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Is "our" consciousness replicatable?

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Is our "locus" of apparantly individual consicousness in any way replicateable?

After apparant physical death, would it be possible for a future post-singularity super AI to in any way re-simulate consciousness and have that be "us" again?

Or is that an impossibility in God's dream?

@Leo Gura question for you in particular because you're the one I trust most to have any accurate answer approximating this.

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To be fair, I don’t see why not. How can that even be known, though? To us, it’d be exactly like this. 

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No, I don’t think so, if I understand you correctly. 

First off, there isn’t an “us” - an actual separate entity. 

But, speaking at the level of there being “us”es - at least in appearance - our individual consciousness is the product of, or at least dependent on / correlated with our brain. So that would have to be perfectly simulated, probably down to the quantum level (which is impossible in principle, due to indeterminacy and other quantum weirdness), unless there is some redundancy and quantum effects could be ignored.

But that’s not enough, as our entire nervous system is at play in our conscious experience. But then, that is dependent on our entire physiology - the whole body. Which is dependent on all of the microorganisms inhabiting our body. But these are all affected by what is outside the body. And this is just at the “present” moment (which general relativity says does not even absolutely exist or make sense in principle). But, the past and future would all affect things as well, to the point of where it becomes impossible to draw a line saying here is the entirety of what we need to simulate in order to recreate this locus of consciousness. (Perhaps the entire observable universe is such a line - but to simulate that one would have to know, just to start, the position and momentum of all particles contained there in - which quantum mechanics tells us is impossible - but particles are ultimately just an approximation / model depicting what is actually the case…). 

in short, no, this is a task that technology derived from physical sciences taken to the extreme simply could not achieve. It is entirely possible and imo likely that our “locus” of consciousness is not the result of physical, or computational, or any type of “process”. It requires actual magic. And yet, seemingly, here we are having conscious experience… 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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You aren't here, but the phemomena is. If the phenomena you see now appears again in the future, it appears exactly as though you were seeing it. Because of the fact that nobody is seeing it, it exists by itself.

See if you saw just green void for your entire life and thought you were the green, you'd be afraid of the green becoming red because you think you're the green and will cease to exist with the green. But as you know, green can come and go and you remain.

Well, that is how you consider yourself or "your consciousness". It is an idea that you are this person or ego, so you think that you are something which sees the sights around you and will cease to exist when the body and mind dies. But the ego like the green void can disappear and the world remains there exactly the same, just the same as if you were seeing it, exactly the same as though you never went anywhere at all. And you will be surprised to see that you were never even a you, and that no such thing as a you ever did exist at all.

If in 1000 years a person walks the same exact pathway as you did earlier today, it will be you walking that pathway again. Because nobody ever walks a pathway, the pathway appears. And each time it appears it appears the same.

This relates to things BEING consciousness as opposed to being viewed BY consciousness. They literally ARE it. Your ego IS consciousness, it is made of thoughts and memories which are made of consciousness. Sights and sounds are made of it. Etc. It never sits separately from things knowing them. It IS them.

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