Leo Gura

Meditation Techniques Mega Thread

50 posts in this topic

Ana Pana 

Sit in a comfortable position keeping the back straight. 

Breathe in, breathe out.

Focus in your breathing. 

When you mind wonders, don't get upset bring your mind back to your breath and focus on your breathing 

If you open your eyes focus back on your breathing and close your eyes to avoid distraction.

If you need rest lie down and still focus on your breathing even after your mind wonders bring it back to your breath. 

After 5 min, it is better to use a timer sit back straight with eyes closed and focus on your breath. 

Notice the sensations below your nostrils occurring due to the breathing process,notice the temperature of the breath, is it hotter while exhaling? 

Notice how the breath is is it shallow?  Or deep?  Notice how breathing is a voluntary as well as involuntary process. 

Focus on your breathing. 

(I feel we can get access concentration using this technique) 


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Do you guys know a meditation technique that is specialize in silence ?

What I mean by that, is a meditation that makes your mind shuts off really hardcore.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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13 hours ago, Shin said:

Do you guys know a meditation technique that is specialize in silence ?

What I mean by that, is a meditation that makes your mind shuts off really hardcore.

@Shin  I haven't tried this but...



Silence is not an object and therefore it can be sensed, but not be grasped by the thinking mind really. This is why it is difficult to clearly perceive silence. The thinking mind constantly interferes and by this overlays the perception of silence, as long as you are not trained sufficiently. On the other hand listening to silence is very beneficial to develop very high degrees of concentration, because it directly silences the babbling thinking mind.

Video: Guided meditation containing listening to silence, by Dzogchen teacher Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (30 minutes) (explanation from 6:20 to 16:55)

Video: How to listen to silence explained by Eckhart Tolle (4 minutes)

Source: Secrets Of Concentration, Part 1

[insert quote here]

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On 29/04/2017 at 8:58 AM, Lenny said:

@Shin  I haven't tried this but...

Source: Secrets Of Concentration, Part 1

The guided meditation is the Eckhart Tolle video too :)

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I have tried all of Leo's meditations, including the guided ones.

I have tried also the labeling meditation described by Shinzen Young.

I have also tried zen meditation. This is all over the course of more than half a year already. Meditating at least 20 minutes a day.


I have tried Headspace a few days ago, their guided meditations (at least the "take 10" are wonderful). (If you have not heard of it, Headspace is a website and an iOS/Android app that you can download and use on your phone and play guided meditations). I highly recommend them. Just subscribed for the paid plan to try out more of it. It's just that I found a nugget of gold so I want to keep digging. I am wondering why nobody here mentioned them. I think they are doing a great job there. Have you ever tried Headspace. What is your impressions from it?

Edited by Yavor Kirov

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On 3/16/2017 at 3:02 PM, Ludwig said:
2-step meditation that'll blow your mind into eternal bliss when practiced consistently


hehe so I was watching this and he got to the second step and I thought, "well the act of you discarding all your wants IS a want itself - how exactly are you going to discard that want :P" but then I laughed because - he said right after, "who or what is it that's aware of this sound, or this sight,..." and well - the act of discarding all your wants IS that "what" which is aware of the act of discarding all your wants! xD Get it? 

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IS there a meditation that can promote more the confrontation with the void/having a kundalini experience ?

I want to face this again, and if there is a meditation practice that can help, it would be nice :)


No clue if it works, let's try :P


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 4/11/2017 at 11:55 AM, Shin said:

Perhaps one of the most powerful meditation technique is simply to send love vibration to yourself.

The more you do that, the more you'll start to love and see that everything is just a reflection of your own heart.


I like this suggestion a lot, so I am bumping it

Also I want to add meditation techniques which I find extremely powerful:

Close your eyes and just look at what is: Look at the colors you're seeing. Try to see as further in front of you as you can, still eyes closed, what do you see?

Notice how your entire body can only be felt now, not seen.

Try to look inside your body as if diving into it.

Dive from the head through the throat and into the chest, then belly, feet, belly, chest, hands, see, allow visualizations, try to see what the different parts of your body are telling you.

Bridge the divides. Make peace within.



As a kid I think I've had many awakening experiences, but I had not been able to understand what it was. I think once at a birthday party when we were all laying around, I was inside my belly, and I had experienced the absolute within.

I can recall two other times also where I've felt the absolute flow through me (or I've allowed it to more fully), but it's so long ago and washed away that I can only speculate whether it was awakening experience or an amazing dream. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Leo Gura I just got through watching Day 9 of your solo retreat. Basically, you were saying that there is no end goal - that you're not going to find happiness when you retire or when you're rushing through work toward some goal - the moment of happiness is in the here and now - in the meditative / contemplative state in whatever you're doing. This is the best time to do self-inquiry too - when your thoughts are coming from the nothingness and not distracted from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This increases the creativeness within.

So, my question for you is, are you able to apply what you learned here in your everyday life - at least some of it?

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So mine is more like a powerful habbit leading to Kundalini Awakening by opening the Chackras with Breathing " The Breathing Chackras Technique".

Go check out ma' dude Rali and he's course on enlightement for more :) :


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On 5/23/2017 at 0:26 PM, Dodo said:

birthday party when we were all laying around, I was inside my belly, and I had experienced the absolute within

That must have been the best cake ever!

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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Given the techniques, i experience right now if i do the do nothing technique suddenly it will shift to questioning about who am i what am i and everything will be questioned and it will shift in to aware of thinking i dont know .. hmm? What will i do? For everything when i close my eyes? 

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When i close my eyes I can't concentrate my mind is shifting snd shifting i do the technique the do nothing and it will be shifted to self inquiry something like that... and the 40mins all my mind do will shift and shift and shift.. i dont know nowww

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Just published this great little book on mindfulness meditation and the concept of time!


For a limited time the book is free to download. In exchange I would be incredibly grateful if you could leave an honest review!

I hope you'll enjoy it

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1 hour ago, CMG88 said:

Just published this great little book on mindfulness meditation and the concept of time!


For a limited time the book is free to download. In exchange I would be incredibly grateful if you could leave an honest review!

I hope you'll enjoy it

Read my review of your book.

I hope you'll like it.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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On 7/28/2017 at 9:10 AM, DrMobius said:

Do you have any advice or method for persons with tinnitus? 

It started two months ago for me and ever since meditating became impossible. I just cannot distract myself from the awful permanent ringing in my right ear.

Every time I try to sit down and meditate I just end up frustrated. Lately I just stopped doing it.

What to do? 

Tapping with brad yates..!!

Edited by Truth Seekah

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Alan Watts - Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh

Ajahn Brahm

 OSHO Dynamic Meditation


Edited by Truth Seekah

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