
Consciousness is Not localised....

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To all of those that say that consciousness or their feeling of awareness or 'iamness' exists behind their eyes...I´m just asking you...observe.

Observe the sounds that are happening. It might be a car down the street, the neighbour speaking to somebody, furniture being moved, a bird chirping...whatever.

ACTUALLY LOOK WHAT IS THAT. See what is a sound. A sound is...consciousness! 

Notice that sounds ( consciousness ) are NOT happening within your 'body' but rather is happening in the whole "surrounding" field....

Try to see it. Try to see that sounds/consciousness are happening 'all over the place'. And notice that the sound/consciousness it's literally happening in that 'place', not inside your brain. 

You are not having an experience of sounds, Experience is having you (including your body).

You are NOT your body having an experience! You are Experience holding the body, somewhere in the field.

But we have gotten obsessed that this 'somewhere' is our experience, our life. Classic trick of the ego. There is no personal experience, no personal pov, no personal nothing, no personal consciousness, no personal dimensional God.

There's no reference localisation, stop trying to localise yourself. 

Edited by Javfly33

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25 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

To all of those that say that consciousness or their feeling of awareness or 'iamness' exists behind their eyes...I´m just asking you...observe.

Observe the sounds that are happening. It might be a car down the street, the neighbour speaking to somebody, furniture being moved, a bird chirping...whatever.

ACTUALLY LOOK WHAT IS THAT. See what is a sound. A sound is...consciousness! 

Notice that sounds ( consciousness ) are NOT happening within your 'body' but rather is happening in the whole "surrounding" field....

Try to see it. Try to see that sounds/consciousness are happening 'all over the place'. And notice that the sound/consciousness it's literally happening in that 'place', not inside your brain. 

You are not having an experience of sounds, Experience is having you (including your body).

You are NOT your body having an experience! You are Experience holding the body, somewhere in the field.

And you are holding all bodies too, you solipsistic asshole. ?

Very good. Please excuse the addition of my further musings below...

Perceptions perceiving themselves. And no "You" or Consciousness or Consciousness "of" anything/anyone anywhere to be found... 

"You are Experience holding the body, somewhere in the field."

And the next step can be to see that there is no "You" in "You" are Experience". Just experience arising in Nothingness, made out of Nothingness as its essence. Impersonal. Empty. A brooding silent Abyss of pure Nothingness/Consciousness. Infinite Silence, never to be seen as object. Yet, always here. Not No-thing, but never anything perceiveable. Yet all appearances arising in "it". Not existing, nor non-existing.

Experiencing itself, as itself, being itself, infinite. One without a second. Nondual. "Time,Past and future" and "outside of IT" being just ideas/concepts arising in it. (the idea/concept of Solipsism by the way also).

The only Infinite Reality (One without a second) in which any arising/concept can appear at all...

"You are Experience holding the body, somewhere in the field." is already a "you" too much.

But that is probably what you meant anyway, and "I" am adding redundant musings... :)

> And you are holding all bodies too, you solipsistic asshole. ?

;). And your body-mind is being held in the perspectives of "others" when these perspectives are perceiving your bodymind, and in their perspective are only the illusions arisings of "their" separate-selfes (I-thoughts, I-feelings) arising. In Infinite Nothingness.

All appearance being held in Indras Net of Infinite Perspectives. Nothingness perceiving its own arisings. Arisings with the same essence of Nothingness. And there can be nothing besides "this" Infinite Nothingness, Impersonal Empty Infinite Consciousness/Nothingness. Because anything "else" would appear in it, any boundary (which would be necessary for "anything" else) would appear within it.

Selling Water by the River


Edited by Water by the River

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

There's no reference localisation, stop trying to localise yourself. 

Ironically, I just stared at a picture my girlfriend sent me of her. I started at it for a good 5 minutes. 

God is fucking amazing.

I AM Lovin' It

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