
What are your thoughts on Crypto?

47 posts in this topic

6 hours ago, Salvijus said:


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1 hour ago, playdoh said:

100% but in my experience people that do it as a side hustle are very social or already have a big network. Just that charming guy that can make a quick connection hand out your biz card & people will remember you when time to buy. 

But mostly I think RE is a full time job. I’m considering getting into it now, I have a possibility of a good opportunity to partner with someone in one of the big or orange cities. My intention would be to bring in the financial abundance to be able to retire in 2 years in exchange for helping customers find a home that they love & provide great customer service while doing something I love.  

New York is freakin amazing. I lived there. Always tell my friends should live there at least once in this life! 

Interesting. Thanks!

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On 5/15/2023 at 11:42 AM, RebornConsciousness said:

I would say invest in yourself, your skillset and your potential business if you plan to have one, first and foremost.


I would like to add having access to land where you can live, be FREE & grow food!

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23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

All of crypto is junk except for Bitcoin. And even that is a total gamble.

#1 rule of investing: Never invest your money in speculative crap, on waves of hype.

I know you just said everything else is junk but any thoughts on IOTA? 

''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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Crypto is waste of time, only Monero is good for anonymously buying delics. It's too late for crypto investing now. I remember I was huge fan and I wanted to buy 100 Bitcoins 14 years ago, I can't remember did I actually bought any at the time, I have to check out on my old hard drive

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On 5/16/2023 at 5:03 AM, ValiantSalvatore said:

Is it possible to do real estate as a side-hustle As an extra income stream for revenue?

Of course. If you got the starting capital.


Stocks of course, yet what are good choices to build multiple assets? 

I notice I did neglect some stuff out of my own ignorance for example. Any recommendations? I am pulling money out of crypto investment asap. Is New York a good place to move for real estate, business & stocks if you're inside tech? Or is the competition to steep & high? 

I don't want to give specific investment advice. That would not be responsible.

New York is very overpriced. Generally, good investment requiring finding things that are not hyped up and not overvalued. Which means staying away from the most popular stuff. Your goal is to be ahead of any trend, not on the height of it. Don't invest in things that every other fool is investing into. Look for greener pastures. Things that are hot are usually not good investments.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The only way to get good at investing is you have to study the hell out of it. You need to understand what Robert Greene calls the Zeitgeist and be able to see several steps ahead. The key things to study if you want to become a good investor are technology, global politics, each generation's interests and characteristics, the spread sheets of different companies (to see how they manage their money), and last of all you will need to be bold enough to take risks. 

If you are afraid to incur losses you will NEVER be a great investor. It's a gamble, like all of life. But the more information and experience you gain the better your gambles will become. Also every good investor invests in companies or sources that are consistent whether they get big returns or not. So they go between consistency and for gambles. But the flaw in investing is you can never STOP reading and keeping up with current events. You must keep your eyes glued at ALL TIMES into how things are unfolding. One simple law change can cause an investment that has lasted for a decade to fall overnight, same thing with war, HELL even a RUMOUR of a possible war can change things.

If you are going into investment half-heartedly you will majority of the time not get anything out of it. Also one paradoxical aspect, when most are selling to get out of a stock that is usually when you should be buying. The best investors are usually doing the OPPOSITE of what the masses are doing.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't want to give specific investment advice. That would not be responsible.

New York is very overpriced. Generally, good investment requiring finding things that are not hyped up and not overvalued. Which means staying away from the most popular stuff. Your goal is to be ahead of any trend, not on the height of it. Don't invest in things that every other fool is investing into. Look for greener pastures. Things that are hot are usually not good investments.

This is awesome to hear, to be ahead of any trend and not at the height of it. I was often ironically, yet I thought beign at the height of it is the goal of the trend. Like with ethereum and bitcoin I could have earned 150k~ in returns from simple investmentsin ETH, yet I trusted to much "boomer" advice, when some stuff is just so obvious as well as predictable. 

Interesting, I presume like nvidia I just see when I talked to someone more adviceable in finance who does not overly focus like a boomer on ressources. I legit just re-invested some stuff, I enjoy talking about this a lot. (peanuts)

Is New York a good place to learn finances in general and investing and for networking in this area with art?
When I am inside of tech / software development etc. I thought about different places & this is for me also about adventure, as I am half u.s citizen and my family is from the south, so I'd like to move also south at one point to the mexican border, again for adventure etc. Yet, New York would be the first step, how'd you evaluate the idea, as well as what is your rough intuition to create smth. in finances/business/art? It should be the best place on the planet to get learn this as well as game and network. In terms of interconnecting. I dunno how Vegas & other places are like and if my temperament fits Vegas for example. 

Especially real-estate & stock trading.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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13 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

The only way to get good at investing is you have to study the hell out of it. You need to understand what Robert Greene calls the Zeitgeist and be able to see several steps ahead. The key things to study if you want to become a good investor are technology, global politics, each generation's interests and characteristics, the spread sheets of different companies (to see how they manage their money), and last of all you will need to be bold enough to take risks. 

If you are afraid to incur losses you will NEVER be a great investor. It's a gamble, like all of life. But the more information and experience you gain the better your gambles will become. Also every good investor invests in companies or sources that are consistent whether they get big returns or not. So they go between consistency and for gambles. But the flaw in investing is you can never STOP reading and keeping up with current events. You must keep your eyes glued at ALL TIMES into how things are unfolding. One simple law change can cause an investment that has lasted for a decade to fall overnight, same thing with war, HELL even a RUMOUR of a possible war can change things.

If you are going into investment half-heartedly you will majority of the time not get anything out of it. Also one paradoxical aspect, when most are selling to get out of a stock that is usually when you should be buying. The best investors are usually doing the OPPOSITE of what the masses are doing.

This is a good summary, of how to study this in a autonemous way, and not like inside school with ap college classes that I had, although it gives a rough idea about this. I studied all of this already, basically in high school & bachelors degree as well as more technology now, that is why I asked about NFT's. 

I am generally a high risk taker for "german standards", so I will see definitely more calculated the advice sounds like an exerpt/good recall of the intelligent investor. (I did not read it yet)

I definitely will keep this in mind as well as I can.

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23 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Interesting. Thanks!

Just a heads up if it wasn’t clear my advice was based on you being a real estate sales agent, not investing in real estate. That’s what I assumed you were referring to. Investing ofc you can do it as a side thing if you wanted to. 

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't invest in things that every other fool is investing into. Look for greener pastures. Things that are hot are usually not good investments.

That’s good advice & a good reminder, thanks. May I suggest not calling people fools. Comes off a little harsh when I read you saying these things. Just trying to shine some light & reflects a bit on you:) I remember you didn’t speak like this before:) 

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3 hours ago, Razard86 said:

The only way to get good at investing is you have to study the hell out of it. You need to understand what Robert Greene calls the Zeitgeist and be able to see several steps ahead.

I agree with you here but not the rest. Note Oshos quote about speculation I mentioned in the OP. 

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59 minutes ago, playdoh said:

Just a heads up if it wasn’t clear my advice was based on you being a real estate sales agent, not investing in real estate. That’s what I assumed you were referring to. Investing ofc you can do it as a side thing if you wanted to. 

It is clear. Point beign made that I did not make a distinction between the two. I did not consider investing, I meant real-estate agent as a side-hustle when I have capital to afford buying places and rent the place simply, as well as possible beign a partial owner if this is possible. 


That’s good advice & a good reminder, thanks. May I suggest not calling people fools. Comes off a little harsh when I read you saying these things. Just trying to shine some light & reflects a bit on you:) I remember you didn’t speak like this before:) 

This is also a larger issue, I find fool is an okay thing to say, especially when I consider dating & how culture rubs off and consider hypergamy and stage blue relationships and development as well as my personal history of growing up in a military family partially, swearing beign "forbidden". It's an issue I notice currently as you "blue pill alpha men" and only empower women. I had to read such "dirt" books to come to this realization, it's extremely bad, currently masculine energy is lacking. Ask every girl&women if masculine energy is lacking and they will most likely tell you yes, or if men are what they used to be etc.  

Calling someone a fool is totally fine, and a bit of though masculine love. There has been worse stuff. Also the shift of energy at green of masculine men beign more feminine and feminine women beign more masculine. It's a larger issue imo. Which also leaves a lot of girls unsatisfied somewhere deep down etc. 

The point is even at an age people change, I would refrain from doing this as it's toxic wanting to change other people for own's own benefit. I see how it was meant, yet conscious communication even (I did workshops) is a little different, and you'd immediately air such difference, as you'd most likely be receptive to this. A heads up! As what episode might come :P. (I don't know & I bet Leo has a different take than Shinzen) 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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49 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

That’s good advice & a good reminder, thanks. May I suggest not calling people fools. Comes off a little harsh when I read you saying these things. Just trying to shine some light & reflects a bit on you:) I remember you didn’t speak like this before:) 

This is also a larger issue, I find fool is an okay thing to say, especially when I consider dating & how culture rubs off and consider hypergamy and stage blue relationships and development as well as my personal history of growing up in a military family partially, swearing beign "forbidden". It's an issue I notice currently as you "blue pill alpha men" and only empower women. I had to read such "dirt" books to come to this realization, it's extremely bad, currently masculine energy is lacking. Ask every girl&women if masculine energy is lacking and they will most likely tell you yes, or if men are what they used to be etc.  

Calling someone a fool is totally fine, and a bit of though masculine love. There has been worse stuff. Also the shift of energy at green of masculine men beign more feminine and feminine women beign more masculine. It's a larger issue imo. Which also leaves a lot of girls unsatisfied somewhere deep down etc. 

The point is even at an age people change, I would refrain from doing this as it's toxic wanting to change other people for own's own benefit. I see how it was meant, yet conscious communication even (I did workshops) is a little different, and you'd immediately air such difference, as you'd most likely be receptive to this. A heads up! As what episode might come :P. (I don't know & I bet Leo has a different take than Shinzen) 

I guess I see it as more from a meta perspective. Fool is just a label. The person being labeled a fool doesn’t think he’s a fool when doing it, just acting from their level of consciousness. 

And I agree with you about not trying to change people, it’s something I grew up with and getting better at not doing it. I also feel a lot of fear of confrontation when wanting to say something so I decided to face my fear head on in this situation. I often feel when I don’t say something I want to say I do myself a disservice. I’m coming from a place of a lot of silence and coming back to the horizontal and getting good again at moving and feeling my emotions. Being able to express myself freely & consciously is an intention. 

What do you mean, “you blue pill alpha men”, are you calling me a blue pill alpha man lol? 

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1 hour ago, playdoh said:

I guess I see it as more from a meta perspective. Fool is just a label. The person being labeled a fool doesn’t think he’s a fool when doing it, just acting from their level of consciousness. 

And I agree with you about not trying to change people, it’s something I grew up with and getting better at not doing it. I also feel a lot of fear of confrontation when wanting to say something so I decided to face my fear head on in this situation. I often feel when I don’t say something I want to say I do myself a disservice. I’m coming from a place of a lot of silence and coming back to the horizontal and getting good again at moving and feeling my emotions. Being able to express myself freely & consciously is an intention. 

What do you mean, “you blue pill alpha men”, are you calling me a blue pill alpha man lol? 

No it's meant as a general pattern that I see that men are not empowering younger kids & boys in that sense, and only women. I saw it more as a pattern as expression & appreciate your expression generally, that is what I meant with I bet you'd be receptive as you speak your mind. For example a blue pill alpha is a father that berates his son and only praises his girlfriend and continuesly scolds and compares him with her girlfriend, and empowers her in that sense and puts the boy/kid down. This was from the rational male (new version), I don't like it to much, yet I never noticed I legit would need to listen to this book. 

In radical honesty they talk also briefly about how it's important to be a fool and make mistakes IIRC, some other better context, yet it's also important to be a fool otherwise you'd never try & or walk a certain path. 

I did not finish both books/audiobooks fully.

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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On 5/16/2023 at 1:18 AM, Twentyfirst said:

1 bitcoin will ALWAYS be 1 bitcoin 

Who cares about the dollar value attached to it? 

Everyone? Because people don't actually care about bitcoin, they care about the idea that it represents a shitload of real money if they exchange it.

If people had actual faith in crypto, they would be holding onto it a lot more through all the turbulence. But nobody does have any real faith in it, especially the people at the top of the hierarchy who create these coins. That's why they rug pull and cause hysteria and the markets crash all the time. Everybody who cashed out is crying laughing at the whole thing and wiping their tears with fiat.



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i tried playing crypto and failed :c so i didnt do it again thats all i can say some people can make use of it but i believe u would want to have a strong financial situation to invest more i was practically trading dollars and lost dollars :D 

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9 hours ago, funkychunkymonkey said:

i tried playing crypto and failed :c so i didnt do it again thats all i can say some people can make use of it but i believe u would want to have a strong financial situation to invest more i was practically trading dollars and lost dollars :D 

I don’t think crypto (or any investment) but especially crypto is for trading. Buy & hold, longer term strategy. 

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  • One thing is the crypto technology itself.
  • Another whole can of worms is the speculation done with the use of this tecnology.

If you talked with an economist 20 years ago and told them that we would have a fully global new monetary structure, decentralized, uncorruptable, anonymous and secure; he would have laughed at you. Yet cryptos are exactly this technology. It makes sense that in the era of internet, a coin bornt from internet becomes the new idea of value and money.

If you want to invest in cryptos to get rich you are stupid. If you don't see how cryptos are the new money you are stupid.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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12 hours ago, Davino said:

cryptos are the new money

That’s all folks. 

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