
Many People Who Are Fighting Absolute Solipsism Do Not Even Know What It Is

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One of the issues I am seeing on these forums is ignorance. The first rule of debating something is UNDERSTANDING. Many of you do not even know what Absolute Solipsism is, yet you keep fighting it. I even see people keep using this term the seperate self, the seperate self does not exist, SO STOP USING THAT TERM! That term actually confuses people!!! This is why I said human spirituality is bullshit and I'm so glad I was able to figure out the various traps you guys lay because of your inability to drop your human identity when it is obvious you are not human!!! Human is JUST A MEMORY. That is all it is. It is a bunch of sensations that arise and disappear. Anyway I will explain what Absolute Solipsism is.

1. Absolute Solipsism says you are the only thing that exists. You are awareness. Awareness has two extremes of expression, it can appear and it can disappear. Now Awareness is eternal, and is the only thing that is so even when it appears to not be there DEEP SLEEP (Imagining it is not there) it is still there because it is all there is. 

2. This awareness is a MIND, as such it can imagine/appear as ANYTHING. But this appearance is NOTHING. Because it is NOTHING it has NO LIMITS to what it can appear as, but as a result of being nothing with no limits, each appearance will be impermanent. Impermanence is its nature so it can fully express itself in an Absolute Infinite variety.

3. What does all this mean? This means that all appearance of distinction is not true because it is just awareness. It means that since YOU ARE AWARENESS that you are ALL ALONE. You have to CREATE OTHER to experience yourself, because there is only ONE SINGULAR AWARENESS. This means that voice you hear in your head when you think, is NO DIFFERENT than the voices of the people you meet in your life. Everyone, everything, is just a thought in the mind of awareness. So you are ALWAYS talking to yourself, and experiencing yourself because you are THE SELF, THE I AM. 

4. Many on the forums think I am saying the avatar is all alone, HELL NO the avatar you see is no different than the other avatars you see, it is just an appearance!! You erroneously think this is what Absolute Solipsism is because YOU ARE TOO ATTACHED TO THE HUMAN IDENTITY!! That is not what it is saying!! Think about it? Is the human identity absolute? NO!!! So why the hell would Absolute Solipsism be saying that? Notice YOU are making this mistake out of your self-bias!!! What it is saying....is whatever is appearing in the present moment IS ALL THAT IS!! Your awareness IS ABSOLUTE!!! 

5. The ramifications of this are as follows. If you are in your room, with your doors closed then there are NO OTHER ROOMS in the present moment. If you do NOT SEE any other visuals....then there are NO OTHER VISUALS. If you do not hear something, then that sound does not exist. YOU ARE EXISTENCE. If it is not within your awareness then it does not exist!!! Now you can FOOL yourself by saying it exists (imagining the possibility) and once you imagine that possibility then it exists in your awareness as a possibility being expressed in your mind. You see you use your human level imagination in conjunction with your waking level more stable/consistent imagination to fool yourself! The first thing you need to stop doing is using your human level imagination to create lies such as time, space, science, a past, a future, the belief that you can die, and the belief that when people leave your awareness to (claim) to go somewhere else that they exist outside your awareness, and lastly that when your avatar perishes that the world will still exist. All of these human level imagination bullshit lies are false!!! THERE IS ONLY YOU!!!

6. That screen that everything arises in as an appearance is ABSOLUTE!!! How it hides itself as the absolute is through labeling and stories. You create the appearance of arms, torso, legs and feet that move upon a ground and they remain the constant (even though it does change in other ways appearance wise) and you take that as you. Then it looks at a chair and it thinks the chair is somehow different to that arm, torso, legs and feet. Through this it creates an other. But what it doesn't realize is that chair is equally just as much part of the scenery as the arms, the torso, legs, and feet. So the relative is the constant changing of ALL appearances, this relative is all comparison of appearances. Its like you have an etch and sketch, while keeping the arms, torso, legs and feet constant you are constantly erasing everything else to draw something new. But there is always one constant...the screen of awareness. So then you will ask....but what about when you go into deep sleep? Even then you are there, because you are aware that YOU blanked out. 

7. Now notice in DEEP SLEEP there is a lack of appearance. No sound, no visual appearance, no time, no space, there is NOTHING. THIS IS YOUR TRUE IDENTITY. But notice...you cannot experience what you are...without the appearance of SOMETHING!!! But that something....is no different than the blankness/blackout of Nothing. This is PROOF you cannot die!!! Also if you pay attention...in your direct experience....blank is happening all the time!!! Move your hand...NOTICE for it to move from left to right it has to BLANK out of existence. Motion is just you blinking in and out of awareness. This means when you walk around...you have died and been brought back to life. You call death disappearance, and life appearance. But NOTICE in your life you are always seeing appearance and disappearance. This is why...existence is MAGIC. This appearance and disappearance has NO MECHANISM!! It is INSTANT at all times!! THIS IS THE GREAT MYSTERY because it cannot be explained. 

So there you have it, THIS is absolute solipsism and it CANNOT be disproven no matter how hard you try!!!

You can watch these videos by Leo and use this post as well to help you.

These additional videos can help as well:

Also personally for me these insights were especially helpful for me:


Also after you awaken.....this will be your new journey



Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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Oh and to add onto this. 


You see this? ^^^ THIS IS HUMAN BULLSHIT BY LEO!!! This is why you need to think for yourself. I gave away all my money last year....ALL OF IT!! I wanted to test if what Jesus said about not having to worry about your survival....was it true!!! And so far what he said is true!!!


Read this^^^ this is true!!! When you awaken you need to THINK FOR YOURSELF!! Leo has a fear of being poor, this fear distorts his reality and makes him very afraid. As such he sees people as uncaring....THIS IS BULLSHIT!!! I've tested it out and people as selfish as they are will literally help you out for NOTHING IN RETURN!!! For example after one of my bad trips prior to permanent awakening I was walking around in the cold trying to process it. A random guy walked up to me, gave me a jacket and walked away. 

There are other stories of pure random acts of kindness by complete strangers I have had. So this belief that nobody cares about you and you are all alone out here is HUMAN FEAR BASED BULLSHIT AND IS THE CAUSE OF ALL DISCRIMINATION!!! IT IS UTTER BULLSHIT!! In my own direct experience through all my trips, it has been the COMPLETE OPPOSITE!!! They only appear to be that way but when push comes to shove even the meanest people are willing to help you out!!!

Obviously there are outliers but I have actually noticed that people are MORE GOOD than you realize!!! Remove your fear, and you will see with clarity!!!

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86: Four humble questions:

(1) And as soon as one has understood this (what you write), and is deeply convinced that all of that is the case and true, is one then enlightened or awakened or realized?

(2) If not (according to question 1), what would an aficionado of Absolute Solipsism have to do (or believe, or whatever) to get sanctioned by you to have awoken? 

(3) In which case would he have not have awoken, if he agrees these tenets/points you describe?

(4) What would the Realizer/"Awakended one  of Absolute Solipsism" have to do if he still suffers to get rid of that suffering, to ease his suffering?


And please

#1. some very specific answers, directly answering & hitting the meaning of the questions, to the best of your abilities

#2. no talking about the bush, and

#3. please the answer for each question separate.

Lets see if there is enough reading comprehension and courtesy/compassion to consider Points #1,#2,#3 

And let's see if yours truly has already made it to the list of lost souls forever burning in the hell of the heretics that are not worthy replying to them because even replying can cause their evil spirits and ideas to flare to possibly seduce and spoil the souls of innocents ones that still can be saved to Absolute Solipsism  is deserving of the simple courtesy of not being ignored & answered to.

Thanks! :)


Yours truly

Selling Water by the River

PS: And sorry for the stuff crossed :$

Edited by Water by the River

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The people who fight absolute solipsism do not exist. It's funny how god programmed them to try and claim they are real but once you know the truth it's impossible to be fooled again.

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7 minutes ago, Holykael said:

The people who fight absolute solipsism do not exist. It's funny how god programmed them to try and claim they are real but once you know the truth it's impossible to be fooled again.

Holykael, yours truly just loved your answer. :)

Please keep going on with the good stuff. That post was so funny on so many levels. :D

Bon Voyage

Selling Water by the River

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what you say is very good, you are quite an intelligent guy with high energy, but you operate from the logical mind, and you can't leave behind the conceptual barriers. you have an ego of a ton. but hey, since you're a smart guy with strong will, I guess at some point you'll really awake. 

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

@Razard86: Four humble questions:

(1) And as soon as one has understood this (what you write), and is deeply convinced that all of that is the case and true, is one then enlightened or awakened or realized?

(2) If not (according to question 1), what would an aficionado of Absolute Solipsism have to do (or believe, or whatever) to get sanctioned by you to have awoken? 

(3) In which case would he have not have awoken, if he agrees these tenets/points you describe?

(4) What would the Realizer/"Awakended one  of Absolute Solipsism" have to do if he still suffers to get rid of that suffering, to ease his suffering?


And please

#1. some very specific answers, directly answering & hitting the meaning of the questions, to the best of your abilities

#2. no talking about the bush, and

#3. please the answer for each question separate.

Lets see if there is enough reading comprehension and courtesy/compassion to consider Points #1,#2,#3 

And let's see if yours truly has already made it to the list of lost souls forever burning in the hell of the heretics that are not worthy replying to them because even replying can cause their evil spirits and ideas to flare to possible seduce and spoil the souls of innocents ones that still can be saved to Absolute Solipsism  is deserving of the simple courtesy of not being ignored & answered to.

Thanks! :)


Yours truly

Selling Water by the River

PS: And sorry for the stuff crossed :$

1. Awakening happens on its own, there is nothing you need to do as far as effort.

2. Things that can facilitate this process. Is a proper understanding so you can escape delusion.

3. Enter an expanded state of consciousness, this can be done through meditation or some substance like a psychedelic, for me it was an edible.

4. Once you are in that expanded state of consciousness, with the proper understanding of how you are deceiving yourself, your awareness will recognize what is going on. You will enter a "OF COURSE!!!!" Or "AH HAH" moment. You will also feel like you have "been here" before and have done this before. At this point the veil will drop and you will enter a non-dual state PERMANENTLY. 

After that is your call what you want to do for the rest of your dream/life. My only presence here is to facilitate this process since I was able to see how people can get confused. 

One little cheat code you can use is this video Leo made if you are not confident in your ability to deconstruct your world view.

What I would suggest is to enter an expanded state (one that doesn't blast you off to some insane dream) and watch this video. Your awareness will respond to the words he says, you don't even to try/do anything. Just sit, with a clear mind, and your awareness will react to the words he says.

Now...a feeling of annihilation/existential threat may arise, sit with it and allow it expression. If you can sit through this video...you MAY awaken. You can use it multiple times or do it yourself. Your goal is to free yourself from your human delusions of the nature of reality, and then your reality will reflect it.

As I have said... the only reason you aren't awake once you are exposed to the teachings is because you don't want to be awake. It's as simple as that!!!

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:


what you say is very good, you are quite an intelligent guy with high energy,  you have an ego of a ton. but hey, since you're a smart guy with strong will, I guess at some point you'll really awake. 

1. How do you know this is not projection?

2. If what you say is true...EXPLAIN it. Any claim can be made.....but can you actually explain it?

3. To awaken YOU NEED FREAKING LOGIC!! Reality is SELF-DECEPTION!! Why do you think you have to do self-inquiry? You are NOT going to meditate your way to God-Realization because you used LOGIC TO TRICK YOURSELF!!! So you need logic to UNDO THE TRICK!! Notice when you argue...YOU USE LOGIC!!! Logic is an expression of infinite intelligence. The only mystery that logic cannot explain is the MAGIC, the constant disappearance and reappearance!! But if what I am saying is wrong....LET'S HEAR IT!!

Anyone can make any statement!!! But can you actually explain why we should BELIEVE what you state? If you cannot explain it...then that means your words don't hold any weight and you are just projecting. So let's hear your explanation of those claims you have just made. UNPACK IT FOR ME.

Also I am not some smart guy, I AM YOU!!! I am the version of you who gave a damn about awakening and is now trying to help you!!!! Stop creating distinctions....I AM YOU!!!!

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Water by the River said:

@Razard86: Four humble questions:

(1) And as soon as one has understood this (what you write), and is deeply convinced that all of that is the case and true, is one then enlightened or awakened or realized?

(2) If not (according to question 1), what would an aficionado of Absolute Solipsism have to do (or believe, or whatever) to get sanctioned by you to have awoken? 

(3) In which case would he have not have awoken, if he agrees these tenets/points you describe?

(4) What would the Realizer/"Awakended one  of Absolute Solipsism" have to do if he still suffers to get rid of that suffering, to ease his suffering?


And please

#1. some very specific answers, directly answering & hitting the meaning of the questions, to the best of your abilities

#2. no talking about the bush, and

#3. please the answer for each question separate.

Lets see if there is enough reading comprehension and courtesy/compassion to consider Points #1,#2,#3 

And let's see if yours truly has already made it to the list of lost souls forever burning in the hell of the heretics that are not worthy replying to them because even replying can cause their evil spirits and ideas to flare to possibly seduce and spoil the souls of innocents ones that still can be saved to Absolute Solipsism  is deserving of the simple courtesy of not being ignored & answered to.

Thanks! :)


Yours truly

Selling Water by the River

PS: And sorry for the stuff crossed :$


2 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

1. Awakening happens on its own, there is nothing you need to do as far as effort.

2. Things that can facilitate this process. Is a proper understanding so you can escape delusion.

3. Enter an expanded state of consciousness, this can be done through meditation or some substance like a psychedelic, for me it was an edible.

4. Once you are in that expanded state of consciousness, with the proper understanding of how you are deceiving yourself, your awareness will recognize what is going on. You will enter a "OF COURSE!!!!" Or "AH HAH" moment. You will also feel like you have "been here" before and have done this before. At this point the veil will drop and you will enter a non-dual state PERMANENTLY. 

After that is your call what you want to do for the rest of your dream/life. My only presence here is to facilitate this process since I was able to see how people can get confused. 

Do you realize that you have not answered a single one of my questions, that I have asked very specifically (1-4)?

Is it a challenge of reading comprehension, or ist it just easier to avoid my questions?;) Maybe try again?

But hey, if you don't have the courtesy to carefully read what I asked, and specifically only answer what is asked in the questions and not something else, please feel free to continue serving as an example of

  • trying to conceptually think ones way to Awakening/Enlightenment via "Conceptual Absolute Solipsism" using (admittedly) one of the best conceptual descriptions of Awakening (not Full Enlightenment) done so far, those by Leo.
  • trying to promote these concepts with evangelical passion towards the "others" to be saved
  • and (now its a win-win :)):
    • continuing blaming "others" for being to ignorant/biased/not open/whatever/n+1 in an aggresive way, showing the degree of ego-transcendence and peace achieved,
    • or at least toning down the aggresiveness and using nicer language (no more Liars, Raper, Fools, and the like), less [!!!] and less shouting via CAPITAL LETTERS). And while doing that, keeping ones aggression in check, because that will always find its way into the text written.
  • and doing all of that, showing wether "Conceptual Absolute Solipsism" really is a path up the mountain peak or into the valley below.


A bit off-topic: An interesting research question would be: Is there some kind of threshold where "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" would get really dangerous?

  • Dangerous like doing the promoting of "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" at such a smart "intellectual flight level" where it gets really dangerous of seducing those that are themself smart&disciplined enough to reach the mountain summit with good teachings/practices?
  • while at the same time not being at a smartness-flightlevel high enough to understand that "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" trying to think ones way to Enlightenment (instead of practicing/meditating) is exactly not the path to the mountain peak of empty/ impersonal/ nonceptual Awakening/Enlightenment, but down to the valley where Maya smilingly waits with Solipsism, Narcicissm and the self-grandiosity of saving "others"?
  • Lets see if the upcoming preachers of that religion will help clarifying that research question.

My personal guess is: No, it can't get dangerous, and the Eros/Growth towards complexity of the Kosmos is larger than the ignorance and illusion Maya generates. But I don't know.

But what I am convinced of: On a relative level, the Narcicissm and the self-grandiosity (going up to God- and Messiah-complex like behaviour) can destroy the life of quite many preaching that religion. And that is why yours truly "fights" this "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching". Of course tongue in cheek, not taking the show as anything more than just one of the many spectacular displays of Maya. ;)

As always, Bon Voyage....

Yours Truly

Selling Water by the River

PS: And Razard, sorry, it is not personal. I agree with the last post of Breakingthewall, and really wish you a Bon Voyage and all the best.

But the path of "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" you promote (instead of for example promoting sitting down and meditating/practicing - which is, oh, actually serious work that takes discipline) falls into the delivery-portfolio of the guy with style & taste in the video below, metaphorically speaking.... ;) The next shortcut up the mountain-peak, that ends quite somehwere else... 






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57 minutes ago, Water by the River said:


Do you realize that you have not answered a single one of my questions, that I have asked very specifically (1-4)?

Is it a challenge of reading comprehension, or ist it just easier to avoid my questions?;) Maybe try again?

But hey, if you don't have the courtesy to carefully read what I asked, and specifically only answer what is asked in the questions and not something else, please feel free to continue serving as an example of

  • trying to conceptually think ones way to Awakening/Enlightenment via "Conceptual Absolute Solipsism" using (admittedly) one of the best conceptual descriptions of Awakening (not Full Enlightenment) done so far, those by Leo.
  • trying to promote these concepts with evangelical passion towards the "others" to be saved
  • and (now its a win-win :)):
    • continuing blaming "others" for being to ignorant/biased/not open/whatever/n+1 in an aggresive way, showing the degree of ego-transcendence and peace achieved,
    • or at least toning down the aggresiveness and using nicer language (no more Liars, Raper, Fools, and the like), less [!!!] and less shouting via CAPITAL LETTERS). And while doing that, keeping ones aggression in check, because that will always find its way into the text written.
  • and doing all of that, showing wether "Conceptual Absolute Solipsism" really is a path up the mountain peak or into the valley below.


A bit off-topic: An interesting research question would be: Is there some kind of threshold where "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" would get really dangerous?

  • Dangerous like doing the promoting of "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" at such a smart "intellectual flight level" where it gets really dangerous of seducing those that are themself smart&disciplined enough to reach the mountain summit with good teachings/practices?
  • while at the same time not being at a smartness-flightlevel high enough to understand that "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" trying to think ones way to Enlightenment (instead of practicing/meditating) is exactly not the path to the mountain peak of empty/ impersonal/ nonceptual Awakening/Enlightenment, but down to the valley where Maya smilingly waits with Solipsism, Narcicissm and the self-grandiosity of saving "others"?
  • Lets see if the upcoming preachers of that religion will help clarifying that research question.

My personal guess is: No, it can't get dangerous, and the Eros/Growth towards complexity of the Kosmos is larger than the ignorance and illusion Maya generates. But I don't know.

But what I am convinced of: On a relative level, the Narcicissm and the self-grandiosity (going up to God- and Messiah-complex like behaviour) can destroy the life of quite many preaching that religion. And that is why yours truly "fights" this "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching". Of course tongue in cheek, not taking the show as anything more than just one of the many spectacular displays of Maya. ;)

As always, Bon Voyage....

Yours Truly

Selling Water by the River

PS: And Razard, sorry, it is not personal. I agree with the last post of Breakingthewall, and really wish you a Bon Voyage and all the best.

But the path of "Conceptual  Absolute Solipsism Preaching" you promote (instead of for example promoting sitting down and meditating/practicing - which is, oh, actually serious work that takes discipline) falls into the delivery-portfolio of the guy with style & taste in the video below, metaphorically speaking.... ;) The next shortcut up the mountain-peak, that ends quite somehwere else... 






I see you for what you are, I answered every question. You are here to delude the masses. ^^^^This is a false teacher. This is avatar is here to keep you distracted. Notice he writes many long texts...that say NOTHING. He is vague and long-winded because he is confused. 

Fall for his delusion if you will. I literally explained and answered every question he asked and he denied I did. I don't even waste my time reading his long posts anymore because he is all over the place. His posts have no destination, mere ruminations with no end in sight. He is an indirect communicator looking for you to get lost in his poetry so he can keep you asleep all for the validation of your support.

Me? I could give a shit if you like me. I have nothing to sell. All I want for you is to be able to skip the bullshit of many false teachers so you don't waste your time. Do not fall for fake humbleness, no not fall for fake politeness. If someone is trying to win you over, then that means they want something from you. I want nothing for you but what you want for yourself.

You don't want to awaken? Fine. You want to awaken? Also fine. My only goal is to help you be able to choose which direction you want, and help make it easier to wade through the filth, and bullshit that many lost souls on the path spew. Human Spirituality is filthy!!! Unless you have discernment you will get lost and confused. 


This is something me and Leo are in perfect agreement on. All this fake humbleness and sophistry is bullshit. Real love is about truth and nothing else. 

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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30 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

How do you know this is not projection?

Because it's obvious. I know where you are, you lack barriers to break. all your awakening is based on "knowing things".


32 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

what you say is true...EXPLAIN it. Any claim can be made.....but can you actually explain it?

Yes, i can easily. awakening is transcending appearance and realizing that you are. "to realize" is not to know that you are conceptually. it is to break all the limitations that form the appearance and open yourself completely to infinity. It is a total mystical experience, a permanent change in the structure of your energy patterns, that is, in the structure "you".

 You will fall to your knees bathed in tears, you will raise your arms to the sky and you will scream with all your might. the liberation will be total, a jet of energy will come out of each atom, for the first time in your existence, you will relax your control. you will be infinite

39 minutes ago, Razard86 said:


You need logic and be smart to deconstruc the walls that keep you imprisoned. solipsism is an idea that helps to break barriers, but it is not the truth because no idea is the truth, the truth is infinite. It is obvious that you cannot define infinity, you can squeeze your mind for a thousand years but you will not be able to capture it, because the mind is relative. solipsism is a relative idea, the word "only" or "one" are relative, they are opposed to others or two. infinity is unthinkable, it is the absence of limits. you can only be. all this work consists of loosening the barriers that prevent you from being it. for you to be awake is to know that only you exist and that you are absolute. Good, but now you need to break the soap bubble. Why do you think that Leo has done thousands of trips with psychedelics? Because he's bored?

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24 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

3. To awaken YOU NEED FREAKING LOGIC!! Reality is SELF-DECEPTION!! Why do you think you have to do self-inquiry? You are NOT going to meditate your way to God-Realization because you used LOGIC TO TRICK YOURSELF!!!

Whooopsi :$O.o

Like Ramana, who reasoned his way to Enlightenement with LOGIC. And all the other cases of more or less sponteneous Enlightenment, like Anandamayi Ma and so on and on. (Karma causing Awakened States anybody)?

Yours truly is not adversive to logic, as one can see considering his way tooo long ramblings. But claiming that one needs Logic for Awakening and Enlightenment....

Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, no real danger of serious seduction from and towards the dark side here....

Please reason & logic your way to God/Absolute....

Has been tried before. One can even get a PhD in that:



all the best

Selling Water by the River

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20 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

I see you for what you are, I answered every question. You are here to delude the masses. ^^^^This is a false teacher. This is avatar is here to keep you distracted. Notice he writes many long texts...that say NOTHING. He is vague and long-winded because he is confused. 


like in:

Selling Water by the River


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2 hours ago, Water by the River said:

@Razard86: Four humble questions:

(1) And as soon as one has understood this (what you write), and is deeply convinced that all of that is the case and true, is one then enlightened or awakened or realized?

(2) If not (according to question 1), what would an aficionado of Absolute Solipsism have to do (or believe, or whatever) to get sanctioned by you to have awoken? 

(3) In which case would he have not have awoken, if he agrees these tenets/points you describe?

(4) What would the Realizer/"Awakended one  of Absolute Solipsism" have to do if he still suffers to get rid of that suffering, to ease his suffering?


And please

#1. some very specific answers, directly answering & hitting the meaning of the questions, to the best of your abilities

#2. no talking about the bush, and

#3. please the answer for each question separate.

Lets see if there is enough reading comprehension and courtesy/compassion to consider Points #1,#2,#3 

And let's see if yours truly has already made it to the list of lost souls forever burning in the hell of the heretics that are not worthy replying to them because even replying can cause their evil spirits and ideas to flare to possibly seduce and spoil the souls of innocents ones that still can be saved to Absolute Solipsism  is deserving of the simple courtesy of not being ignored & answered to.

Thanks! :)


Yours truly

Selling Water by the River

PS: And sorry for the stuff crossed :$

13 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Whooopsi :$O.o

Like Ramana, who reasoned his way to Enlightenement with LOGIC. And all the other cases of more or less sponteneous Enlightenment, like Anandamayi Ma and so on and on. (Karma causing Awakened States anybody)?

Yours truly is not adversive to logic, as one can see considering his way tooo long ramblings. But claiming that one needs Logic for Awakening and Enlightenment....

Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, no real danger of serious seduction from and towards the dark side here....

Please reason & logic your way to God/Absolute....

Has been tried before. One can even get a PhD in that:



all the best

Selling Water by the River

The first question is not sincere because we all know true awakening is NOT conceptual. This is KNOWN. If all it took was an understanding of concepts then anyone who studied would be awake. Awakening causes a CHANGE in how you EXPERIENCE reality. What's worse is I have said this MANY TIMES in my posts and notice how YOU ignore it.

The second question is also dishonest. You attempt to push the notion that someone needs to be sanctioned by me to be awakened. The only thing I said is Absolute Solipsism is absolutely true. So I said ANYONE who says otherwise is not awakened. That ANYONE can be ME, LEO, the authority is not coming from ME it is coming from TRUTH! So again...notice the slight of hand at play? You are a politician!!! You aren't genuine at all!!

Third question is again fraudulent because awakening causes a SHIFT in EXPERIENCE what I just mentioned earlier. I also mentioned in my post that a shift in consciousness must be part of the self-inquiry process THAT is why meditation is done for a SHIFT in consciousness. Inquiry is done to detach egoic beliefs, and then meditation is done to take that clarity that is given through detachment to perceive the TRUE NATURE of reality. If you didn't need a shift in consciousness then meditation and psychedelics wouldn't be needed. If you didn't need deconstruction to achieve clarity then self-inquiry wouldn't be needed either. Some don't even need meditation, just clarity in some rare instances can cause a permanent shift. But most still need a shift.

So I just revealed the deception in your posts, because you weren't interested in an honest inquiry, you were trying to lay a trap and push a narrative. I just revealed your plan for all to see.....because unlike you....I could give a damn about power struggles and likeability. TO HELL WITH THAT.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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16 minutes ago, Vibes said:

@Leo Gura God dammit Leo! When are you going to promote Razard to moderator????

Nah that would handcuff me. But I think this post does a good job of explaining what Absolute Solipsism is. This along with Leo's video on it and his guided realization video are sufficient. I'll put those links in the OP and this should be sufficient for anyone trying to awaken.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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42 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

I see you for what you are, I answered every question. You are here to delude the masses. ^^^^This is a false teacher. This is avatar is here to keep you distracted. Notice he writes many long texts...that say NOTHING. He is vague and long-winded because he is confused.

Okay, something got the mind of Razard changed concerning the answering of my questions:

19 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

The first question is not sincere because we all know true awakening is NOT conceptual. This is KNOWN. If all it took was an understanding of concepts then anyone who studied would be awake. Awakening causes a CHANGE in how you EXPERIENCE reality. What's worse is I have said this MANY TIMES in my posts and notice how YOU ignore it.

The second question is also dishonest. You attempt to push the notion that someone needs to be sanctioned by me to be awakened. The only thing I said is Absolute Solipsism is absolutely true. So I said ANYONE who says otherwise is not awakened. That ANYONE can be ME, LEO, the authority is not coming from ME it is coming from TRUTH! So again...notice the slight of hand at play? You are a politician!!! You aren't genuine at all!!

Third question is again fraudulent because awakening causes a SHIFT in EXPERIENCE what I just mentioned earlier. I also mentioned in my post that a shift in consciousness must be part of the self-inquiry process THAT is why meditation is done for a SHIFT in consciousness. Inquiry is done to detach egoic beliefs, and then meditation is done to take that clarity that is given through detachment to perceive the TRUE NATURE of reality. If you didn't need a shift in consciousness then meditation and psychedelics wouldn't be needed. If you didn't need deconstruction to achieve clarity then self-inquiry wouldn't be needed either. Some don't even need meditation, just clarity in some rare instances can cause a permanent shift. But most still need a shift.

So I just revealed the deception in your posts, because you weren't interested in an honest inquiry, you were trying to lay a trap and push a narrative. I just revealed your plan for all to see.....because unlike you....I could give a damn about power struggles and likeability. TO HELL WITH THAT.

Apparently, the questions have received the verdict of having been unkosher & evil & fraudulent & dishonest & other less-than-nice-intentions, and have been canceled by the inquisition.

Please let me ask for forgiveness. I repent. I request the change of the verdict from being burned alive at the stake to just being expelled and looked down upon from the community of True Believers of "Conceptual Absolute Solipsism".

42 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

and (now its a win-win :)):

  • continuing blaming "others" for being to ignorant/biased/not open/whatever/n+1 in an aggresive way, showing the degree of ego-transcendence and peace achieved,
  • or at least toning down the aggresiveness and using nicer language (no more Liars, Raper, Fools, and the like), less [!!!] and less shouting via CAPITAL LETTERS). And while doing that, keeping ones aggression in check, because that will always find its way into the text written.


Love u 2 man. Sorry that you didnt choose option 2.

Okay, I guess we are done here. Who hasn't got "it" until now reading this thread never will. Those who didn't get it will have a bumpy road ahead anyway, with "Conceptual Absolute Solipsism" or any other religion.

All the others can see what "Conceptual Absolute Solipsism" can cause in some peoples lives...

Maybe, a benevolent verdict from the King would be nice to prevent racking up even more bad Karma on and from this lovely forum. Though I doubt the King will choose to bring the grace of his presence on the topic of conceptual "Absolute Solipsism".

Bon Voyage

Selling Water by the River



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21 minutes ago, Vibes said:

@Leo Gura God dammit Leo! When are you going to promote Razard to moderator????

YES!! Someone with his obvious disposition for level-headed temperance, measured judgement and non aggressive communication style should definitely be a moderator, right? xD

Oh man. I've tried to stay away from this forum in the past, but what can I say... these never ending pompous squabbles about literally NOTHING that are constantly going on around here are simply the greatest sitcom/soap opera available online. Love you guys. ;)

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Just now, Bazooka Jesus said:

YES!! Someone with his obvious disposition for level-headed temperance, measured judgement and non aggressive communication style should definitely be a moderator, right? xD

Oh man. I've tried to stay away from this forum in the past, but what can I say... these never ending pompous squabbles about literally NOTHING that are constantly going on around here are simply the greatest sitcom/soap opera available online. Love you guys. ;)

LOL why do you think I am doing it? Gotta find some way to trap egos on here. Are you not entertained? LOL. 

The best way to education is to sprinkle in some entertainment as well. If I have to trick you into a higher awareness I've done my job lol.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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