
Peter Ralston’s take on solipsism

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Leo’s style of teaching and Ralston are completely different.

Leo goes balls to the walls and speaks all that he wants about absolute truth and even Alien Awakenings, it’s his style of teaching and has a lot of value.

Peter has a different style, more conservative.

Leo’s style of teaching is more liberal, rebellious, philosophical, artistic.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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7 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:


Leo’s style of teaching and Ralston are completely different.

Leo’s go ball to the walls and speaks all that he wants about absolute truth and even Alien Awakenings, it’s his style of teaching and has a lot of value.

Peter has a different style, more conservative.

Leo’s style of teaching is more liberal, rebellious, philosophical, artistic.

Leo teaches, but above all he divulges. is different. the problem is not leo but us. Leo is not a teacher, he is something much better: he is inspiring

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall I agree.

Leo is more artistic, poetic, rebellious, philosophical (what doesn’t remove the truth and beauty of his work) and doesn’t have fear about people making his teachings a belief. (I assume)

On the other hand, Peter is extremely careful with what he says.

You can see in his books and videos that it’s really difficult even for him to make up an analogy to explain something because he doesn’t want to compromise TRUTH.

This work is insanely hard to facilitate, teach or even disclose. 

We’re extremely lucky that people even try to do that.

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Silence is the closest thing to the TRUTH, as hard as we can fight with that fact.

I will not be surprised if one day Leo makes a 4h silent video looking to the camera ?

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Just now, CARDOZZO said:

We’re extremely lucky that people even try to do that.

Absolutely, and serious people who have done the work the most profound and sincere that they could.

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

One or absolute solipsism are conceptual creations of the mind. this means that they are created by contrasting some things with others, which means that they are relative. the truth cannot be articulated with the mind and those who do are confusing the map with the territory

So true.

A good path can drop one at the doopstep of the Absolute. But there, all concepts fail, all duality must come to an an end, and the last separate self subjectivity/individuality must be seen moving in oneself/transcended and cut off/dropped/died. 

Only then will ones True Being reveal itself.

That is the essence of Mahamudra Nonmeditation Yoga for example.

And one throws the stick into the fire when one is there, not before.

So good concepts (the stick one later throws into the fire) get one to the doorstep of the Absolute, and for that one must already by very very empty. Neti Neti.

A concept like Solipsism is not at all useful for doing that, despite certain partial truths hold valid ONCE having realized the Absolute. But then one doesn't need to talk about. Because there are no others...

  • And one doesn't want to blow up the separate-self-image/narcicissm of "other" perspective that still have the Illusion-separate-self-ego well and alive appearing in their mindstreams with concepts like Solipsism, which just are not true on the level of a ego/separate self still well and alive.
  • Solipsism is a path that leads nowhere, promises things it can't hold, and leads in circles. While Maya lovingly smiles at oneself, enjoying the show, and tells one how much she loves one and how oh so great one is. 
  • Neti Neti delivers, and that is why each and every meditation system and spiritual traditions goes that road.
    • Not one system goes the conceptual Solipsism road. Either all that came before must have been iditos (Remember Ken Wilbers: Nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time), or there is a deep deep truth to the Neti Neti approach, since Humanity has used it ever since.

And if one wants to go a certain part of the Solipsism road on ones path, how about doing it with style:

We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all. - Kalu Rinpoche

Selling Water by the River

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3 hours ago, Water by the River said:

And one throws the stick into the fire when one is there, not before.

This doesn't get emphasized nearly enough. Moreover, if "it's about time to throw the stick into the fire" - it isn't yet. The fact that the stick has burnt is seen retrospectively.

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13 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:

Silence is the closest thing to the TRUTH, as hard as we can fight with that fact.

Not silence… SILENCE beyond any human comprehension of what silence means.


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Most people aren't ready to climb to the summit of perpetual awareness. They may temporarily see it from a distance, through psychedelics or other  spiritual experiences, but the peek is not the peak. They lack the stamina to make the spiritual ascent.

It's not because they are insincere or inept. They are staggering under the accumulated burden of destructive habits. This burden always returns after the peek experience, by contrast even heavier than before.

Each of us walks the trail of life, collecting rocks (physical and mental habits) along the way. These rocks are formed from fleeing fears: mental trauma, physical abuse, broken relationships, etc. or chasing desires: pleasant experiences that entice us, or have come and gone, or are clung to in the desperate need to keep them from ever leaving. We carefully place each rock into our ego backpack. We believe that by containing each rock, we can control it, but it only adds to the weight we are carrying until it becomes unbearable.

How do you sustain an arduous hike under such a burden? It's impossible. You can only ascend when you realize that the rocks must be removed. They are not only the source of your suffering, but are the reason you have not been able to attain the summit.

This realization is the turning point in your spiritual journey. Usually, it only happens when you become so self-exhausted that you cannot go any farther. Life slams you hard enough and long enough that you finally open your eyes. You realize that all this time, fleeing fears and chasing desires has been the cause of your own damnation.

Suffering, when leveraged, is the greatest grace. Initially it only adds to your burden, but when applied to the spiritual journey, to deepen your surrender of external pursuits, it will ultimately set you free.

Whatever path you take (self-inquiry, meditation, yoga, renunciation, devotion, service, psychedelics), it can only bring you to the inner gate. Passing through to the other side, which is being absolute awareness, requires surrender. The ego, with its bulging backpack of lies, must be dropped to the ground, so you are small enough to fit through the narrow way. It is the final step of trust, which is the deepest love, that reunites you with yourself.

The absolute realizes that all this time, it has been fooling itself by casting awareness externally, into the cosmos of its imagination. It has completed another night journey away from and back to itself. Awareness has traveled from twilight to darkness, and finally to dawn within the dream. Now, just before the sun ascends to its full glory, you are free to enjoy the receding stories of the dream, no longer being bound by them.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha gpod post, suffering is useful and necessary. realizing that you are in a trap of suffering with no way out makes you open to true spirituality. Suffering reveals all false paths, it is an infallible indicator. but once you have opened yourself to what reality is, it is no longer necessary. That's when the real deal begins. reality is the absolute, here and now. you open yourself without reservation, in a process that occurs progressively. each time it becomes more obvious, more real. Incredibly, you are that. the infinity that is, ha! every little event in your life pointed to this. to open your being to the truth. nothing matters, they are just images. You're free, that's it. You have already won what had to be won. relax, opening, letting go of control. this, now, is infinity

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@KGrimes I feel like that was a pretty spot on answer. What more is there to say? 

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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26 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Whatever path you take (self-inquiry, meditation, yoga, renunciation, devotion, service, psychedelics), it can only bring you to the inner gate.

@Moksha The Pickup Path (Solo Sober Daygame) is the most underrated.

You should try it guys, just saying ?

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2 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

@KGrimes I feel like that was a pretty spot on answer. What more is there to say? 

Understanding the difference and sameness between real and imaginary. 

There seems to be a continuously struggle reconciling these two. 


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@Breakingthewall Seeing through the gate is different from abiding beyond it. When surrender is deep enough, the mind is no longer at risk of returning to the burden of its conditioning. Until then, suffering continues to serve its purpose.

@CARDOZZO Spiritual paths are as diverse as the humans that take them. They are informed by each person's unique predispositions, but they all lead to the same absolute destination.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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27 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Until then, suffering continues to serve its purpose.

The purpose of suffering is It is showing you the way, showing you the impurities that you must polish. For suffering to disappear completely is difficult. It would mean that you are in complete harmony. completely open to yourself. in my opinion it is possible. opening is a chain reaction. The absolute attracts me more and more, it's like to be at home again. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall Exactly right. The spiritual journey is a rocket launching into outer space. Its initial engine takes it to a certain height, and then the rocket body is released to plummet back to the earth as the capsule continues its ascent at even greater speed. Eventually the absolute breaks through the sound barrier to deep realization. When that happens, resistance shifts and the minimal form is free to travel by its own momentum.

Enlightenment is moving through the dream and enjoying experience, while remaining anchored in absolute awareness. Form survival becomes a whispering automatic process in the background, and there is no longer the distraction of doing anything at all.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha Can you make a list of teachers and books that shaped your spiritual path? I'm curious ;)

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