
Many People Who Are Fighting Absolute Solipsism Do Not Even Know What It Is

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41 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

When i said horror, i didn't mean fear.  there is no fear, simply reality is an empty abyss. When the ego returns, it feels horror, as if you had seen a person being tortured, it doesn't scare you, but it causes you horror. Another feeling of horror that has occurred many times with 5 meo is: I am trapped in eternity, alone, and with no possibility of escaping the fact of existing. this does not cause fear, but the horror is so strong that it seems that it could cause physical damage. regarding the cessation of which you speak, that is a temporary jump, as if you were injected with propofol. if there is no consciousness of the void, there is no void, there is non-existence, and non-existence does not exist. existence is absolute, it has no opposite. To give an example, if in the middle of an ocean of non-existence a second of existence arises, that second would be eternal, since its limits would be non-existence, which does not exist. would be unlimited, as is the case

I see. Below my perspective on that, as you partly already known for sure, since I replied to you in one of these posts.

I know, broken record: Good way to "kill/transcend/let go/make subject->object moving in You" anything in the mindstream: Mahamudra, Pointing Out the Great Way, Brown. Including these "anythings":

41 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

but it causes you horror. Another feeling of horror that has occurred many times with 5 meo is: I am trapped in eternity, alone, and with no possibility of escaping the fact of existing. this does not cause fear, but the horror is so strong that it seems that it could cause physical damage

Now I need to take care that I don't sound arrogant at such an existential topic: The "smiles" of Maya protecting her illusions can also take the wrathful/horror-forms like that. feeling of horror is just another arising, its essence empty Nothingness.


Water by the River

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@Water by the River  thanks for remembering that post, yes, i agree, any experience is not good or bad, it is our reaction to it that defines it as such. all these "feelings" are reactions of the ego, obviously. with each such experience understanding breaks through inch by inch. hence I see the importance of having them

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@Razard86 ok, let's assume for a moment that I'm your very close relative, i.e. your brother. And I don't see things the way you see them. I don't need you to see them in my way. I don't need to convince you to anything since you are little diffrent than me in very unique way, what I perceive as a great value that add to the richness of the world. I don't want and don't need you to be imagined. I want you to be real. Can you love such real world with real, different people? Despite they are full of shit as you say. And don't forget that I'm also God. God is communicating to you right now, even if it is level of an ego. "Evil lurks in the eye of the seer". Are you sure that you know God?

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We see what we want to see. And love accepts all of it. Effortlessly. Without jugdements. But what we want to see will never be That what Is. So simple yet extremely difficult?

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@Razard86 In the future, if you're going to make a new thread and you're going to talk about solipsism in it, instead of making a new thread, make a post in this thread. This is your solipsism thread now (it's all yours ;)).

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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17 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

^ If this isn't being a smartass, I don't know what is. ;) I'm a guy in front of a computer reading this and thinking "god wtf is this dude on about..." and You're calling me some guardian of the realm.

Okay, here very explicit: No disrespect intended! 

Water by the River


“TRANSCENDENCE RESTORES HUMOR. Spirit restores humor. Suddenly smiling returns. Too many representatives of too many movements – even many very good movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, meditation, spiritual studies – seem to lack humor altogether. In other words, they lack lightness, they lack a distance from themselves, a distance from the ego and its grim game of forcing others to conform to its contours... They should all trade two pounds of ego for one ounce of laughter”(Ken Wilber. 1999. One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber. December 7).


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After some years developing yourself and getting to the Truth, the most sane way is going your own way, getting out of internet, blogs or whatever.

I'm realizing this right now.


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28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

. all these "feelings" are reactions of the ego, obviously. with each such experience understanding breaks through inch by inch. hence I see the importance of having them

Fully agree. Having these reactions is an excellent and good sign. Most people only engage in feeling-good-spirituality or the like. Building some conceptual feel-good castles in the sky. And with that I mean mainly the normal spiritual-marketplace stuff, not even some of the conceptual shows showing up here. 

As Steven Norquist eloquently wrote, real transcedence is the Green Mile. At least while the Illusions get transcended/dissolve/die.

If one has never felt fear of the impersonal silent nature of Infinite Pure Consciousness/Reality, or awe, something is missing...


Afterwards, the more the separate-contraction isresolved, the more it becomes a celebration and play.

Water by the River

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15 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

“TRANSCENDENCE RESTORES HUMOR. Spirit restores humor. Suddenly smiling returns. Too many representatives of too many movements – even many very good movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, meditation, spiritual studies – seem to lack humor altogether. In other words, they lack lightness, they lack a distance from themselves, a distance from the ego and its grim game of forcing others to conform to its contours... They should all trade two pounds of ego for one ounce of laughter”(Ken Wilber. 1999. One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber. December 7).

Thanks for sharing, great quote. I admit I've been too serious lately.

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@Vibes It's not just about people here on the forum, because if you think most people here are more developed than the average human being.

If you stop your life to join a spirituality forum, you gotta be a bit serious about that if you consider.

I'm talking about all human knowledge, practices, ways of thinking ever created. 

What's the next frontier of Spirituality, Science, Technology and Religion?

What's the next steps no one else can see?

Quoting Bryan Johnson:


"My main source of inspiration is having read hundreds of biographies. I love learning about people in their time and place that were able to work on impossibly hard things so talent is the ability to hit the target no one else can, GENIUS hits the target no one else can SEE and the majority of us in life, we play the games that society gives us so that's hitting the target. So currently social media followers. People like to play games where points can be kept and you can be compared to people and ranked. GENIUS is a different GAME, it's trying to find things that DON'T EXIST and you need to have stamina and fortitude to go out and pave your own path and do things that are not recognized, appreciated or valued even in your LIFETIME. So to me reading biographies is about people who do that. They really try to survey all of existence, they are somehow IMMUNE to their time and place and are able to see these things."

"So I like working with the concept of GEN ZERO of this idea that a group of humans walking into the future that is willing to divorce themselves from all human norms and customs."

We here on the forum need to think about how to expand what is unknown, we need to focus on being a GENIUS, hitting the target no one else can SEE.

Leo will not be around forever. 

We must forget all that was created and invent, create, share new paths to humanity.

That's my main purpose and mission now.

Peter Ralston gives an example here of what I'm talking about:


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We need to aspire to be the next Da Vinci, Musk, Tesla, Ralston, Franklin, Michelangelo.

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10 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

“TRANSCENDENCE RESTORES HUMOR. Spirit restores humor. Suddenly smiling returns. Too many representatives of too many movements – even many very good movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, meditation, spiritual studies – seem to lack humor altogether. In other words, they lack lightness, they lack a distance from themselves, a distance from the ego and its grim game of forcing others to conform to its contours... They should all trade two pounds of ego for one ounce of laughter”


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2 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

Thanks for sharing, great quote. I admit I've been too serious lately.

Hi Sincerity,

and please: If I go over the top with my stylistic devices overkill, give me a big smack with the Keisaku!


You know, if I would really seriously start attacking certain (in my opinion very very dangerous conceptual systems like Solipsism) in a measure that would be appropriate to the potential damage Solipsism can cause at certain readers of the forum, we would be in a s***-show of the highest degree.

  • And since such a Nondual/Dharma-battle that is not kept on the light side only leads to conflict, suffering, bruised egos and a lot of fallout (and not much productive stuff else), I try to stay on the light side, trying to take myself not to serious.
  • The only thing I allow myself is limited amounts of irony, not crossing the line of sarcassm (if I do, give me the Keisaku).
  • And sometimes maybe risking writing like a smartass   using a broad range of certain linguistic stylistic devices and foreign words.
    • Like, you know, in: Oscar Wilde — 'You can never be overdressed or overeducated.' ;)
    • Forgive me these little sins and vices. And feel free to use the Keisaku if I go over the top. Writing is a monologue, and it is difficult to see how its interpreted on the other side.

We are all on the same path, going from atom-molecule-plant-animal-human-stone age- medieval age- industrial age- information age- AI- Skynet -Terminator-Fermi-Paradoxon [just kidding, I dont believe in that, although its possible] - awakened humanity uploaded to Alien Dimension [Reality Switch Technologies: Psychedelics as Tools for the Discovery and Exploration of New Worlds ], so...

Lets enjoy the journey! :)

Water by the River

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“TRANSCENDENCE RESTORES HUMOR. Spirit restores humor. Suddenly smiling returns. Too many representatives of too many movements – even many very good movements, such as feminism, environmentalism, meditation, spiritual studies – seem to lack humor altogether. In other words, they lack lightness, they lack a distance from themselves, a distance from the ego and its grim game of forcing others to conform to its contours... They should all trade two pounds of ego for one ounce of laughter”

2 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:



If the quality of the hilarious Bazooka Jesus posts continues like that, then Bazooka and yours truly will walk together - holding hands and singing "Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya"- to the chapter of Spiritualoholics Anonymous, to get off the addiction  :P

Confirms again that the dream of Lila bottoms out in the best case to be a mixture between celebration & hilarious joke.

Selling Water by the River



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24 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

We need to aspire to be the next Da Vinci, Musk, Tesla, Ralston, Franklin, Michelangelo.

Just aspire to really realize, to the bottom, what you are. absolute existence without limit. I would forget "truths" expressed in words. they are worth nothing.

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1 hour ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Razard86 ok, let's assume for a moment that I'm your very close relative, i.e. your brother. And I don't see things the way you see them. I don't need you to see them in my way. I don't need to convince you to anything since you are little diffrent than me in very unique way, what I perceive as a great value that add to the richness of the world. I don't want and don't need you to be imagined. I want you to be real. Can you love such real world with real, different people? Despite they are full of shit as you say. And don't forget that I'm also God. God is communicating to you right now, even if it is level of an ego. "Evil lurks in the eye of the seer". Are you sure that you know God?

1. You live in a world of shadows. Every Ego is your shadow, you have to deny that they are you.

2. Everyone knows God, how do you ask if I know God....all self-knowledge is GOD KNOWLEDGE. God is the only thing there is, so only God can validate if God knows itself.

3. Right now I am talking to myself, and have a silly little thought named Kuba that thinks its cute asking if I am sure I know God. *Yawn* Can you actually TRY to be more interesting? If I didn't know myself....I wouldn't be able to have experience. EXPERIENCE IS SELF-KNOWLEDGE. The dream is to experience what you are so you can KNOW YOURSELF. You literally cannot be having experience...WITHOUT SELF-KNOWLEDGE because they are ONE!!! You see how boring and ridiculous your request was? And yes....it was all bullshit. SIGH.....please try harder guys..

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Breakingthewall I agree but the pursuit of Enlightenment is just part of life not life itself.

You have to contribute to humanity, create, learn and share.

Look at Ralston, He's 73 years old and launching books, doing workshops...

Choop Wood, Carry Water.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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@Water by the River I should have anticipated the analogy when the gladiator asked, "Are you not entertained?". Still, my favorite movie ever ⚔️

There's a lot of talk here about "serious spirituality". I understand the intent, but am glad people are realizing the value of moderation, even in the spiritual journey.

As Tolle said, "Don’t trust a guru that never laughs."

@Razard86 I was pondering this morning that the greatest obstacle to deepening realization is not jousting at conceptual windmills (e.g., crusading for the idea of absolute solipsism), Don-Quixote style. That can be distracting, but it tends to eventually exhaust itself. All good.

The true enemy, which stands behind your shoulder whispering where to strike, is the ego itself, appearing as an angel of light. When it tells you that you can't possibly thrive without its guidance, see it for the lie that it is. True wisdom is directly realized within. Everything else is empty illusion.

It's possible to gradually dissolve attachments to external desires and fears. Love does the work for you, you just have to allow it. It is a deepening process of absolute liberation.

Severing the strings to maya doesn't require heroic effort on your part. All that is truly needed is sincere submission of the absolute to itself.

When you get old like me (I'm 57), if you're lucky life wears you down to the point where you are ready to see your suffering for what it is. You realize that the desperate need for safety and happiness, which has driven you to construct a conceptual fortress around yourself, only isolates you from the light of your absolute nature.

Until the fortress is dissolved, ego brick by ego brick, you remain enslaved within a prison of your own making. The deconstruction doesn't happen over night, but it does happen, and the light of your absolute nature floods more steadily through.

You develop a keen scent for the ego. Not only do you detect it in others, but you are attuned to its parasitic attempts on your own awareness. Gradually, you learn to remain focused on the absolute within, no matter how alluringly the ego flashes its wares on the other side of the gate.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

Most people only engage in feeling-good-spirituality or the like. Building some conceptual feel-good castles in the sky

Yeah, let's see If here we begin to be serious in the objective of reaching the bottom. this obviously has to be done by each one, alone, but this is an excellent place to share points of view, experiences, look for help, with people who are on the same path, with the same ambition: undo the enigma that it means to be. fully open to the now. identify and let go of all the tricks of the ego. go as deep as possible into ourselves, that is, into reality.

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13 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

You have to contribute to humanity, create, learn and share.

Totally agree

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