
Yacht Party Cockblock

21 posts in this topic

Right now im in Italy with some friends and Saturday there was a boat party cruise for 2 of the girls bday. 

We had a dinner the night before and 2 of the girls from Miami were the hottest. One of them I knew from a Mexico trip. 

I was interested in her friend though. At dinner I saw her friend glancing at me here and there then she came over later and introduced herself to our little group. I pretty much immediately roped her into a convo and next thing she was sitting with me and we talked for like an hour. 

Next day we’re on the boat and I’m hanging with both Miami girls. It’s going well and we’ve got a fun little group vibe going. Later in the day I’m dancing with the one I was into and were getting handsy. These girls are probably in the upper 9s and 10s in terms of hotness imo. 

Anyway we split up for a second and her friend comes up to me and is like “my ex was jealous of you in Mexico because all the girls voted that you were the cutest” 

“I am into you” 

so like a dumbass I told her I thought she was super hot, but she’s like no go enjoy yourself with my friend. 

then the energy shifted and she was like super pist and closed off all the sudden. 

anyway I get back with her friend and we’re making out and stuff and she wants to come home with me

the bus arrives and right as we’re getting in the taxi she has to leave with her friend who was pist and I get massively Cock blocked. 

now neither of them respond to my messages so like fuck it, but also fuck. 

and it also sucks because there’s not many other options here. Italian women aren’t very open to pick up or talking to gringos. 

idk guess I’m just venting. It was bullshit. But also I’m kinda proud of myself if my game skills have gotten this good to have 2 dimes both want me. 

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14 minutes ago, blessedlion1993 said:

Anyway we split up for a second and her friend comes up to me and is like “my ex was jealous of you in Mexico because all the girls voted that you were the cutest” 

“I am into you” 

so like a dumbass I told her I thought she was super hot, but she’s like no go enjoy yourself with my friend. 

then the energy shifted and she was like super pist and closed off all the sudden. 

Did you read heartiste? One part about being emotionally open shocked me was a good strategy for game. To empathize with the girl, and think like a girl, you could have definitely played with the notion of her liking you and went charming. Instead of gratifying her ego for looks and be indifferent about her beign into you, as this creates mystery imo...

It's cool that you got two hotties on that are into you. 

14 minutes ago, blessedlion1993 said:

now neither of them respond to my messages so like fuck it, but also fuck. 

What did you reply out of curiosity? 

I am not the best at game, yet I seem to be doing decent according to my mentor with whom I went out once. I also became less bitter and angry as I get more girls and meet-ups. He was pretty hype about me, yet I had no clue and told him different stuff, as my perception is I bet a bit like yours, as you I bet enjoy quality time & physical touch. 

Standard reply that works for me currently is -10 points for lack of a prompt response, after 24h. If she does not reply to this I would move on. I am re-building myself currently after a diagnosis health wise, I can't change much about. I mostly do online. 

14 minutes ago, blessedlion1993 said:

and it also sucks because there’s not many other options here. Italian women aren’t very open to pick up or talking to gringos. 

What about night clubs & bars? It should not matter to much at night. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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1) Yeah I def fucked up the response there. I shouldn’t have told her I thought she was hot as it’s clearly what her ego wanted to hear, could’ve played that cool. Learning point. 

2) I just texted the girl I liked and asked what she was up to tonight and got no response. The other I just said hey how r u? Both of them haven’t responded to me.

3) Nah man. Trust me. I went out last night to like an all Italian party and none of these girls were open or receptive. Okay maybe 1 but she wasn’t that hot. It’s weird. But the italian locals just don’t seem to want any white boy action  

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47 minutes ago, blessedlion1993 said:

3) Nah man. Trust me. I went out last night to like an all Italian party and none of these girls were open or receptive. Okay maybe 1 but she wasn’t that hot. It’s weird. But the italian locals just don’t seem to want any white boy action  

Italian locals are all family if they don't speak much english this is extremely difficult if you can get to a modern area, it should not matter as much. ( I grew up with some italians inside Germany, it's better to meet in modern areas from most observations - there is more open-mindedness). Also could simply be the region where you're at. 

47 minutes ago, blessedlion1993 said:

2) I just texted the girl I liked and asked what she was up to tonight and got no response. The other I just said hey how r u? Both of them haven’t responded to me.

This is sort of semi giving away your availabillity, and a little bit of the "excitable boy syndrom" that I'd like to extinguish within me at times. Nothing agaisnt excitement! Yet, it certainly can be to soft and nice for example. They are also low effort messages, personalize them a bit with the experience you've made. I wish I could give better feedback. I am still learning and in a group that is quick shocking, yet helps actively with this... if you want I could ask if you could join, it's solely for game, yet quiet toxic. Very toxic I am just learnign at one point and leaving this or keep it legit for entertainment somehow it protects me from completely going stupid. 

Test if you're into beign a bit more playful with -10 points for lack of a prompt response when a girl does not reply with the first text message of what you've sent. It works wonders for me if any girl online does not reply to your texts, it's a bit of a checky punishment, and get's at lest more replies back than for example. Are you always that talkative? When I get no response after 24h, this does also work. It also plays with stage orange performance drive imo, the point thingy.

I just revived one text for example with this thing, and she asked me now to come to her city. (online-game). She has no car.

My game currently is online.

You don't strike me as an local girl. (I open her)
wow are you flirting with me? (she opens me Bumble)

Then get her to drinks ASAP, my last convo for tomorrow went like.

You don't strike me as an opener (I open her)
2 blocks of text about my bio & her ethnicity (very interesting girl)

I just wrote.

Okay, I have heard enough.
Let's go for drinks what's your schedule look like?

(I never thought this would work, this was advice from one mentor [conscious one!!!! with physics degree...]).

She replied bla bla tuesday I could squeeze in evening. 

I suggested XX at YY. 

We're meeting tomorrow, this is sort of the little text game stuff that currently seems to work in this world... hope the share is of value at some level to you!

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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5 hours ago, blessedlion1993 said:

then the energy shifted and she was like super pist and closed off all the sudden. 

lmao and women wonder why the entire male sexual strategy is to basically have sex ASAP.

Their emotions and moods change like the weather. At least you can model weather xD

Edited by Roy


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19 minutes ago, Roy said:

lmao and women wonder why the entire male sexual strategy is to basically have sex ASAP.

There emotions and moods change like the weather. At least you can model weather xD

We have stopped wondering a long time ago. Maybe if you guys weren't trying to get a body count our moods would be a bit more stable and neutral. Just your response alone says enough as to why some women close off and are being more cautious to whom they open their legs to. Maybe a woman's strategy is to model mens' strategies in reverse.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Just your response alone says enough as to why some women close off and are being more cautious to whom they open their legs to.

Women aren't cautious enough, they are more promiscous than ever these days.


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14 minutes ago, Roy said:

Women aren't cautious enough, they are more promiscous than ever these days.

Well, they can't be promiscuous all by themselves 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Well, they can't be promiscuous all by themselves



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11 hours ago, blessedlion1993 said:

her friend comes up to me and is like “my ex was jealous of you in Mexico because all the girls voted that you were the cutest” 

6 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Maybe if you guys weren't trying to get a body count our moods would be a bit more stable and neutral.

Sounds more like she was trying to get into his pants initially...

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16 hours ago, blessedlion1993 said:

Right now im in Italy with some friends and Saturday there was a boat party cruise for 2 of the girls bday. 

We had a dinner the night before and 2 of the girls from Miami were the hottest. One of them I knew from a Mexico trip. 

I was interested in her friend though. At dinner I saw her friend glancing at me here and there then she came over later and introduced herself to our little group. I pretty much immediately roped her into a convo and next thing she was sitting with me and we talked for like an hour. 

Next day we’re on the boat and I’m hanging with both Miami girls. It’s going well and we’ve got a fun little group vibe going. Later in the day I’m dancing with the one I was into and were getting handsy. These girls are probably in the upper 9s and 10s in terms of hotness imo. 

Anyway we split up for a second and her friend comes up to me and is like “my ex was jealous of you in Mexico because all the girls voted that you were the cutest” 

“I am into you” 

so like a dumbass I told her I thought she was super hot, but she’s like no go enjoy yourself with my friend. 

then the energy shifted and she was like super pist and closed off all the sudden. 

anyway I get back with her friend and we’re making out and stuff and she wants to come home with me

the bus arrives and right as we’re getting in the taxi she has to leave with her friend who was pist and I get massively Cock blocked. 

now neither of them respond to my messages so like fuck it, but also fuck. 

and it also sucks because there’s not many other options here. Italian women aren’t very open to pick up or talking to gringos. 

idk guess I’m just venting. It was bullshit. But also I’m kinda proud of myself if my game skills have gotten this good to have 2 dimes both want me. 

the real test of your game skills is not how you got them but how you managed to not mess up the score. Having the physical attractor factor isn't game. Were attracted to what were attracted to. Most females already know in their mind if they would sleep with you or not the moment they lay eyes on you. Its getting to that point that determines the game skills.

10 hours ago, Roy said:



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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She possibly got pissed off because she wanted to fuck you, you then choose her friend and made out with her where she could see. She then made up a bunch of negative shit about you to her friend so now they both wont talk to you. 

She could also of interpreted calling her hot as "hes a player" You had to make her friend feel good and like you, that your not just a player.

The thing is you are a player, you mostly want sex and are a very independent person that doesn't bound or commit easily or at all with others. So try not to demonize others for being right lol. ?

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@Princess Arabia There are different kinds of women, I think your reflecting on how you would feel in that situation. These women are part of the hook up culture and enjoy going home with the the right hot guy. There playing a different game. Going to a party as a woman and making out with a hot guy you just met is not "being carful". 

There's a confusion all women have, that they want to go home with the hot player as long as they have a good time, but then have inner conflict and judge themselves for doing so, so then they "protect" each other to not make that mistake again. They also want to be sure hes "not a player" but really if you want to be sure of that you dont make out with a guy at a party you just met. Foolish games they are playing. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

test of your game skills is not how you got them but how you managed to not mess up the score. Having the physical attractor factor isn't game.

It’s not this simple. This is the female idea of what game is. 

There’s plenty of guys that are attractive who would’ve not gotten to the point of kissing either of those girls. Most wouldn’t have actually. 

Yes, I have physical attraction in my favor but it’s only like 30% of the puzzle. It took a good amount of conversational skills and social awareness to get them actually attracted and her wanting to leave with me. 

With your logic every attractive guy would just be sleeping with every girl on the planet without any social skill or trying. This is simply false. 

@ValiantSalvatore appreciate the feedback on Italian girls. I’ll keep at it. Ya add me to that group if possible

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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1 hour ago, integral said:

@Princess Arabia There are different kinds of women, I think your reflecting on how you would feel in that situation. These women are part of the hook up culture and enjoy going home with the the right hot guy. There playing a different game. Going to a party as a woman and making out with a hot guy you just met is not "being carful". 

There's a confusion all women have, that they want to go home with the hot player as long as they have a good time, but then have inner conflict and judge themselves for doing so, so then they "protect" each other to not make that mistake again. They also want to be sure hes "not a player" but really if you want to be sure of that you dont make out with a guy at a party you just met. Foolish games they are playing. 

You're right. Foolish game women play. I was foolish at one time too. I'm not a participant in the game now I just claim the rewards.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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24 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

It’s not this simple. This is the female idea of what game is. 

There’s plenty of guys that are attractive who would’ve not gotten to the point of kissing either of those girls. Most wouldn’t have actually. 

Yes, I have physical attraction in my favor but it’s only like 30% of the puzzle. It took a good amount of conversational skills and social awareness to get them actually attracted and her wanting to leave with me. 

With your logic every attractive guy would just be sleeping with every girl on the planet without any social skill or trying. This is simply false. 

@ValiantSalvatore appreciate the feedback on Italian girls. I’ll keep at it. Ya add me to that group if possible

I did not say you didn't need oral skills to get the girl interested more along with your physical attraction. Physical attraction is a start, but it didn't require game. You said "thats the female idea of what game is". Well, that is self explanatory because who are you trying to work game on. So, if thats what we think game is, maybe you should consider that when trying to get into her mind. Yea, 30% is probably a good figure but the other 70% might not be what you said or did but what you didn't say or do. Until you messed it up with what you said. You might think its what you're saying or doing that kept them interested and all over you, but you had a rude awakening when you said the wrong thing in the end. I said this and I'm gonna say this again, most women, not all, especially if they're super attractive already know if they'll sleep with you or not the moment they see you. Your true game is not to fuck that up which you did. The biggest game women play is letting the man think he's in control because its the feminine thing to do and they know men like to lead. Your game can only get you as far as the type of woman you're dealing with and how much you haven't strayed away from the default system in their head of what it would take for you not to screw up.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, BlessedLion said:

appreciate the feedback on Italian girls. I’ll keep at it. Ya add me to that group if possible

Pm me I am going into a hiatus, with your telegram, and I make sure to add you, you fit, yet I tell you in advance it can get toxic, yet they clean up. I would look at conscious material as well this is soley for attracting women. 

It's not a relationship course and this get's toxic quickly. It's good for maximizing lays, yet I ditch this when I upgrade in life, yet it's still good learning material. 

Also read heartise. That is a rule to get help within the group, it's not the bible, yet it's helpful. The hypergamy stuff is something that will be talked about sooner & or later, as Green & Orange does not work for relationships, and many suck even at green & orange. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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On 15.5.2023 at 4:04 PM, blessedlion1993 said:

 But the italian locals just don’t seem to want any white boy action  

Maybe they don’t specifically like americans or people who don’t speak italian but to call italans non white is weird imo


anywhoo seems you did good with the miami girls, you should be happy about that

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