The Monk

Higher Consciousness= Less Friends.

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Hey guys, I seem to be having a slightly tough time lately, I'm feeling a little sad. As many of my friends are no longer my friends really, and I am starting to feel less connected to them, as I become more aware an conscious of my friend's disgusting unconscious behaviours and motivations. This is as many of my friends simply are motivated by money, and say meditation isn't for me or it's a lie and doesn't do anything and, I'd rather play video games and stimulate myself or smoke some drugs, and they seem to have bad lives, but lie to themselves and don't admit it. I only have 3/4 real friends at high school and they also fit into this category.

I want to make friends of a higher consciousness, and where can I find them in real life?

Some of these friends have been really good friends and for really long period of time, should I still let them go and make new friends?

What do you suggest?

Thanks your suggestions :/


"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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@The Monk great, thats a phase. You might eve wanna spend time with yourself processing the loneliness. You'll learn to transcend the personal need of companionship and approval, and you will replace it with unconditional love. In other words, transcend the personal self driven by your 4 lower chakras, and then you will become a beacon for others, a beacon of love and light transcending the inner demons of others and fueling their healing journey even without trying.

sounds good? If so, you must not be afraid of embracing loneliness.

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The same goes for me man! I actually made a post about only a couple days ago

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@The Monk btw I am having a similar struggle with finding truly resonating tribe. My intuition is that the moment the lack of companionship within my being is healed, I will naturally create that situation for myself. And even if not, it will be still blissful.

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@Martin123 Thanks Man, but this unconditional love you speak of, does it simply be developed with meditation?

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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@The Monk You develop unconditional love with others by practicing unconditionality with yourself, through which you heal your inner child.

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I say focus on yourself and be okay with being different. They may be perfectly content, you don't know how they feel for sure. The things they are pursuing are not disgusting, just different to what you're doing.

As for them being your friend, they don't sound like very good friends to me! If you feel a connection/bond with them then keep them in your life. Otherwise, move on. New friends will come your way. 

I too sometimes feel a lack of connection with people, even with myself. I also find it more and more difficult to talk to anybody about this stuff - even something like my meditation habit. You will come to accept it.


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I am going through the same phase bro.I can't find a single person who can understand my vision or the values of the spiritual life that I chose to follow.though it is hard for me to relate to people who spend a lot of their time lost in their beliefs and bad habits,my intuition tells me that they are in my life for the good of everything and it is my highest purpose that I am there to guide them and to guide me towards unity.a highly concious human being must not criticize the behaviour of others but embrace them for they are part of god.act as your inner wisdom shows you and if you feel that you must move on,just do it.stay aware because we ourselves are the x in this equation!!

Edited by Malelekakis

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@The Monk No, it means less low-consciousness friends.

Nothing says you can't go out and make high-consciousness friends. Of course you'll have to stop taking the process of acquiring friends for granted. Up until now, you had an unconscious process for finding friends. Now you need to create a conscious process for finding friends.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I want to make friends of a higher consciousness, and where can I find them in real life ?

Gather with some people who are into spirituality, there is websites where you can gather in every country, don't know the name for your country (one of them in my country is named = we'

You can also find Zen dojo, or find retreats in your area.

Would be nice to have the name for England, if someone can help here.


Some of these friends have been really good friends and for really long period of time, should I still let them go and make new friends?

You'll probably be drawn to see other people rather than them anyway, right now you can already feel that, it's not that they can't be good friends, It's just not the kind of friendship you need in order to grow anymore.

That's one of the main reason why people don't grow, they are too afraid to cut the link to their old life, and these people are part of it.

Now, don't cut these relationships that fast, let it flow naturally, unless they make you act inconsciouly and do unhealthy things (if you can't control yourself cause of social pressure).

Don't be afraid, you'll find people with whom you'll resonate more sooner than you think, and these friendships will be healthier and more authentic :)

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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The Hero's journey my friend. You can't take anyone with you. They have to figure it out for themselves eventually but in the meantime don't lose track. Be the friend you would want to meet someday, and one day you will meet them. 


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Can you transcend the need for approval when you presently feel no love from anywhere?-


2 hours ago, Martin123 said:

@The Monk ...You'll learn to transcend the personal need of companionship and approval, and you will replace it with unconditional love.

Edited by Venus

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@Venus You choose not to feel it. You are always, uncoditionally loved appreciated and approved of no matter what. And even when you choose not to feel it.
So choose to feel it.
feel the love of the Infinite One, for you are the expression of it, and it loves you so much that no matter what it won't ever tell you what to do. It has a complete utter trust in you. It is that unconditional that even if you stand on the brink of death doom and eternal abomination, it won't shout out "STOPPP", because it loves you unconditionally.
Choose to feel that.

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@Venus activate your heart center. Leo has a visualisation in his how to accept yourself video

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@The Monk The cost of freedom is loneliness.

You will find that very few people are interested in improving themselves or in freeing themselves. Preference to bondage and old beliefs is a norm, oddly.

When you do not participate or support their old ways, they get fearful or feel offended. Most will leave you, but some will try to push you back to a "normal" life. Parents, partner, friends, anyone you encounter.

You need to maintain a balance, just leaving them all won't be good and staying and becoming like them won't help. Let those who don't like you anymore leave you, and you can distance yourself from those who you don't like. Slowly it will settle down.

You may find new people (of more "spiritual" kind), but do not have too many expectations from others. This is where forgiving and unconditional love comes in. Finally, one needs to live in the world, but not be of the world.

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I experience this even with friends I had or have. 

I search for them Inside there voice however distant.

I have met 5 people in ten days so our true love does show itself to each Other.

So express yourself and look everyone you greet and you will see.

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I feel you, i can only truly communicate with my friends nowadays when they take Psychedelics or something. It allows them to see eye to eye. So the only time i hangout with my friends that i grew up with is when we get high sadly.

Travel is the only thing that i can think of and new hobbies so you can meet like-minds. Find places that focus on the same stuff as you. What PureExp said is spot on.

Edited by pluto


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I am almost on the same place as @The Monk. Although i think i am on a different paradigm right now.

On 15/3/2017 at 10:42 PM, The Monk said:

as I become more aware an conscious of my friend's disgusting unconscious behaviours and motivations

I used to have this high judgemental, what-are-these-people-doing kind of thinking but it is pointless. If you tell them face to face about whatever issue you see, it just flies above them or worse they get offended. So now I just accept whatever it is and just make it fun. One way to overcome the concsiousness gap and connect with these people is humor in my opinion. 

On 16/3/2017 at 0:57 AM, Leo Gura said:

Now you need to create a conscious process for finding friends.

This sounds really interesting, can we shine some light on this topic?


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