
Why are you trying to transcend this life?

44 posts in this topic

47 minutes ago, playdoh said:
53 minutes ago, Enlightement said:

you'll never know the truth.

That's a good way of putting it. I might as well say it goes both ways, whether you're relative or absolute. Although you'll never know the absolute truth under any circumstances because there's no real way to test it, there is still a finite possibility of exploring the truth and extracting something valuable out of it. 

Think of it this way. An explorer goes to an island. A remote island. He gets too tired by the end of his journey. He cannot explore the whole island but he covered a pretty huge area. In doing so he has learned quite a bit about the island. Not everything but still quite a lot. He has learned enough that he could take this back to his town and put this knowledge to good use. It's not complete. Yet it's enough to get a good idea about the nature of things. 



Edited by Enlightement

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Playing like GOD is not funny.

Embrace your Avatar and see the beauty inside limits.

“””Visit””” this God-Place here and there… then returns to your Avatar ❤️

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5 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

Playing like GOD is not funny.

This is fear based. 

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45 minutes ago, playdoh said:

Again my question, why?

20 minutes ago, Enlightement said:


Because until you realize the absolute infinity, that is, you, you are lost, and be lost is confusing, unpleasant, suffering. Until you totally realize yourself you will suffer every second of your experience.

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32 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Because until you realize the absolute infinity, that is, you, you are lost, and be lost is confusing, unpleasant, suffering. Until you totally realize yourself you will suffer every second of your experience.

You were the absolute for eternity hence my OP. Saying you will suffer every second is just a story and you are wrong. This life is amazing. See my other replies for more on that. 

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1 minute ago, playdoh said:

You were the absolute for eternity hence my OP. Saying you will suffer every second is just a story and you are wrong. This life is amazing. See my other replies for more on that. 

Saying this life is amazing is also a story. 

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6 minutes ago, Amannl3in said:

@playdoh what is it then? 

The answer is in the OP. 

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2 minutes ago, Enlightement said:

Saying this life is amazing is also a story. 

In my direct experience. I’ve seen both. 

Edited by playdoh

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Because to live is to suffer and I don't want to repeat the cycle of samsara.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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1 hour ago, Enlightement said:

That's a good way of putting it. I might as well say it goes both ways, whether you're relative or absolute. Although you'll never know the absolute truth under any circumstances because there's no real way to test it, there is still a finite possibility of exploring the truth and extracting something valuable out of it. 

Think of it this way. An explorer goes to an island. A remote island. He gets too tired by the end of his journey. He cannot explore the whole island but he covered a pretty huge area. In doing so he has learned quite a bit about the island. Not everything but still quite a lot. He has learned enough that he could take this back to his town and put this knowledge to good use. It's not complete. Yet it's enough to get a good idea about the nature of things. 



I feel like I’m going around in circles with all the replies here. The OP says everything. 

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No one knows if you die you become god. You might be stuck in an infinite game that you cant leave. There could be goals to this lifetime that you let pass by. From my experience it seems like your soul is learning how to navigate infinite dimensions and it remembers your experiences but your avatars dont. So transcending human or leaving earth might be a humans purpose. Humans have the ability to self reflect and spiritual growth with self reflection is unmatched among any animal on earth. Self reflection is the ability for the soul to decipher its self.

Edited by Hojo

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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

No one knows if you die you become god.

You are god and it’s a knowing. 

“You might be stuck in an infinite game that you cant leave.”

that’s just the mind talking.


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It's one of those cool cross-cultural things you can engage in xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, Enlightement said:

He is looking for awakening. He could easily settle dowm

That’s a big trap. That’s spiritual ego. Again refer to the OP and some of my replies. You can stay conscious while living this life. Living life one will grow most. 

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1 minute ago, Carl-Richard said:

It's one of those cool cross-cultural things you can engage in xD

Are you referring to the debate going on here?



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46 minutes ago, playdoh said:

Are you referring to the debate going on here?

I'm referring to the activity of transcending your humanity :) 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, LordFall said:

@playdoh My theory is the new best theory on this forum AFAIK. Read my thread. 

Link? Don’t see anything on your thread. 

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