
It is Solipsistic, yes, but NOT from the point of view of the ego

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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

What happened? Did he get sloppy with his language? Did he stop giving a fuck? Did 5-MeO fry his brain? Did he become AWAKE? Or did he conclude that he couldn't achieve persistent non-dual awareness and instead opted to remake his brand into psychedelic mysticism ("God-realization") and started shitting on classical non-duality, other spiritual teachers and Buddhism, effectively separating himself from the traditions that make these fine distinctions between awakening and solipsism, to the point where their concerns seem relevant? That's a rhetorical question. I wonder if that will be in Leo's biography xD

Very interesting collection of quotes. He is definitely smart enough to understand the difference between Solipsism and real Nonduality.

But I don't think the dark move you describe happenened. He doesn't need to do that just for his brand. If he wanted money & fame & validation & attention & whatever, he would probably just start the mother of all cults. Smart enough he is....

I believe something else happened here:

  • Many trips, and fully being this Imagined Universe/Multiverse, which he then called God. What I would call Buddhafield with a Buddha/Manager/God of that Reality/whatever you want to call it. Something has to run and be this show. In mystical experiences and/or trips you can become that God. Merge with it, or become it as Identity (Wilbers high subtle and low causal levels). Still not the end of the story. Because: What is the essence of that Buddha/Manager/God of that Reality/whatever you want to call it? Nothingness.
  • And during these trips, it became clear for him that he actually was that. The Reality of that Multiverse/Buddhafield, already a nondual merging with all of that. Sovereign. But not fully empty. So far, so good.
    • Not fully Empty Impersonal Consciousness/Nothingness. Wilbers High Causal, Nothingness. The Gateless Gate and Gate-Keeper, after which real Nondual Enlightenment waits....
  • Steven Wolinsky writes of something very similiar (see below).
  • Funny thing is: His trips have shown him 95%+ of the properties of Reality, and more or less fully shown him how this God/Buddhafield/Void Universe works, merging with it in a nondual way. And realizing that being that was more true to his true core than the everday waking character. But not realizing the Abyss of the Absolute, not the totally empty Nothingness. He thinks he has it, but if one is still aware of an "it", ...
  • But there is/was still a very subtle "he" perceiving "that" or "being" that left.
  • Then he doubted that to be final, doubted everything, and tried to reach out for "something" beyond (see his Video "Infinity of Gods". And he says in the Infinity of Gods video then "conincidentally" at exactly that moment another God/Buddhfield/Multiverse/rReality reached out (by free will) to touch him as God/Buddhafield. Thus maintaining the sovereignity of both him as God/Void Universe, and the other God/Void Universe.
  • Then he postulated an Infinity of other Gods or Buddhafields, just like "him". Basically, he had to deviate from classic Nondual/Infinite teachings, invent the Infnity of Gods theory, to make place for his experience that there was still another God/Void Universe reaching out to him. All of wich exists, but all of which is still form, identity, ... . Not the absolute Abyss of fully Empty Impersonal Nothingness/Consciousness, or the essence of Reality itself....
    • and of course, it doesn't really make sense to talk of oneself as the God/Void-Universe running/being this dimension. Even if one is that (because one is all), its too risky to talk like that and make onself confuse or inflate ones separate self/perspective with that larger more encompassing perspective/being (a larger Holon, the Void Universe Buddhafield God Holon containing all lower perspectives/Holons within it), or cause that to happen at others. But that is another topic...

That seems to be more or less the end of the road where you can go to with Psychedelics with the separate self not fully gone, but 95%+ gone. An awareness of emptiness, of God, of the Infinity of Gods/Buddhafields/sovereign Manifestations, even an Identity with it. And having ones fellow God-buddies reach out to oneself (Infinity of Gods). With a little bit of confusing the properties of that Buddhafield-God, like sovereignity, and projecting that on himself. 

But all in all still an awareness OF something. and By something, BEING something..... the very last remnants of a nearly totally empty Individuality/Identity aware of ... [something], whatever that is at the moment. Awakening n+1. At least while tripping.

Not fully empty, not fully impersonal, neither while tripping, and definitely not after the trip. But proclaiming that this not empty identity is a higher Awakening than the full empty impersonal Enlightenment to fully empty impersonal consciousness/Nothingness, and then truly being everything. Including the Infinity of Gods, the infinity of other Void-Universes-Manifestation-Dimensions.

If he would look deeply into the emptiness (or mere appearance) of all that he experienced during these trips, all his assumptions/concepts/pet theories, all his last remaining last Individuality-arisings, and let of them die, truly die, truly transcend them, disidentitfy, let go.... we could get to see an Enligthenment to true Nothingness, a final waking up to his True Being, being so empty that it can fully hold and be everything, also while not tripping. That would be the end of his grasping for ever new insights, understandings and Awakenings n+1. It would also be an end to him as separate self.

I doubt that can be done using mainly/only psychedelics, because of the time one needs in these empty states to truly get rid of every last separate-self arising/and last Identity/any awareness "of" something, without frying ones brains. But I could be wrong on that, I don't know.  

Lets see if Karma holds that for him Enlightenment on his path. At least from my side he has the best wishes to bask in the final liberation and bliss that that brings. And with that step, he would integrate his teachings with the collected experience of humanity on Enlightenment and waking up, and even push the knowledge into the manifested nature of the Multiverse, or into knowledge about form/manifestation, further.

Knowledge of the Absolute (Emptiness/Nothingness) always is the same, at all times, forever. Doesn't change, and can only be realized by being it, letting any cloud darkening the Sun of ones ever burning Primordial Being finally evaporate.

Water by the River



The quotes from Steven Wolinsky, The Way of the Human Part 3

"In 1995, what “this” was became clear enough for “me” to describe because, for the first time, “I” could “see” that this was beyond the VOID—and, more importantly, there was not one VOID but an infinite number of VOID universes. In other words, the VOID appears to go on forever. However, it does have an end, and when the end is reached, the NAMELESS ABSOLUTE is revealed.

To best illustrate this, imagine, you are in an oil well (VOID) in the middle of the Sahara desert. While you are in this oil well (VOID), you have all the experiences contained within that particular oil well universe. From inside the oil well universe (the VOID) an infinite number of experiences exist which are true and specific to and within that particular VOID (oil well) universe only. But when or if “you” were to expand and reach the top of the well and climb out, you would be in the desert (the NAMELESS ABSOLUTE) and “you” could “view” an infinite number of VOID universes (many, many oil wells) which in Quantum Physics could be likened to parallel universes. In India, beyond the WITNESS and the VOID OF UN-DIFFERENTIATED CONSCIOUSNESS lies the SUPREME WITNESS which Quantum Psychology calls the NAMELESS ABSOLUTE.

Now, within “our” VOID universe are the concepts of energy, electromagnetics, gravity, space, mass, time, distance, location, God, enlightenment, One Substance, quantum physics, Archetypes, paths, religions, etc., etc., etc., etc.

But these are true only within our one particular VOID universe—they may or may not make any “sense” within other VOID universes.

It can be said, then, that the SUPREME WITNESS is beyond the infinite number of VOID universes.

The most powerful Archetype in “this,” “our” VOID universe, is the collective concept of GOD.

The concept of God and a seeker after God or truth are Archetypes of such magnitude that it impacts practically everyone in the world. Most religions are based on an omnipresent God who somehow rules the universe."


" The “space” between the VOID universes (VOIDs) is the  NAMELESS ABSOLUTE. For descriptive terms only, this is the difference between SELF-REALIZATION and GOD-REALIZATION.


Only problem with the last paragraph is the definition of the wording. Leos God-Realization corresponds to Wolinskys Self-Realization, and Wolinskis God-Realization is the Realization of the Absolute.


PSPS: Yesterday, pretty much by conincidence I drove by and visisted the ruins of Monastery Disibodenberg, where female mystic Hildegard von Bingen lived and worked in the 12th century. I didn't know she was living there when deciding to visit the place. A marvelous atmosphere of a large monastery in ruins, in a forest on top of a mountain, where Hildegard lived and worked. The rays of the Divinity running this Reality/Universe found their ways at all times, all places. 




Edited by Water by the River

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very good compilation, good work. I think Leo did the solipsism video thinking that taking that perspective would help people awake, not because it was true, at least not on a relative level. The video has done many question his sanity, perhaps he achieved his goal

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9 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:


very good compilation, good work. I think Leo did the solipsism video thinking that taking that perspective would help people awake, not because it was true, at least not on a relative level. The video has done many question his sanity, perhaps he achieved his goal

I don't know he took the video down and that was the video along with his Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God that helped me the most. His Solipsism Video is so powerful that literally if you accept it as true you will awaken sober. That's literally all you have to do, accept it, microdose to raise your consciousness and your consciousness on its own will awaken to Absolute Solipsism and then you get to experience non-duality. 

One of the funniest things I got to experience was how sensation is not linked to appearance. So you can touch a blanket and it can feel like a liquid and you can touch a liquid and it can feel like a solid. I had that happen to me one time at 2 am in the morning and became scared that it was going to be permanent and then I remembered I am always in control and it corrected itself. I knew it was possible before it happened but experiencing it was something else. This all happened sober by the way.


You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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12 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

His Solipsism Video is so powerful that literally if you accept it as true you will awaken sober.

Yes, the main deception that prevents awakening is the perception of something outside. the video, if you take it as true, removes that perception and can cause an awakening. that does not mean that reality is exactly like that, it means that for you it is like that. once we have broken the barriers of the apparent, we have to leave the conceptual aside and start to perceive directly. probably the solipsism video is genius. I would say that he removed it so that only those who were really interested would see it, hoping to cause real awakenings.

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54 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Very interesting collection of quotes. He is definitely smart enough to understand the difference between Solipsism and real Nonduality.

But I don't think the dark move you describe happenened. He doesn't need to do that just for his brand. If he wanted money & fame & validation & attention & whatever, he would probably just start the mother of all cults. Smart enough he is....

The brand thing was not to imply it was financially motivated. It was a cheeky way of saying that he found his calling. It plays to his strengths. It also just happens that it distinguished him from the larger non-duality sphere. "Psychedelic mysticism": it's not just non-duality, and it's not just psychonautics, but it's a weird hybrid. It allows him to have more authority on the subject, which would be useful if he was indeed motivated by the things you mentioned. Besides, you don't need an overt cult to get any of those things. If anything, it would be a good strategy to give his followers good reasons for why they're exactly not in a cult.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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7 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

I don't know he took the video down and that was the video along with his Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God that helped me the most. His Solipsism Video is so powerful that literally if you accept it as true you will awaken sober.

Well, the effects of the Solipsism video on some parts of the audience are pretty well documented with comments like that... And "Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God" apparently can also be hijacked and be interpreted in funny ways.... Show must go on...

That is why until now in all Spiritual Traditions touching these areas where it gets a little bit, lets say, unconventional and complicated, with huge potential for misunderstandings... were kept, uh, pretty secret, and communicated to the aspirant at the right stage, and then carefully explained and put into context. With a vow of secrecy, to not confuse further generations. But in the age of youtube, bye bye to these checks and balances of the secret stuff forever.

Probably, the resulting fallout can not be avoided....

How many suicides and lives destroyed on a relative level by rampant narcissm and solipsism gone off the edge in a "hey man, its all imagined, why don't you wise up and get it?!"-manner are going to be needed? God knows....

Will be interesting how long it takes for sub-cultures like this forum here to wise up, and to put that into a clear and appropriate context of caution & watch out, unfortunate things a) b) and c) can happen when interpretation is less than careful, and loaded with separate self narcissm. 

Normally, I am not that critical, but here it is clear for everbody with eyes to see that this solipsistic and narcisstic "creativity" (not to say borderline-madnesss) will hurt some authors of certain posts....

Razard, do me a favour: Please don't disintegrate your life on a relative level. Honestly, all the best, and Bon Voyage!

Selling Water by the River


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Just now, Carl-Richard said:

The brand thing was not to imply it was financially motivated. It was a cheeky way of saying that he found his calling. It plays to his strengths. It also just happened that it distinguished him from the larger non-duality sphere. "Psychedelic mysticism": it's not just non-duality, and it's not just psychonautics, but it's a weird hybrid. It allows him to have more authority on the subject, which would be useful if he was indeed motivated by the things you mentioned. Besides, you don't need an overt cult to get any of those things. If anything, it would be a good strategy to give his followers good reasons for why they're exactly not in a cult.

I see, thanks for the clarifying. Then I didn't fully understand your post on the first try. And I agree to your interpretations. 

He has so much potential with his path so far, and this site and its impact, and he is a very smart cookie...  Lets see if he uses it for good, meaning and final Great Enlightenment, or a weird-hybrid of staying top-dog of something less than enlightened. 

Challenge is: He really is a pioneer, seeing things on his trips that probably nobody ever has seen (but I don't know, previous cultures&traditions also did lots of psychedelics and were also not dumb).  Including some "Jester-elements" at the higher levels of the manifestation-pyramid seducing him with the self-importance they grant him during these trips&afterwards, with best regards & a kiss from Maya herself. Gotta keep the illusion working, not that God forbid, too many really wake up.

The only question is if he is a) smart enough with b) good enough Karma to keep the narcissm/self-grandiosity/self-importance/ego-boosting in check and at some point really crosses over to Impersonal Enlightenment. Which really is death of anything ego/narcissm. My personal perspective is: self-importance is like a filter to intelligence and intuition, it makes dumb or prevents Infinite Intelligence to giving certain insights. But to have a Lila, you need Illusion. And the biggest motivating element, the biggest illusion-creator, is self-importance. Don't ask me how I know that.... yours truly did this mistake way too often, until a lucky kind-a-suicide happened.... 9_9

Guess we stay tuned how it all develops....

Would be nice if it works out well for Leo & show & forum, since I haven't seen a place like this yet.

If somebody is aware of a similiar forum, also well frequented with many ingenious and interesting characters, with a bit less solipsistic madness confusion and the capacity to tell the difference between solipsism/narcissm and transcendence, and more humble and honest striving to kill/transcend the remnants of the veils of the separate self, but with a similiar level of openness to for example psychedelics&innovation&clear description of the higher stages, please let me know. My suspect would be Dharma Overground, but I have no experience with that place. Guess there is no place like this here, but don't know....

Water by the River

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i think the solipsism video is an excellent tool in spirituality, the work of a genius. is a video that tells people: do you want to awake? look at this, here, now, you. don't look outside. outside does not exist, awakening is this, now, you. immerse yourself in you, there is nothing else. Do, and you will find the reality, the depth.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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51 minutes ago, Water by the River said:



All good, but please replace this word with narcissism :) in your thesaurus.

Pour encourager les autres ;) 

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Just now, josemar said:


All good, but please replace this word with narcissism :) in your thesaurus.

Pour encourager les autres ;) 

thanks, always trying to improve my english :)

In German, it is "Narzissmus".

Anyway, its the movement founded by the guy having fallen in love with his own reflection in the pond:


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39 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Anyway, its the movement founded by the guy having fallen in love with his own reflection in the pond:


If that were the case, everything would be very nice, the guy in the lake would look himself in the mirror a lot and masturbate a lot. but no, the guy is not in love with himself, he's empty of love, and he needs to suck that energy of love from others. Like everyone else at the end

Edited by Breakingthewall

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The experience of the reader of this sentence is all there is. Easy as that, no need any word salad.


Who told you that "others" are real?

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50 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:

The experience of the reader of this sentence is all there is. Easy as that, no need any word salad.


Glad we have another proponent of truth here. One of the very few. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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6 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

Glad we have another proponent of truth here. One of the very few. 


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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solipsism means: the moment you think of "other", you are fragmented. infinitely divided. if you want to wake up you have to realize that you are this, now. as soon as you project outside, you are outside. outside does not exist. does this mean it is true? nothing you think is true, the only truth is this, now

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Ya but Leo’s solipsism is that your bubble of experience is the only one. That other beings don’t have an experience 

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I'm so done with this forum ?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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