
Psychedelic feels like

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1. Like the Newscaster suddenly looks straight at the camera and addresses you directly by your name. “Hello, Gabriel. So I see you’re watching the news now, huh?” ??

2. Like All of your dirtiest sexual fantasies are being broadcasted on all of New York City’s billboards :) ? 

3. Like someone is holding you tight and looking u in the eyes and won’t let go while u keep trying to get away or look the other way ?

4. Like dying a death that never comes

5. Like the internet stops working.

6. like all the words on a recipe book that teaches you how to make lasagna rearrange to form direct messages to you about things more important than lasagna 

7. Like you’re at the club and the music is very loud but suddenly everything goes absolutely quiet. People are dancing with no music

8. like your mother’s face suddenly turns into the actual devil ? for like a split second and ur like wtf was that?? Mom? U alright?

9. Like seeing very clearly how so absolutely batshit crazy every culture is

10. Like realizing that all of your embarrassing Facebook posts from when you were 11 years old haven’t actually been permanently deleted. They’re alive and well ?

11. Like realizing your room is your mind

12. like you’re in skin to skin contact with every person in the world


it’s rather uncomfortable. Unbearable levels of self consciousness

Maybe this is just a trip gone bad??

Edited by blankisomeone

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4 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

2. Like All of your dirtiest sexual fantasies are being broadcasted on all of New York City’s billboards :)

Uh oh.

4 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

Maybe this is just a trip gone bad??

Bad if you resist. Looks like reality is saying "stop resisting these parts of yourself all the time". The psychedelic is trying to stretch your identity. If you stop resisting, it might become something more pleasant.

Describe a thought.

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10 hours ago, blankisomeone said:

it’s rather uncomfortable. Unbearable levels of self consciousness

Of course it’s uncomfortable… in the beginning stages that is. 

But also consider how much turmoil goes on in your human existence. Perhaps we’ve mastered numbing ourselves to the point of learned helplessness. Therefore, we have no idea what’s beyond the human limitations. 

Still important to work on the human self, though, if you still want to maintain a human existence. 

This work is tricky af.


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