem less 'acute'? You feel more 'free' to do what you want because you care less about what 'others' think?

Does life feel like a bit of a video game to you (where you're not reckless) but it feels more 'fun' because you can make big decisions but always know you are safe somewhat? You're more free somehow because you are less focused on survival and more on... other things?

If you have any other comments I would be interested in hearing them

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Basically, the realization itself just makes you free from everything relative. So when it comes down to it - nothing bothers you. Impossible.

About big life decisions.... well, there can be fear in the system... resistance etc., but even that is not a problem. If you are willing to integrate into Existence and the human body, nothing is off limits.

P.S. Dancing is a good way of integrating into the body.

Edited by Vajra

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What comes to all of these things is that all separate "skills" in your life help each others. Upping spirituality game is one of these skills. Day where you aren't practising some skill is wasted day and there's so much to do in your life that if you knew your potentiality you'd very precise of how you use your time. It doesn't matter what you do as long as your building your attitude that most beautiful things in life require hard work. So as a conclusion; doing spirituality helps with making bold life decisions too as long as you don't become pussy non-duality guy who doesn't "need" anything and just waits death. Soon I'll go try running marathon and I'll let you guys know how it went.


Who told you that "others" are real?

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I think you would enjoy Nisargadatta and Robert Adam's responses to these types of questions from their devotees. I Am That by Nisargadatta and Silence of The Heart by Robert Adams.

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On 5/25/2023 at 10:19 PM, Vajra said:

So when it comes down to it - nothing bothers you. Impossible.


Really? Is this your honest experience? Nothing bothers you-ever? 

Be truthful with yourself 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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I’m not “enlightened” but my ego and emotions are more and more transparent. I still have them but I’m also quite integrated with non dual understanding.  

this allows me to be way more effective and masterful in literally EVERYTHING I do. 

working out, reading, learning, meditating, socializing, feeling good, relaxing. 

it’s pretty fucking awesome and the sky is the limit 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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5 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

I’m not “enlightened” but my ego and emotions are more and more transparent. I still have them but I’m also quite integrated with non dual understanding.  

this allows me to be way more effective and masterful in literally EVERYTHING I do. 

Would you mind explain with an/some examples please? I don't quite see immediately how being integrated leads to more mastery?

I am wondering if survival issues that is 10/10 for most people bother you less once you have had deep spiritual experiences.

I am not enlightened but I imagine your boss firing you feels way different if you take life at surface level vs when you realize life is a bit of a game for example

On 5/25/2023 at 10:49 PM, Kksd74628 said:

as long as you don't become pussy non-duality guy who doesn't "need" anything and just waits death.


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Yes. One of the biggest benefits I've gotten from all my awakenings is massive clarity into my human self, my human character. It is much clearer now to me what things are most important to me, so a lot of confusion and frustration is eliminated. Life becomes more streamlined and essential.

Emotionally I am much more grounded and mature, so dramas are less of a thing. More general understanding of everything, so less conflict.

Also, a huge improvement in caring how others think of me. I have become so solid in myself as GOD that I can hardly care what anyone thinks of me. It's just noise.

Decisions are easier to make. There is much less manipulation of reality and people, which makes decisions much easier. I have stopped even trying to manipulate myself and my emotions.

Much more confidence overall in everything I do.

I don't fear death per se, I even look forward to it, but I still don't want to die for some stupid reason, because I see life as a miracle that should not be wasted.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You know tho that some people are like that, right?

Who told you that "others" are real?

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On 5/25/2023 at 2:49 PM, woohoo123 said:


If you had direct experience that everyone/thing was one consciousness - how does that affect your decision making process? 

I understand you don't need to be 'woke' to make any particular life decision, I'm just interested in how you feel about major life events relative to someone who hasn't had these experiences.

For example say breaking up with a partner, is this easier somehow?

if your boss shouts at you at work are you more likely to get up and just leave because - why are you there anyway?

Less afraid of doing risky (not reckless) activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, extreme sports because you are eternal anyway?

Do the usual worries and fear of life seem less 'acute'? You feel more 'free' to do what you want because you care less about what 'others' think?

Does life feel like a bit of a video game to you (where you're not reckless) but it feels more 'fun' because you can make big decisions but always know you are safe somewhat? You're more free somehow because you are less focused on survival and more on... other things?

If you have any other comments I would be interested in hearing them

?1. Clarity of perception enhances the quality of the decisions you make. You're trained in ways that make you virtuous and perform that which aligns with your highest values.

2. Major life events? You are a rock unshaken by the heavy winds.

3. No, you feel very deeply once one attains. Yogasadhana makes one more sensitive to life. It is this sensitivity that enables one to 'feel' deeper. Your emotions don't vanish. The citta and cetasika which are asserted of and  present in the subjects are qualitatively different than pre-attainmemt.

4. I have had a boss shout at me. Ignore people for they are ignorant. You can easily feel into their perspective. They aren't shouting at you. If it weren't you It'd be another co-worker. People will test you, constantly. 

5. You cherish the certain possibilities of the world. In a  lucid dream does one do reckless immature acts simply because? The answer is you only do that which aligns with your values. 

6. Yes, you are steadfast in your approaches. Even if gaslit by others, you simply have a solid state of 'sovereignty of mind'. Your clarity overrides their ignorance.

7. There is no feeling of safety. Only a 'sense' of clarity of perception is present. You still struggle deeply with relative achievements that require willpower. You have the ability and an enhanced capacity that enables you to strike through any obstacle. 

8. Listen, it all very much depends on your purposes. What are the end points you're going towards? You don't need to reach God-Consciousness to increase your concentration to insane degrees. 

Personally, its aided In me not focusing on distractions like politics prior to having a sustainable life. The unconscious indulge In sense desires and rhetoric. The conscious see it as it is and one-pointedly work towards their goals. 

The more conscious you are the less women you get. Unless you use your level of consciousness as a tool to study: game theory, nlp, hypnosis, communication, marketing, status-quo, etc..

You are In a constant state where there is separation(space) between you and your drama. Simultaneously there is Absolute connection with the All. This is difficult to write into words. 

9. My entire spine buzzes and zaps(sometimes there is a sting). I am fully ON. I constantly hear the 'Ong' sound which leaves me blissed-out. 

Do sodhana, ignore people.

Best of luck, God§peed.?


  • Feminist 

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes. One of the biggest benefits I've gotten from all my awakenings is massive clarity into my human self, my human character. It is much clearer now to me what things are most important to me, so a lot of confusion and frustration is eliminated. Life becomes more streamlined and essential.

Emotionally I am much more grounded and mature, so dramas are less of a thing. More general understanding of everything, so less conflict.

Also, a huge improvement in caring how others think of me. I have become so solid in myself as GOD that I can hardly care what anyone thinks of me. It's just noise.

Decisions are easier to make. There is much less manipulation of reality and people, which makes decisions much easier. I have stopped even trying to manipulate myself and my emotions.

Much more confidence overall in everything I do.

I don't fear death per se, I even look forward to it, but I still don't want to die for some stupid reason, because I see life as a miracle that should not be wasted.

Inspiring! Nice to hear about your progress.

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes. One of the biggest benefits I've gotten from all my awakenings is massive clarity into my human self, my human character. It is much clearer now to me what things are most important to me, so a lot of confusion and frustration is eliminated. Life becomes more streamlined and essential.

Emotionally I am much more grounded and mature, so dramas are less of a thing. More general understanding of everything, so less conflict.

Also, a huge improvement in caring how others think of me. I have become so solid in myself as GOD that I can hardly care what anyone thinks of me. It's just noise.

Decisions are easier to make. There is much less manipulation of reality and people, which makes decisions much easier. I have stopped even trying to manipulate myself and my emotions.

Much more confidence overall in everything I do.

I don't fear death per se, I even look forward to it, but I still don't want to die for some stupid reason, because I see life as a miracle that should not be wasted.

Can you give a concrete example and explain its link to God-realization

The devil is in the details.

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On 6/2/2023 at 1:12 AM, woohoo123 said:


Would you mind explain with an/some examples please? I don't quite see immediately how being integrated leads to more mastery?

I am wondering if survival issues that is 10/10 for most people bother you less once you have had deep spiritual experiences.

I am not enlightened but I imagine your boss firing you feels way different if you take life at surface level vs when you realize life is a bit of a game for example


Yes. The best way I can describe it is that the less ego you have, the more success you have because all your projections desires and reactions just get in the way of reaching the goal. 

imagine someone is trying to learn basketball. Who will shoot shots better?

the guy who is simply using his body as a tool to make baskets and not judging when they don’t go in but just practicing over and over for the sake of it


or the guy who is thinking he knows what’s right, getting lost in negative self talk when he misses and not actually focusing on the immediate game? 

does that help?


it’s like if you have more emotional control and presence you can have more mental space and awareness in all activities. Leading to more success. Women business socializing you name it. 

Regarding your other point, I would say spiritual experiences definitely help you take survival issues less seriously. As you know you are surrounded by love and god no matter what, but also, having a life purpose is just as important. With a life purpose you’re so focused on it that you don’t have time for negativity and life challenges are seen as simple obstacles to overcome as efficiently as possible to continue on your purpose. 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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I am not stating whether I am enlightened or not. 

But what I can say is that the:

1.)clarity of mind,

2.)Seeking to understand everything and everyone around me (Thanks Leo for the recommendation. Everything is amazingly designed),

3.)and love for Being 

all gained from spiritual practice have made my life more whole. 

Honestly, I've calmed down quite a bit as I feel my perception widen to take in more of the surrounding environment. I still have moments of pure ADHD where my mind races with ideas for inventions and theories, but overall I have been able to remain steady and present without much worry. At one point, I was always worried about the future and the past. 

It's most likely going to be different for all which makes it even more amazing.

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