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If you want your room clean. Don’t clean your room just be present and the body will clean the room for you. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Sounds like an excerpt from the book "Spiritual Bypassing: An Advanced Course".

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@Bazooka Jesus Great can you with the wisdom of what the book says. Tell me if this is a good or bad idea?

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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The idea you're describing is Nishkama Karma (desireless action), because if you're present you wouldn't even be bothered by a dirty room leaving you of no desire to clean the room nor any resistance to actually cleaning the room, so naturally you would do it anyways for rational reasons.

But what you are saying is not good advice imho, because the problem is your average Joe doesn't know what it means to be truly present. He may think he is being present because it's a slight increase in consciousness from his baseline, but really it's just him paying more attention than usual. All the resistance within him to not clean the room is still there, so what you are saying wouldn't help much someone who doesn't know how to be truly present in a way that removes all resistance and desire.
For our Joe, the appropriate advice would be push through despite the resistance, despite the lack of energy, and give the mind evidence to itself that it is someone who cleans the room and disidentify with being someone who doesn't.

What your advice would do to our Joe is he'll bypass the root of his problem. Here's how: Being a little more aware of your surroundings would indeed free some energy allowing to push through the resistance in that moment, but now you are not reidentifying as someone who cleans the room. You are just becoming someone who stays resistant until they have enough energy to push through it. A.K.A "I know I should do it but I am waiting for the right moment" A.K.A "I can only do it when I want to do it. I don't know when I'll want to do it."

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Excellent explanation. I have nothing to ad.


1 hour ago, Swarnim said:

"I know I should do it but I am waiting for the right moment"

Aaah yes, the good old procrastinators mantra... yup, I know that one all too well. xD

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3 hours ago, Swarnim said:

average Joe doesn't know what it means to be truly present.

That’s the problem. before we can have planetary awakening  we must at least have “Planetary knowing how to be present” lol. 

I will be careful in assuming of peoples opinions it is the upmost important to ask people “ what do you think being present means“. I would say a good metric to test if your presence is to see that you will clean your room automatically without resistance or feeling like it’s a chore (when you normally do. This is especially good because you don’t need to have some huge awakening to realise your correct in being present.

Edited by ChrisZoZo

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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