
LSD + B12 Shot Vibration State

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200 μg 1p-LSD, Fasted 1 Day

I don't recommend this as B12 shots can cause anxiety, I only tried this because I felt confident. 

This is the highest LSD dose I have tried so far and during the come up I was feeling cold and slight shivering. I recognized this as something that will pass as I understand this feeling is my bodies inability to relax at the current moment and it will heat up again when I calm down. Then I realized that this B12 Spray that I've been experimenting with makes my whole body very hot minutes after taking it. So instead of allowing my body to naturally calm down and warm up I decided to try that. Immediately the body become very hot and generated heat and I was hit with a intense dizzy room is melting kind of feeling.

I decided to go to the bed room and sit with it in the dark and the experience was that of i become aware and in control of the ability to enter in and out of waking state. I'm sure this is common I'm a newb. Basically Ill fall into a sleeping trance then focus awareness back "externally" and ill be awake again then focus or let go and go back asleep. It was fun playing around with this line. 

At some point I noticed something vibrating and focused on that, I was trying to figure out where this sound and vibration was coming from and it realized it was coming from inside the body and it was my central nerves system. So I focused on my central nervous system and put my awareness on my entire body, the vibration 100x increased to the point it felt like my arms where shaking violently, So I looked at my hand and it was not moving at all but there was a very strong vibration coming from it and my entire body. So I had the idea this was the energy body. At this point I felt basically sober and present in the environment and it was as if i took all my mental energy and put it "externally" to the body. Playing around in that vibration state was fun, I remembered a video of prana energy healing and tried to see if i could feel my gf energy with this new vibration hand lol. I felt nothing at all coming from her but ill need to try again and experiment more. Basicly my body and hand that was touching her was vibrating and making a sound like a jet plan but she felt nothing and I could not feel anything coming from her. Ill need to imagine more intensely next time. 

I had many thoughts and insights during the trip but I'm more interested in this vibration and audio vibration that came with it. 

Does anyone know what this vibration is? 

In a sober state I can focus on my central nervous system to the point it hurts and could never understand why focusing on it hurt so much? I'm guessing part of the reason I'm disconnected with my body is because my body hurts, any part of it if I focus in is unpleasant and painful. Every cell in this body hurts. 

Now sober if I focus on the central nervous system its of course is very unpleasant but also I can feel the vibration, every nerve in the body is vibrating like this all the time.

This trip was alot harder then the last ones, I didnt eat that day and the B12 shoot stimulant was added. Overall I think it would of been better for my body if i was not fasted and ate a vegan meal 4 hours before the trip. It feels better and is a easier experience.

This trip was overall good but somehow more painful and i think the b12 played a role. Im hoping a higher dose does not = more pain. 


Bonus: In the bed room I had sweated out a lot of water as the body was on fire the entire time. Turns out my dog was also in that hot sweaty sealed room for that 3 hours and she got soooo high lmao. Took her for a walk and it was a whole new world for her.

Edited by integral

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Sobar now if i medidate on the central nervous system, feeling the vibration, if i try to "force" it by concentrating harder it just gets more and more painful and the full body vibration state does not come back.

Maybe there is a way to access that state if i really force it with intense concentration?

Edited by integral

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The audio vibration sound is the change in frequency, during lsd you're changing frequency all the time. Everything is alive, and this aliveness operates at a certain frequency/vibration. The vibration is what gives the appearance to different consciousness levels, in higher consciousness everything is simplicity and the vibration is used to distinquish everything and give it a certain consciousness level


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16 hours ago, integral said:

200 μg 1p-LSD, Fasted 1 Day

I don't recommend this as B12 shots can cause anxiety, I only tried this because I felt confident. 

This is the highest LSD dose I have tried so far and during the come up I was feeling cold and slight shivering. I recognized this as something that will pass as I understand this feeling is my bodies inability to relax at the current moment and it will heat up again when I calm down. Then I realized that this B12 Spray that I've been experimenting with makes my whole body very hot minutes after taking it. So instead of allowing my body to naturally calm down and warm up I decided to try that. Immediately the body become very hot and generated heat and I was hit with a intense dizzy room is melting kind of feeling.

I decided to go to the bed room and sit with it in the dark and the experience was that of i become aware and in control of the ability to enter in and out of waking state. I'm sure this is common I'm a newb. Basically Ill fall into a sleeping trance then focus awareness back "externally" and ill be awake again then focus or let go and go back asleep. It was fun playing around with this line. 

At some point I noticed something vibrating and focused on that, I was trying to figure out where this sound and vibration was coming from and it realized it was coming from inside the body and it was my central nerves system. So I focused on my central nervous system and put my awareness on my entire body, the vibration 100x increased to the point it felt like my arms where shaking violently, So I looked at my hand and it was not moving at all but there was a very strong vibration coming from it and my entire body. So I had the idea this was the energy body. At this point I felt basically sober and present in the environment and it was as if i took all my mental energy and put it "externally" to the body. Playing around in that vibration state was fun, I remembered a video of prana energy healing and tried to see if i could feel my gf energy with this new vibration hand lol. I felt nothing at all coming from her but ill need to try again and experiment more. Basicly my body and hand that was touching her was vibrating and making a sound like a jet plan but she felt nothing and I could not feel anything coming from her. Ill need to imagine more intensely next time. 

I had many thoughts and insights during the trip but I'm more interested in this vibration and audio vibration that came with it. 

Does anyone know what this vibration is? 

In a sober state I can focus on my central nervous system to the point it hurts and could never understand why focusing on it hurt so much? I'm guessing part of the reason I'm disconnected with my body is because my body hurts, any part of it if I focus in is unpleasant and painful. Every cell in this body hurts. 

Now sober if I focus on the central nervous system its of course is very unpleasant but also I can feel the vibration, every nerve in the body is vibrating like this all the time.

This trip was alot harder then the last ones, I didnt eat that day and the B12 shoot stimulant was added. Overall I think it would of been better for my body if i was not fasted and ate a vegan meal 4 hours before the trip. It feels better and is a easier experience.

This trip was overall good but somehow more painful and i think the b12 played a role. Im hoping a higher dose does not = more pain. 


Bonus: In the bed room I had sweated out a lot of water as the body was on fire the entire time. Turns out my dog was also in that hot sweaty sealed room for that 3 hours and she got soooo high lmao. Took her for a walk and it was a whole new world for her.

It is interesting that you say, that as I just ordered B12/B-complex due to feeling slugish and beign forced to eat less diary products due to injury.  At the time I had a massive breakthrough on 1-P LSD and I must have taken B-12, as I lived vegan/vegeterian during that time. I generally get subtle "animalistic" vibrations, on LSD and it often shows me how I treated my body overall, emotionally, sensually, energetically and mental energy wise. If I go by mind&body conncetion. (I did a lot of retreats micro-retreats and a zen retreat afterwards). This is re-creatable with a little bit of effort. Dunno if it's adviceable, I did a pure inquiry and do-nothing type of inquiry. About nature & intelligence. I also had a lot of "pain", yet I was focusing on digesting it and then simply let go. Had a taste of consciouness I presume (the ox) & was almost pulled into it. I never had more clearer disctinctions that are so vast in that sense, I lacked better questions. 

The vibration generally feels like this from inward to outward, depending how altered my state is.

I had a full natural clearance of celiac plexus/solar plexus during a weekend meditation retreat with a solid IIRC 6 month build-up 1h meditation and possibly some other micro-retreats (18h - 14h meditation  scheduled over the weekend). After this my body feels lighter till today, and it was mostly pain and everthing possible contracted. (I did not take anything and was clean during the retreat)  Basically right here:

The pain was evaoporated into dust, and Shinzen told me these are kriyas and they happen, and are not a sign of progress, they just happen to not make a thing out of it. It felt awesome till today, I have a less needy and cleaner vibe imo. 

No idea what the vibration is on DMT, I had a completely different alien/digital type of phenomena that was to odd to describe and to edgy to put into words, besides saying something digitized my brain... I generally would say the micro-vibrations and vibrations in general also sound changes are different perceptions of consciouness that you experienced in real-time during, while your consciouness state was altered and moving in different altitudes... 

I am unsure what you mean with central nervous system, I am not a doctor, when I Google it's located at the brain & spinal cord. central nervous system (CNS,is the body's processing centre.

I would say you generally most likely did digest thousands of "karmic" imprints... and samskharas (mental patterns and the habitual mind), and touched something. When I had the natural release I thought "I" the ego would die and I generally cling on to things, hence the pain I figured, yet ultimately I don't know... 

Hope this feedback does somewhat help. 

(sort of breaking my silence for this one post that I am gone, yet this is quiet important and just to coincidental, as I just ordered b12 today due to getting back to a similar level of routine where I had the breakthrough and I figured what was lacking oh b12!) 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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On 5/25/2023 at 7:07 AM, Jowblob said:

The audio vibration sound is the change in frequency, during lsd you're changing frequency all the time. Everything is alive, and this aliveness operates at a certain frequency/vibration. The vibration is what gives the appearance to different consciousness levels, in higher consciousness everything is simplicity and the vibration is used to distinquish everything and give it a certain consciousness level


Interesting is there any applications for this vibration? Does it "do" anything? When changing frequency is it permanent? Is it similar to prana/energy healing, does it all related together? ?

This last trip changed my base consciousness, I don't believe its related to the vibration but It made me more body and peripheral vision aware, more in a defuse state at all times. 


@ValiantSalvatore haha thanks for the feed back, cool synchronicity. :D 

On 5/25/2023 at 3:39 PM, ValiantSalvatore said:

I had a full natural clearance of celiac plexus/solar plexus during a weekend meditation retreat with a solid IIRC 6 month build-up 1h meditation and possibly some other micro-retreats (18h - 14h meditation  scheduled over the weekend). After this my body feels lighter till today, and it was mostly pain and everthing possible contracted. (I did not take anything and was clean during the retreat)  Basically right here:

The pain was evaoporated into dust, and Shinzen told me these are kriyas and they happen, and are not a sign of progress, they just happen to not make a thing out of it. It felt awesome till today, I have a less needy and cleaner vibe imo. 

No idea what the vibration is on DMT, I had a completely different alien/digital type of phenomena that was to odd to describe and to edgy to put into words, besides saying something digitized my brain... I generally would say the micro-vibrations and vibrations in general also sound changes are different perceptions of consciouness that you experienced in real-time during, while your consciouness state was altered and moving in different altitudes... 

Very interesting, how has the clearance changed you, there was a release of pain and you no longer feel it? I feel like ive had a similar releases with this trip but i cant pin point it to a specific chakra, its more a general body relaxation and mind stillness.

On 5/25/2023 at 3:39 PM, ValiantSalvatore said:

I am unsure what you mean with central nervous system, I am not a doctor, when I Google it's located at the brain & spinal cord. central nervous system (CNS,is the body's processing centre.

All the nerves in the body. When body scanning the part of the body awareness is put on becomes more intense and you feel more. If i focus and concentrate harder on that spot it begins to hurt and feels painful. On the trip the vibration state i could sense that my nerves where vibrating slightly similar and when i focused in on that feeling it become 100x stronger then spread to the entire body. I became a massive vibrator lol. Moving my hand around swinging in the air back and forward felt like i was caring a heavy weight, like the density of the "air" was thicker then water, like swimming in lava.

The perfect analogy would be a massage gun, the hand vibrates when using it, now imagine moving that massage gun around in the air there would be a vibrating resistance and heaviness. Now make the entire body vibrate like that. 

On 5/25/2023 at 3:39 PM, ValiantSalvatore said:

(sort of breaking my silence for this one post that I am gone, yet this is quiet important and just to coincidental, as I just ordered b12 today due to getting back to a similar level of routine where I had the breakthrough and I figured what was lacking oh b12!) 

No need to respond, keep up the practice. ?

Edited by integral

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@integral maybe you can message me please. I wanna discuss B12. I don't have enough patience on the forum. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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9 hours ago, integral said:

Interesting is there any applications for this vibration? Does it "do" anything? When changing frequency is it permanent? Is it similar to prana/energy healing, does it all related together? ?

This last trip changed my base consciousness, I don't believe its related to the vibration but It made me more body and peripheral vision aware, more in a defuse state at all times.

This is an in-depth view I generally am sensetive to energies I'd say, yet I don't like to make it a "personal thing" and making me special etc. Like some wu-wu yoga teacher. For me it's similar after tripping the body awareness is very high and I can get out a lot of "karmic imprints" I just call it, just casual stuff that triggers me and get more to the roots of this. 

9 hours ago, integral said:

Very interesting, how has the clearance changed you, there was a release of pain and you no longer feel it? I feel like ive had a similar releases with this trip but i cant pin point it to a specific chakra, its more a general body relaxation and mind stillness.

Reduced suffering immensely like by 50-70% of what I can perceive emotionally as suffering, all the pain and this knot I felt near the heart space & anahatta was alleviated and cleanesd from the bottom up, so it was an odd experience it felt like steam would clean nervous system strands and the tears when I cried was all the smut, that came with the steam. That is the best possible description I can give. I also confused this for the solar plexus chakra, yet that is located lower, after doing some kriya yoga (testing) and it was the anahatta between the breast where the solar plexus is celiac plexus. 

This was also better than any psychdelic trip I've done in terms of cleansing the body. Also it was completely random with a built-up. 

9 hours ago, integral said:

All the nerves in the body. When body scanning the part of the body awareness is put on becomes more intense and you feel more. If i focus and concentrate harder on that spot it begins to hurt and feels painful. On the trip the vibration state i could sense that my nerves where vibrating slightly similar and when i focused in on that feeling it become 100x stronger then spread to the entire body. I became a massive vibrator lol. Moving my hand around swinging in the air back and forward felt like i was caring a heavy weight, like the density of the "air" was thicker then water, like swimming in lava.

The perfect analogy would be a massage gun, the hand vibrates when using it, now imagine moving that massage gun around in the air there would be a vibrating resistance and heaviness. Now make the entire body vibrate like that. 

Where is this spot out of interest, where you feel pain? I generally can have this when I overfocus on the celiac plexus. That is interesting that you say that it moved like lava, although I can't make a direct connection to a reference, Shinzen does mention this during retreats when something becoems more soft??

I can envision a bit what you mean. 

I can 100% relate as I "have" a condition called VGP (volitional generated piloerection), so I can generally create goosebumps as well as tune into my nervous system instantly and vibrate and create a state, also the new Ralston book explains that this is a possibility to instantly create a state and that it does not occure to most. I can 100% personally relate to becoming a vibrator lol, especially on higher energetic states, be it working out, even video gaming etc. Listening to music, I am very sensetive to this. 

The massage gun analogy is funny,  it would be interesting to measure something like this. There is plenty of science here for psyches, I dunno maybe you find something there. I can relate from personal experience, yet I never had an contrast between thickness and density of space in that sense mostly for me it evaporates. Even during meditation retreats and I move into space. I feel the thickness mostly within me. 

Would be cool if someone measured eletric skin conductivity etc. of psychedelic states similar to what they do with meditation etc. Skin Response (GSR) is,arousal and other psychological processes. (Randomly found this...)

Meditation does some changes to this skin conductivity, yet I have this info from an audiobook. 

9 hours ago, integral said:

No need to respond, keep up the practice. ?

All good. I am changing things up, as always :D.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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On 2023-05-25 at 7:09 AM, integral said:

Does anyone know what this vibration is? 

It's chi, ki, prana, mana, kundalini, life force etc. It should begin to open your mind to the esoteric and woo woo stuff now. This energy can be cultivated, refined and increased in many ways. Meditation itself would accomplish that aswell. 

One of the things you can do with that energy is this?. Also healing, also it's good for your spiritual growth. The more intense the energy gets, the more awareness expands somehow.

If the energy was to become very intense, organized and channled in a particular way it can even rise your hair and you'd become like a super sayan. (No joke) that is one of the reasons enlightened beings have a powerful aura around them.


Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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Thanks guys for the feedback, going to report back when I have more experience. :D

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10 hours ago, Enlightement said:

@integral tried vit d yet

No I space out each trip by 2-4 weeks so everything in integrated and biologically reset to baseline. 

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Vit D did not much for me I take supplements the b-12 stuff is interesting I seriously lacked this and I had the breakthrough where I took supplements. I am taking DHA and creatine now and b-complex + vit-d (once a week), l-theanin and aswagandha more for muscle growth etc.

I presume as it also works with the serotonin receptors that vitmin d does not have that much of an effect, I would presume if I could get an analysis (someone once had an intuition about this, that I am high in serotonin), I lack dopamine I enjoy everything that is dopaminergic a lot. 

I enjoyed green tea and pepermint tea on LSD for some reason xD as well as cannabis, yet I am not currently doing any of this, the consciouness states are to deep for me to hold them my meditation practice would need to go up to 2h-3h per day to be able to work better with it. I enjoy mixing the two, with lower cannabis doses I could do real practice. Although I would not recommend, especially if you're not more succesful and established in life. I missed this during the trip, even when I have a degree now, I did not enjoy the notion of lacking success.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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