
What is the least toxic way of keeping your teeth clean?

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What is the least toxic way of keeping your teeth clean?

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Clean and healthy! Of course.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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  • Flossing and/or water pick
  • Electric toothbrush 
  • tongue-scraping 
  • regular hygienist check (2* a year) 

All of those are purely mechanical and do not harm you in any way/

In terms of toothpaste, you have to decide if you believe fluoride being toxic or not. Some do, some don't. Evidence shows it is highly beneficial in reducing the spread of infection, formation of periodontal pockets, periodontitis, tooth loss and gum erosion. If you opt for fluoride-free, you must pay extra attention to your dental routine. Kinda like having unprotected sex.

 I am yet to see anything convincing that links fluoride in toothpaste to any negative health effects. 

I wouldn't use alcohol-containing mouthwashes. Even tho the link to oral cancer is very, very tiny and marginal - it exists.

Diet is another thing you should be paying attention to, and so is subconscious stress (may cause teeth grinding and enamel erosion at night) 

Educating yourself on the negative consequences of poor dental health may give you extra motivation to protect your oral health as much as you're protecting your brain and heart. 

Some additional methods that have poor level of evidence but are worth experimenting are: tea tree gurgling (diluted), COQ10 gels and oral probiotic mouthwashes. 

I wrote 4 comprehensive blog articles about dental health some time ago, I would say they are relatively unbiased. You can look those up if this is a topic that interests you. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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I use Dr. Bronners' toothpastes. You can check out Truvani's also,.a.k.a Food Babe. These are just personal things I do. I stay away from conventional toothpastes and alcohol-based mouthwash like listerine. I grind up dried egg shells into a very fine powder and add to my toothpaste along with unrefined coconut oil. Egg shells are made up of the same components as your teeth. It strengthens teeth. I use tumeric, baking soda, strawberries, coconut oil, basil leaves to whiten depending on what i have on hand. Mouthwash I use whatever I have on hand e.g. cloves, hydrogen peroxide, Himalayan salt gargle, Sometimes I oil pull with coconut oil, different essential oils (I like orange, Clove peppermint. I haven't been to a dentist, nor have had a toothache in over 20yrs. Personally, I do not trust fluoride. I am not making any claims, just sharing what I use. Neem toothpaste is also good. Variety of Green smoothies will help to keep your teeth healthy and strong also. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

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@ChrisZoZo I use fluoride toothpaste to clean my teeth in the morning and evening + fluoride free toothpaste and mouthwash to clean them throughout the day, if I need to.

I also floss and have an electric toothbrush.

@Michael569 do you think I am taking a big risk by not going to a stomatologist at 23 years old? My budget is kind of tight right now, xD

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5 hours ago, Something Funny said:

do you think I am taking a big risk by not going to a stomatologist at 23 years old?

Maybe, depends on how good your dental hygiene is. 

But if you have a bad dental health in family, then you might be taking a big risk, yes. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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awesome information thanks.

regarding the fluoride information to determine if it’s safe not. Don’t assume that science is not corrupted. Because you’ll be in for rude awakening.  Sciences  corruption is begging reality to change it. Over the next hundred years a massive shift will happen and when we do a lot of the corruption will be exposed.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Although I will be using fluoride because I am just a sheep and I’ve not done my investigation. It’s better to be a sheep and follow the mainstream if in doubt. At least this is my best guess.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Don't worry about "toxins" in toothpaste. Fluoride in toothpaste is perfectly fine for your teeth, though I would argue it doesn't need to be added to drinking water. I'm not sure where that idea came from, but I don't lose a lot of sleep over it. I would suggest using stannous fluoride. It's superior to sodium fluoride.  I use Crest. Not all of their brands use stannous fluoride, so check the label.

If you are worried about fluoride or bromine, take iodine supplements.

As for flossing, my favorite is Placker's "twin line" brand.

Edited by sholomar

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