
Alien Love is Real

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Good luck staying in Alien Love consciousness for longer than a minute or so. This is the most profound love you can ever imagine. You’ll literally be running back to your human identity faster than a heartbeat. 

However, a glimpse into Alien Love multiple times in your lifetime (even for a few minutes each time) will guarantee deepening of your connection to Self. Because prior to this Awakening, you surrender every single attachment and fear with absolute trust. This is what humans fear… it’s a death sentence!

On the other side of death is Love so profound, you realize you’re creating this entire damn dream. You realize all your manipulation tactics are created for survival! No matter how subtle or gross the manipulation is.

Alien Love completely nullifies all devilry and manipulation. Are YOU ready for a love that deep?



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You’re smart brother but don’t do it.

It’s too soon to talk about “Alien Love” or how to “achieve” that level of Consciousness.

It’s obscure, we don’t know if it really exists (I don’t have a direct experience to say it exists).

Also this name “Alien” is a bit fantastical.

We are aliens to remote uncontacted natives in the Amazon Jungle.

So, a name is a name, nothing more than that.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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27 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

And why do you call it Alien?

If he’s referring to Leo’s access to Alien consciousness. Leo name that alien consciousness because it feels like you’re in an alien experiencing an unbelievably huge awaking. Look it up on Leos blog.

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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@Kuba Powiertowski Alien Love is beyond what a human can comprehend or experience; it’s also beyond knowing who you are. It’s that radical.

@CARDOZZO I agree that it’s too soon to talk in-depth about it. In fact, I don’t know if it’s even possible to communicate it from the human perspective.

But I will say this: Humans are selfish as fuck! But Alien Love sees through all of that selfishness.


I’m still exploring consciousness, so I can’t claim that I’m done with this work anymore. Just when you think you’re done, you ain’t! 


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@Yimpa man, do you understand that Leo is a real mystic, who many years ago discovered psychedelics for consciousness exploration, and since then has taken many hundreds of high-dose trips trying every psychedelic that exists and dedicating himself exclusively to exploration? You can't understand what he's talking about, it's impossible. you can take it as inspiration or example if you are really interested in this. "this" is reality, you. do you want to dive in ? do it. but you haven't started yet!

Edited by Breakingthewall

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In truth only one human being has had psychedelic trips in this reality. The rest are imaginary and non-existent, pure storytelling

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Fortunately, sobriety has returned, and identification with the man as a separate entity is no longer a matter of total confusion. However, it will take more river water before it ceases altogether. Love is love. Unconditioned, non-judgmental, free from fear and prejudice. Impenetrable. Enough for me. As for the human being, I don't know or remember a more confusing experience. In addition, human is a complete alien to the planet on which he lives.
All the best:x

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5 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

As for the human being, I don't know or remember a more confusing experience. In addition, human is a complete alien to the planet on which he lives.

Perks of being neurodiverse. Definitely a handicap at lower stages of development. But that’s not the end of the story…


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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

@Kuba Powiertowski Alien Love is beyond what a human can comprehend or experience; it’s also beyond knowing who you are. It’s that radical.

@CARDOZZO I agree that it’s too soon to talk in-depth about it. In fact, I don’t know if it’s even possible to communicate it from the human perspective.

But I will say this: Humans are selfish as fuck! But Alien Love sees through all of that selfishness.


I’m still exploring consciousness, so I can’t claim that I’m done with this work anymore. Just when you think you’re done, you ain’t! 

Infinity is already beyond what a human can comprehend or experience.

Infinity already includes any alien, mouse god, other consciousness.

And all this because someone watched Ice Age on 5Meo...

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@josemar I’ve never taken 5-MeO, and it’s more than just including any alien. You become ALIEN! 

Humans are funny and I’m starting to love them more. 

I have seen Ice Age in the movie theater and have eaten Five Guys in a past life, though.

Edited by Yimpa


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