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Leo Does Not Know If Solipsism Is True

64 posts in this topic

43 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Then what does it mean? "You are the only conscious thing in existence "..that's literally what Leo says..then what are "other  people "in this worldview? 

A three letter word comes to mind, starting with 'Y' and ending with 'OU'. I won't bother elaborating.

43 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And that's exactly what I'm doing .I've done a lot of introspection and contemplating..and I'm sharing my honest results.

I don't fucking know! 

First You say You don't know, and then in the next breath You talk like You do:

4 hours ago, Someone here said:

I would argue God can create multiple real viewpoints the same way It makes different directions of space or directions of time as the moments pass. Up is not accessible to down.. one thing on the left is different and can't access the things on the right thing a few seconds ago is different from right now.. right now cannot remember a few seconds ago, etc. Multiple things(obviously in relative terms)can exist..though they emanate from the same unity.

You've made so many obvious unfounded assumptions in your first post (especially about Leo) that initially I just rolled my eyes and decided not to say anything. But here I am, saying something...

Well, my final message to You here: You have it in You to get serious. So do, if You care about knowing what You are at all.

Edited by Sincerity

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The only thing that contradicted solipsism for me, is the ascended masters saying that they had previous reincarnations etc. But i think what is meant, is that their consciousness is so high that there is only self for them.

Notice how in your reality there will never be anyone that can do legit miracles, or is god. You only have proof of that from videos or other people stories. Haidakhan babaji is a great example from 1970-1984. It's because you're god that created this reality for yourself, you're the only main character here.


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30 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I'm dead serious dude ..are you fucking kidding me with this solipsism nonsense?  You really think other people are NPCs?

This is also might get me banned ultimately, but I see very few people in this forum actually raising their clarity and consciousness, but rather parroting and preaching Leo's teaching. Mods do not get saved of this, unfortunately.

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44 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I'm dead serious dude ..are you fucking kidding me with this solipsism nonsense?  You really think other people are NPCs?

That's not how it works, they're also god and have all attributes of what is within god (you). But you're the only one that will wake up. Best and simplistic explanation i can provide


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6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

This is also might get me banned ultimately, but I see very few people in this forum actually raising their clarity and consciousness, but rather parroting and preaching Leo's teaching. Mods do not get saved of this, unfortunately.

How accurate and charitable. ? Thanks dude, lol.

Maybe we're all NPCs after all. (kidding)

Edited by Sincerity

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As a concept, Solipsism is of course BS... just like any other concept. Terms like "solipsism" can only point towards the truth, but they aren't the truth.

The truth isn't a concept. It is that which is, and no concept can ever represent it.

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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I just want to point out, that often whatever epiphany you currently have you announce it to the forum in an arrogant way, and many people here see through that facade. 

As I told you in the past, you change perspectives really often and that is a good thing, shows you are open - but please try to be more humble. Genuinely.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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2 hours ago, ChrisZoZo said:

This is so funny as it’s especially true for the people who keep saying that people are sheep when they’re literally being sheep. 


The devil is in the details.

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Can someone explain to me if achieving solipsism has any point or if this is just a potential way to piss you off ? 
Apart from the entertainment of spirituality.

The devil is in the details.

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3 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:


I've tried to unpack this many times, but all I can be bothered to say is that solipsism is a bad word to describe what Leo is describing. Try to not use such a culturally loaded term if you don't want people to misunderstand what you're saying. This fact and my request for you to tone down your flaming goes back to my previous post earlier today about miscommunication and not understanding someone's perspective. Instead of dropping such charged language as "lies, untruth", try to actually understand where the person is coming from, and try just a little to not make them feel bad. It's ugly how much inhumane behavior gets justified by this spiritual "holier than thou" attitude.

Solipsism is a bad word to describe what Leo is describing? Are you kidding me? This proves to me you don't watch his videos. Here are some more lines Leo used in his videos!!!  Reality is just a bunch of FACTS floating in an empty void. He also said YOU ARE NOT A BIOLOGICAL CREATURE. He also said OTHERS DO NOT SUFFER, OTHERS DO NOT HAVE A SEPERATE REALITY. He even gives you an exercise to test this out. He tells you to stab your mother in a self-created dream (says don't stab her in what you call real life). 

The only one that experiences, pain,suffering, IS YOU!! If you slap someone in what you call real life, they do not experience pain. You IMAGINE they do but they don't actually experience it. 

So explain to me how this isn't solipsism. In fact he used the word ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM so he actually goes BEYOND the normal definition of the word. You say it's bad because it is what you fear the most which you have mentioned before!!! You also say flaming? How is going onto a spirituality forum and spreading the absolute truth flaming? Notice again you don't want real spirituality. The ABSOLUTE TRUTH is everything is an empty void, devoid of feelings, because feelings are imaginary. God doesn't need emotions, God doesn't need meaning, these are things that God CONSTRUCTS!!!

So all your feelings are imagined they are not real, All your meanings and interpretations they too are constructed. A construction is something that is created, all creations are IMPERMANENT. So your emotions are LIES. Everything that is impermanent is a LIE!! So notice everything you are complaining about is just petty feelings!!! But here is the kicker, some will agree with you and some will not about your feelings. SO WHO IS RIGHT? Where do you draw the line Carl Richards? You are really in your feelings right now and are trying to push it as truth. Feelings are SELFISH DESIRES that are projected from your world-view. 

Feelings are personal, and intimate and that is why they FEEL TRUE, but they aren't you feel wouldn't change!! It's why they say wait till you calm down and are NOT in your feelings when you make a decision!!! And this is YOURS and everyone else's problem you guys are too in your feelings. Truth doesn't give a damn about your feelings, Truth is what it is.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86 @Someone here 

Razard if you slap an imaginated Person in the face he will suffer from imaginated pain. 

Imagination =reality

So you cannot say no one experience pain.  That also did not say Leo even. He said no one but YOU will experience pain 

I think you are too much into his old solipsism video and parrot him here. He released infinity of God video which is more deeper than this. Please watch it and your view of solipsism will be different 


Edited by OBEler

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7 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Imagination =reality

So you cannot say no one experience pain.  That also did not say Leo even. He said no one but YOU will experience pain 

Another way to frame it is when you experience pain, everyone experiences pain. When you experience love, everyone experiences love. When you experience connection, everyone experiences connection.

This is the key understanding to transcend the limits of solipsism.

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I think it's simple, your experience is reality, and it always will be. you will never get out of it, in the eternity of existence, so this present moment now is absolute. the others are within your experience. do they have experience? it's irrelevant. this moment now is the absolute of existence .  

Imagine that you are jumping once per second for each being, and you only remember this specific experience. This is all the experiences, each one in its moment. it does not matter. Now, right now, the only thing that exists is this. The rest is just ideas in your mind. the real reality is the experience, and you will never get out of it. You, that's to say me, of course

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 minute ago, Yimpa said:

Another way to frame it is when you experience pain, everyone experiences pain. When you experience love, everyone experiences love. When you experience connection, everyone experiences connection.

wym ?

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10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

the real reality is the experience, and you will never get out of it. You, that's to say me, of course

As if there’s @Someone here to get out of


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11 minutes ago, nhoktinvt said:

wym ?

I am you.

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