Buck Edwards

Pure love pure bliss

7 posts in this topic

This feeling when you realize you are love. Bliss that penetrates your every core. Feel it. What else is there except love? 

Only infinite healing. Infinite love. Infinite gratitude for this existence.. 

Infinitely falling in love with love. 

Life is a poetry. If you don't catch the drift  you'll play around with the verses and miss the inner meaning. 

Find it now my friend. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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1 hour ago, Benton said:

Its harder to see when its experienced closer to our bias

Can you explain further? I have a bit of a sense of what you’re talking about, but it’s still foggy for me. 

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8 hours ago, Benton said:

Saw your post and was able to see it was love. 
But then considered more and was like: “what if that was my dad?” I would have more trouble seeing the love. 

That’s an interesting way to frame it!

The way I see it, how we relate to others can change drastically. For example, I used to be close to my extended family members, but I’m not anymore. Years ago I would have had trouble seeing the love if they passed away or got a disease. However, now I do. I see that they are going through a lot of confusion in this life that is impossible for them get out of (hence why I don’t talk to them anymore). So if they died “prematurely”, I would actually be happy for them.

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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

I see that they are going through a lot of confusion in this life that is impossible for them get out of (hence why I don’t talk to them anymore). So if they died “prematurely”, I would actually be happy for them.

So, you think you are superior to them, and you think it would be desirable for them to die because they would never accede to your religious "truth". trap number 1 of false spirituality: religious narcissism, that is, delirium. I bet that you are continually pressuring the people around you with your religion. You don't see how typical is this, right? You were suffering and you found the cure for your suffering in religion, and you think it's the truth. And Leo is your messiah and everything that Leo says is sacred word. Well, you aren't the only here with that problem

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