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Omg Maybe I Can Use My Coping Mechanism As An Lp!?

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Okay, I didn't want to say because I'm tired of the shaming I go through every time I try something new, but here goes.  Have you ever heard a song before that was so fucking beautiful is brought you to tears?  I like those songs, for example there's a few songs on Bobby McFerrins album vocabularies that bring me to gushing tears every single time I hear them.  I dig his style in particular because I'm a bit of a linguist, and I prefer vocals over instrumentals because it provides a more direct connection with your true expression. I'm really not a great singer yet, but I am building a repetoire just from learning new songs every now and then.  I struggle with writting myself, but I have so much I want to say to the world from studying spirituality and other nerd outs of mine.  I was supposed to be a potable water engineer in Peru, and then I was gonna be a science teacher, and I had such a hard time during these experiences that I don't know if I'm sabotaging myself by letting go of the more hard core technical skills I already have and simply never succeeded in establishing into a full practice, just so I can dedicate myself fully to the development of a talent that is probably not quite as highly needed in the world, nor as stabilizing.  But seriously, I love singing and the creative process.  So, honestly think if I wanted to do it professionally, I would really have to release my past lives, and dive into something with way more unknowns.  I'd like to have my cake and eat it too, so maybe someday I'll find a balance.

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Also I have lymph issues in my throat that habe been holding me back significantly...

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On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 11:19 AM, MissMiki said:

I don't know if I'm sabotaging myself by letting go of the more hard core technical skills I already have

I understand how if you have already put a lot of time and effort into developing a certain skill-set you would want to put your skills to use. However, if you did not enjoy the past experiences that called upon your skills then maybe that field of work is not the right field for you despite the fact that you have the technical ability to get it done.

On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 11:19 AM, MissMiki said:

I love singing and the creative process.

Perhaps you can figure out a way to create a livelihood for yourself that puts your musical and creative abilities to use.

On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 11:19 AM, MissMiki said:

I'd like to have my cake and eat it too

That would be nice :) 

My advice would be to let your heart and intuition guide you to your final decision.

I will leave you with this quote because it seems to apply to your situation:

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”  - Howard Thurman


Edited by Bodhi123

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