
Bandhas (Body Locks in yoga) it's the most pleasurable thing I´ve ever touch in life.

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In the past I thought bandhas were just bs and they weren't doing anything to me. A 'trick' to get your mind peaceful because of holding the breath. Right. 

Then I have started to REALLY understand them.

And oh my fucking god...you wouldn't believe to the 'place' this 'practice' can get you.

I know heroin can't get now where near close to the feeling the bandhas produce, because people actually are able to quit heroin. But I know that if the feeling the bandhas produce could become a drug or a pill, NOBODY could stop doing them.

Because it's not even a pleasure, a mind state, or even an experience.

It's something radically else. It's an unveiling of immortality, truth and Limitless where you exist, and don't exist, here and everywhere.

It's really really beating the game. HAHAHAHA

Funny shit. If I ever learn how to hold them at will, you bet I´m going to be sitting on an endless diamond of untouchability by any external phenomena. I will be singing 'Catch me If you Can' like the Adekunle Gold album. ?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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I know of the 3 main Bandhas and how to do them but I have never practiced them. Can you describe me the progression that lead you to this experience? I want to reproduce your experience.

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I want that! 

How long did you practice until you got this and can you get this feeling every time without help of other substances? 

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3 hours ago, Swarnim said:



1 hour ago, OBEler said:


3 hours ago, Swarnim said:

I know of the 3 main Bandhas and how to do them but I have never practiced them. Can you describe me the progression that lead you to this experience? I want to reproduce your experience.

From the knowledge I have developed, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that before the Bandhas I do a Pranayama practice, in Which consciousness gets already in a very non-localized fluid state.

That and the fact that know I Intuit more or less what are Bandhas are really about. It seems that it's holding all the Prana of the universe inside you, thus your energy and consciousness reference becoming boundless and going "everywhere".

Although this are just words. I think the only way it's actually do the practice and learn this stuff practically. I can say though that these Kriyas practices seem limited and simple when one is starting, but once one truly start to understand every little detail, there are no coincidences and every kind of detail of the practice serves a purpose. And things start to become fun when you see the potential of it. I still would say I know about 10% of what this practice really does. It probably will take me years to really master it.


1 hour ago, OBEler said:

I want that! 

How long did you practice until you got this and can you get this feeling every time without help of other substances? 

I've been doing the practice for about 6-7 months almost each day. Although in winter I stopped for a couple of months.

I probably have done the practice about 150-180 times.

I would say I get this feeling 90% of the times I sit to do the practice. At this point the effectivity of the practice is not a concern but rather how can I trigger this experience outside of the practice.



Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 ok that sounds amazing! when you got your first results

And which  source (book, Guru) do you recommend to do these bhandas correctly. What is your Routine? 

Edited by OBEler

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@Javfly33 ok that sounds amazing! when you got your first results

And which  source (book, Guru) do you recommend to do these bhandas correctly. What is your Routine? 

The bandhas are a part of a sadhguru's practice I learn in his inner engineering course. 

Mm, it's funny you ask that. I had one of the most powerful experiences the very first day it was taught to me. Sadhguru´s does the initiation himself the first day, the motherfucker does some weird claps and whistles while you're doing the pranayama, and blows your self away. I didn't know it was possible to get that insanely 'blew up' without psychedelics-drugs, until that day lol.

It's still a challenge though. It's not a magic pill. Yes it delivers results but I still have a hard time maintaining that state while not doing the practice. I believe its a process and a lot of bad habits (I still do drugs occasionally), inevitably makes you fall away of that state and you have to build it up again, etc...

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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