
Where to market my ADHD solution?

9 posts in this topic

so i have a great product that can help people with ADHD to concentrate and reduct all of their ADHD symptoms and work better than medication. the problem is that i dont really know where to start?

it is more for adults that dont want to keep using pills, preferably students but they dont have to. and they want to have a big change in their life. the up side is that i know that it is working for others and i have a good way to teach it.

the problem is that i dont really know where to find them. what are the ways to find them?

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2 hours ago, TheSomeBody said:

the problem is that i dont really know where to find them. what are the ways to find them?

If you have a really genuine way to help people, you’ll find a way no matter what (instagram, youtube, amazon, etc.). If my product is legitimate helpful, why not start with family members and close friends?, they could start to add reviews. Speaking about it, had you proven that your product actually help on other people rather yourself? Idk what is the process of approving a product to the market so I’m speaking of what would I do, people would want evidence and even scientific fact check before buy that kind of product.

Edited by Juan

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3 hours ago, TheSomeBody said:

so i have a great product that can help people with ADHD to concentrate and reduct all of their ADHD symptoms and work better than medication. the problem is that i dont really know where to start?

it is more for adults that dont want to keep using pills, preferably students but they dont have to. and they want to have a big change in their life. the up side is that i know that it is working for others and i have a good way to teach it.

the problem is that i dont really know where to find them. what are the ways to find them?

   What is your product? Please don't say it's a fidget spinner of some kind.

   Can you elaborate more on your target audience, your product, and your marketing?

   What are you looking for?

Edited by Danioover9000

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15 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   What is your product? Please don't say it's a fidget spinner of some kind.

   Can you elaborate more on your target audience, your product, and your marketing?

   What are you looking for?

my product is a way to concentrate without any pills.

ADHD is not lack of dopamin and norepinephrine but a problem with channeling them into the right place at the right time. i know how to channel them into the right place at the right time.

it is a process that takes overall 6 month but after 3 month you get most of the results and after 1 month it is pretty easy to practice. i have problem only at the beginning basicly.

i dont market it now i just think about where to market it .

my target audience  adults that dont want to keep using pills, preferably students but they dont have to. and they want to have a big change in their life and willing to put the time and effort for it 

17 hours ago, Juan said:

If you have a really genuine way to help people, you’ll find a way no matter what (instagram, youtube, amazon, etc.). If my product is legitimate helpful, why not start with family members and close friends?, they could start to add reviews. Speaking about it, had you proven that your product actually help on other people rather yourself? Idk what is the process of approving a product to the market so I’m speaking of what would I do, people would want evidence and even scientific fact check before buy that kind of product.

i have one person other than me that it helps.
i dont need any license and there is not any element in the product that is risky too. i do want scientific fact check but it is so long and so complicated that it will take a while. i can just bring the money back if it doesnt work for people.

the problem is not finiding people, the problem is finding people that want to go through this process. the process is pretty hard for people in the first month, after a month it becomes pretty easy.


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I don't really know what I'm talking about but a common model these days is to provide a lot of value for free and a smaller amount of value for money. Like what Leo does with his hundreds of videos, but only 1 or 2 things he actually sells.

You could set up a YouTube channel that explains what the method is. And then offer your own coaching services for money. If people want to self-teach the method, then let them. If they want to be trained 1 on 1 by you on the method, then you get some money.

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I can't remember the details but there are some supplements and things of that sort people try to take and incorporate in the regiment for ADHD. Andrew Huberman has some information though I don't know if he's a semi-bullshit.

About dopamine... Well stimulants help people with ADHD focus, and stimulants are known to increase dopamine.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. What happens in the brain of an ADHD person is that the different networks and circuits in their brain are uncoordinated. Random neurons are firing when they shouldn't do. Imagine a musical band playing, but every person is playing off beat and out of sync with each other, not pausing at the right times, and not playing the right notes. Higher dopamine seems to modulate and help stop this effect, I think. It's something like that

Edited by CherryColouredFunk

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There are many ways to get a word out. 

  1. social media - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin all have their pros and cons but audience can be reached. Having small private groups or p[ublic account and making regular contribution is a way to build following - although lately it seems to me that unless you do shorts and reels, the algorithms no longer care. 
  2. you can give free talks at schools for kids with special needs, universities, public libraries etc - basiclaly figure out where a lot of people with ADHD hang out and do a bit of a PR by sharing free information but not giving it away fully 
  3. you can create some form of freebie that you will be exchanging for emails to build up a subscription platform and then send newsletters
  4. you could be blogging, that is a good way to rank up in SEO - although that's not an easy path to walk and you will need a website. 

Basically what I'm telling you is - you can have the best solution in the world but if people dont know you, dont trust you, are not convinced it works - you won't make any money on it. The world out there is cut-throat. People lie all the time, they scheme, look for shortcuts and sell garbage & poison that doesn't work. Convincing a potential client that your solution actually works is like rolling a ball up the hill

Doesnt mean it never works but it is not easy 

If you are trying to sell an honest solution, it is not easy to get your word out. Coming from a personal experience...

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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  1. Prove on Social Media that you know what you are talking about.
  2. Build a following by providing massive value.
  3. Sell your Product to your core audience

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Facebook groups based on this specific subject. Each group can have tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people greatly invested in that specific subject. Join them all, make a presence, then subtly share what you offer to your group.

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