
Many People Who Are Fighting Absolute Solipsism Do Not Even Know What It Is

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9 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is much more liberation than there ever was, but not to that extent. every day there is more, it is like an opening to the unlimited that is being installed, but when you do 5meo and the opening is total, you realize the obstacle that you are. you are the veil. 5meo removes the veil for a moment and everything is perceived instantly, but in normal experience that is impossible, it is incompatible with being human. You can open up the experience to some extent. the more openness, the more happiness. But there is a limit since you are human I'd say

I am not a human.


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3 hours ago, Water by the River said:

You have a human, buzzing around in You xD. Capital Y.

And it seems you are quite successful in installing & wiring a button for radio-volume control for it...

Good job.

Water by the River

@Water by the River what xD I didn't understand anything sorryxD

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@Javfly33 He just called you a fly catcher. You are the space within which the jav-fly flies. ?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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40 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:
3 hours ago, Water by the River said:

You have a human, buzzing around in You xD. Capital Y.

And it seems you are quite successful in installing & wiring a button for radio-volume control for it...

Good job.

Water by the River

@Water by the River what xD I didn't understand anything sorryxD

Beautiful analogy by Moksha.

Sorry, I am no native English speaker. Sprechen Sie deutsch? xD

Ummm, what I wanted to say was: You said you are not human. Yes, right. I said you "have" a human. In You. In Big You. Reality itself. That is why I wrote Capital Y because You is the "Opening" of Reality itself. Transcend and include the human.

And it seems you get more and more succesfull in installing a switch to lower the volume of any internal self-talk.

And on that, I congratulate you! Good job!

Water by the River 

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7 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Sorry, I am no native English speaker. Sprechen Sie deutsch? xD

That is a surprise to me 


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On 5/27/2023 at 6:08 AM, Razard86 said:


Yet you repeatedly tell others on this forum you know they aren't awake because of...*checks notes*...words.

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@SOUL pfft… you can’t maintain the dream if EVERYONE is AWAKE.

Also, The AWAKE Club is currently not accepting new applications! >:(



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35 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Beautiful analogy by Moksha.

Sorry, I am no native English speaker. Sprechen Sie deutsch? xD

Ummm, what I wanted to say was: You said you are not human. Yes, right. I said you "have" a human. In You. In Big You. Reality itself. That is why I wrote Capital Y because You is the "Opening" of Reality itself. Transcend and include the human.

And it seems you get more and more succesfull in installing a switch to lower the volume of any internal self-talk.

And on that, I congratulate you! Good job!

Water by the River 

Thanks brother ? 

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53 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

@SOUL pfft… you can’t maintain the dream if EVERYONE is AWAKE.

Also, The AWAKE Club is currently not accepting new applications! >:(


A.W.A.K.E. = always whining about koans eternally.

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On 5/27/2023 at 11:10 AM, Moksha said:

If anything, I'm beyond-minded. xD

....absent-minded might be more apropos, hm

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22 hours ago, Moksha said:

Genuine laughter, despite the doom shadow, can be leveraged to remove the mask. The ego takes itself so seriously. xD

@Bazooka Jesus You out there?

Ssssssshhhhhh, I am trying to sleep over here!!

On 31.5.2023 at 5:38 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Hehe no, it's not that. what happens is that the limited state is frustrating and it is inevitable to try all the time to get out of it, and that makes it inevitable to think about it, and post what we think in this forum, not to create a new conceptual framework, but by trying to loosen the mental knot that keeps you floating

Gotcha. Thing is, the mind is an ingenious distraction machine... and one of its favorite mechanisms is to distract itself by endlessly thinking about ways to end the distraction, lol. It's like waging war in the name of peace - or as the great modern day mystic George Carlin said, it's like f@#!ing in the name of virginity. ^_^

Btw, is it the limited state or your perception of the limited state that is frustrating? Food for thought! :P

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22 minutes ago, SOUL said:

....absent-minded might be more apropos, hm

True dat:

I don’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom. It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes, deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.

- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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6 minutes ago, Moksha said:

True dat:

I don’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom. It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes, deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.

- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Which is why the term detachment doesn't express what unattached really is.

Detachment implies having to do something to sever an attachment one has while unattached suggests something that isn't attached. If our genuine state is unattached then we don't have to detach, we just realize the unattached state of being.

Not to be contrary to what is quoted but even 'releasing attachment' implies we have to do something in releasing to be in that unattached state but really we don't need to do anything to be unattached except be unattached.

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@Water by the River @Bazooka Jesus

So much for the stereotype that Krauts are stolid and concise. 9_9

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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41 minutes ago, SOUL said:

Not to be contrary to what is quoted but even 'releasing attachment' implies we have to do something in releasing to be in that unattached state but really we don't need to do anything to be unattached except be unattached.

If boredom wasn't a thing, none of us would do anything, think anything, or attach to anything. Not that we are doing, thinking, or attaching to anything in the first place. xD

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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15 minutes ago, Moksha said:

If boredom wasn't a thing, none of us would do anything, think anything, or attach to anything. Not that we are doing, thinking, or attaching to anything in the first place. xD

The original state of being doesn't require doing to be, although, awareness might be considered the original something 'done' by being as being awareness. Some might even consider being to be the original something awareness ever 'does' as awareness being. Some may also consider this the origin of the manifest with awareness and being coexisting in absolute consciousness.

Once we find peace in simply being, peace meaning the absence of conflict so it is the cessation of self suffering, then all the things we associate with well-being are expressed through everything in life we 'do' such as love, joy, contentment, fulfillment, etc. We have those things in simply being and are expressed through all we do, we bring it to instead of derived from what we do.

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8 hours ago, Moksha said:

@Water by the River @Bazooka Jesus

So much for the stereotype that Krauts are stolid and concise. 9_9


@Bazooka Jesus


An die Freude / Ode to Joy by Friedrich Schiller translated by William F. Wertz

Joy, thou beauteous godly lightning,
Daughter of Elysium,
Fire drunken we are ent’ring
Heavenly, thy holy home!
Thy enchantments bind together,
What did custom stern divide,
Every man becomes a brother,
Where thy gentle wings abide.

Be embrac’d, ye millions yonder!
Take this kiss throughout the world!
Brothers—o’er the stars unfurl’d
Must reside a loving Father.

Who the noble prize achieveth,
Good friend of a friend to be;
Who a lovely wife attaineth,
Join us in his jubilee!
Yes—he too who but one being
On this earth can call his own!
He who ne’er was able, weeping Stealeth from this league alone!

He who in the great ring dwelleth,
Homage pays to sympathy!
To the stars above leads she,
Where on high the Unknown reigneth.

Joy is drunk by every being
From kind nature’s flowing breasts,
Every evil, every good thing
For her rosy footprint quests.
Gave she us both vines and kisses,
In the face of death a friend,
To the worm were given blisses
And the Cherubs God attend.

Fall before him, all ye millions?
Know’st thou the Creator, world?
Seek above the stars unfurl’d,
Yonder dwells He in the heavens.

Joy commands the hardy mainspring
Of the universe eterne.
Joy, oh joy the wheel is driving

Chorus. Fall before him, all ye millions?
Know’st thou the Creator, world?
Seek above the stars unfurl’d,
Yonder dwells He in the heavens.

Edited by Water by the River

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44 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Joy, thou beauteous godly lightning,
Daughter of Elysium,
Fire drunken we are ent’ring
Heavenly, thy holy home!
Thy enchantments bind together,
What did custom stern divide,
Every man becomes a brother,
Where thy gentle wings abide.

Be embrac’d, ye millions yonder!
Take this kiss throughout the world!
Brothers—o’er the stars unfurl’d
Must reside a loving Father.

Who the noble prize achieveth,
Good friend of a friend to be;
Who a lovely wife attaineth,
Join us in his jubilee!
Yes—he too who but one being
On this earth can call his own!
He who ne’er was able, weeping Stealeth from this league alone!

He who in the great ring dwelleth,
Homage pays to sympathy!
To the stars above leads she,
Where on high the Unknown reigneth.

Joy is drunk by every being
From kind nature’s flowing breasts,
Every evil, every good thing
For her rosy footprint quests.
Gave she us both vines and kisses,
In the face of death a friend,
To the worm were given blisses
And the Cherubs God attend.

Fall before him, all ye millions?
Know’st thou the Creator, world?
Seek above the stars unfurl’d,
Yonder dwells He in the heavens.

Joy commands the hardy mainspring
Of the universe eterne.
Joy, oh joy the wheel is driving

Chorus. Fall before him, all ye millions?
Know’st thou the Creator, world?
Seek above the stars unfurl’d,
Yonder dwells He in the heavens.

10 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


The best song ever. 


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