Why Conflict of Interests Exists

By Razard86 in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
As humanity has developed over time, humanity has become aware that their emotions make them act foolishly. Why? Because humans are selfish, their ability to make impartial decisions is limited and thus to protect themselves from their own corrupt nature they created Conflict of Interests. Conflict of Interests says I have a personal stake in this (I stand to gain either through protecting/maintaining things I identify with or increasing/empowering something I identify with) and thus I am more likely to make the decision that will benefit me even if it harms another. So what's the problem? Humans do not use conflict of interest in their own personal life properly. I have said in the past that Feeling is Truth. But what does that mean. Feelings reveal how you define yourself in relation to something. If it is feelings of fear, then you view that thing  as greater more powerful than yourself. This can be expressed as either admiration, or repulsion as both are expressions of fear/lack/unworthiness/not good enough. If it comes from Love then it means you view that as yourself/mine/equal too/good enough for .  Now the only feeling that is accurate obviously is the latter but because of the strength of the human identity you will cycle through the expressions of fear and there is nothing wrong with that. So what should you do? Whenever feelings of fear arise either in pedestalizing something or demonizing something just remind yourself that you have a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. This will allow you to wake up to the fact that your feelings about something are not the reality of the thing itself. Through this process, you can then SEE CLEARLY!! This is how you achieve CLARITY!!! If you do ANYTHING outside of what is being described you will fall into delusion, you will be biased, hateful, close-minded, etc. etc. etc. Use Conflict of Interest on yourself to CATCH YOUR BULLSHIT!!! It's SIMPLE REALLY! Your feelings are just your own self-definition!!! In relation to what you are currently focusing on/experiencing. 
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