
What are your thoughts on Crypto?

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What’s the final verdict on crypto/blockchain? Is crypto the future? I’ve talked to lots of smart people who all say yes. 

Bashar says blockchain system is but not crypto. 

Osho says the main treasure is peace and speculation (investing) takes that away. Which is super true. I’ve contemplated this topic for a long time. 

Also I recently spoke w another smart dude who mentioned the 4th major bank that recently crashed & how Saudi’s Arabia China, South Africa .. for the 1st time ever instead of investing there oil money in USD they are investing in crypto. He mentioned it’s only a matter of time b4 USD crashes and to move all monies to gold, silver & crypto. What do you reckon? 

Where are y’all’s putting ur monies?  @Leo Gura I’m also interested in your thoughts here. 

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24 minutes ago, RebornConsciousness said:

In fact, someone who just laically and sporadically invests their money into Bitcoin, Etherium etc. and just let it sit there, will likely outperform your day trade portfolio.


I agree. 

isn’t blockchain the system that supports Bitcoin? It’s prolly too new to be used in other things but will prolly move there I bet. 

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35 minutes ago, RebornConsciousness said:

In fact, someone who just laically and sporadically invests their money into Bitcoin, Etherium etc. and just let it sit there, will likely outperform your day trade portfolio.

With that said I guess the real question is invest in Bitcoin, etherium (the more trusted coins) or just keep your money in silver/gold? Because in all honesty crypto is not 100% guaranteed to be around in the future right? Aren’t there some smart people with good reasons to believe this?

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All of crypto is junk except for Bitcoin. And even that is a total gamble.

#1 rule of investing: Never invest your money in speculative crap, on waves of hype.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

All of crypto is junk except for Bitcoin. And even that is a total gamble.

#1 rule of investing: Never invest your money in speculative crap, on waves of hype.

You see a possibility for NFT's? As well as A.I art in the near future & or even now? I've been to the first&only NFT galary inside Germany recently and talked to the owner. It did not seem promising, yet I liked the art and he gave me some names to look into. He said it's all very early still. 

Would you recommend getting into this if you enjoy investing & finances as well as art? I enjoy digital art a lot, and I would like to decorate my room in the future with screens of NFT arts etc. Similar to the art galary. If not just this, as I enjoy the digital space a lot... also for psychdelic trips etc. To have some art there ... as an enhancement is my idea. 

I regreted not opening up my bitcoin business when this space started to boom & gain tracktion... as I do like marketing to some level. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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2 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

You see a possibility for NFT's?

No. NFTs are trash in my opinon.


Would you recommend getting into this if you enjoy investing & finances as well as art?

Definitely not.


I enjoy digital art a lot, and I would like to decorate my room in the future with screens of NFT arts etc. Similar to the art galary. If not just this, as I enjoy the digital space a lot... also for psychdelic trips etc. To have some art there ... as an enhancement is my idea.

It is a bad idea to mix investing with art.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

All of crypto is junk except for Bitcoin. And even that is a total gamble.

#1 rule of investing: Never invest your money in speculative crap, on waves of hype.

Dang, that came off harsh, I’ve never heard anyone say that. Almost feels like you have an incentive to do so! ;) Do you mind if I ask what your basing this information on?

As I previously mentioned I’ve personally talked to at least 5 very smart people who researched it extensively and are sure (I know it’s an investment), but still sure that it’s the future, and I felt a resonance each time they shared this, however you wanna take that. 

Also, would you be open to sharing if you are where you’re investing your money? Thanks Leo. I appreciate you. 

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Bitcoin was seen as a winner easily back around 5 to 8 years ago. But unfortunately, my funds was tight and I could not invest much. 

Even for an average folk, if they invest 10k back around 8 years ago, they would get upwards of 50k back. Many of my friends did earn some money but regretted not earning more.

Things have moved on though. The risk is much higher now.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

No. NFTs are trash in my opinon.

As for today I agree, I spent at least a month or so making NFT artworks, joining communities and live talks on Twitter. I would even dare to said that it could feel like a cult at times (a lot of “us vs the banks” mentality, too much “this is the future” phrase masturbation, etc.). And if you really make good art or take art seriously, you know that 90% of NFTs artworks are bad, they look like stuff straight out of a mobile game app. 

Edited by Juan

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11 minutes ago, hyruga said:

The risk is much higher now.

How so? Would you mind sharing? I’ve been out of the ‘game for a minute!

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4 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

I would like to decorate my room in the future with screens of NFT arts etc.

Sounds awesome!

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5 hours ago, playdoh said:

Dang, that came off harsh, I’ve never heard anyone say that. 

If in 2023 you don't realize that crytpo is giant scam, not sure why you are investing at all, cause you will soon lose all your money.


Also, would you be open to sharing if you are where you’re investing your money? Thanks Leo. I appreciate you. 

Real estate and stocks are the best investments.

I do own some Bitcoin but I don't even recommend you buy it unless you got money to burn.

The key to investing is buying rock-solid things.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It is a bad idea to mix investing with art.

Kk, I take this as a key take-away, and just get some out of curiosity, this might be a major decision as I ask something else then as well as keep meeting someone else for this. 

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8 hours ago, playdoh said:

How so? Would you mind sharing? I’ve been out of the ‘game for a minute!

Bitcoin used to cost $3k to $5k. Nows it's 21k!

The trading fee is also very high.

Edited by hyruga

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18 hours ago, playdoh said:

Osho says the main treasure is peace and speculation (investing) takes that away.


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Real estate and stocks are the best investments.

Is it possible to do real estate as a side-hustle As an extra income stream for revenue? Stocks of course, yet what are good choices to build multiple assets? 

I notice I did neglect some stuff out of my own ignorance for example. Any recommendations? I am pulling money out of crypto investment asap. Is New York a good place to move for real estate, business & stocks if you're inside tech? Or is the competition to steep & high? 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

cause you will soon lose all your money.

Dunno about you but I’m not! :) 

I like real estate don’t agree with you about stocks though. I think Crypro is the better investment, and a good one. Just putting it out there. 


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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The key to investing is buying rock-solid things.

Agreed ofc. Good to keep this idea floating in the stratospheres. 

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5 hours ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

Is it possible to do real estate as a side-hustle As an extra income stream for revenue? Stocks of course, yet what are good choices to build multiple assets? 

I notice I did neglect some stuff out of my own ignorance for example. Any recommendations? I am pulling money out of crypto investment asap. Is New York a good place to move for real estate, business & stocks if you're inside tech? Or is the competition to steep & high? 

100% but in my experience people that do it as a side hustle are very social or already have a big network. Just that charming guy that can make a quick connection hand out your biz card & people will remember you when time to buy. 

But mostly I think RE is a full time job. I’m considering getting into it now, I have a possibility of a good opportunity to partner with someone in one of the big or orange cities. My intention would be to bring in the financial abundance to be able to retire in 2 years in exchange for helping customers find a home that they love & provide great customer service while doing something I love.  

New York is freakin amazing. I lived there. Always tell my friends should live there at least once in this life! 

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