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I Meditated. This Happened.

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Mind you, it was a guided meditation. I'm not sure if that matters. 

I started by focusing on my breath. After that, I focused on letting my muscles relax, starting in my feet and working my way up. 

The more I relaxed and focused on my breath, I started feeling a tingling sensation. Warm, tingly feeling in my hands and toes. This started to spread.

Then, I became emotional and started to cry. But my lips tightened up and became tingly as well, like they were pursed and I could not open my mouth.  

After 20 mins, the tingling ceased as I started to come out of the meditation. I cannot believe how fast 20 minutes went. 

I thought it was an odd reaction to meditation, but it almost felt like something sour or negative was trying to escape my body. 

Any thoughts?

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When did you start to meditate ?

Seems like you're purging your pain body.

The tingling sensation can happen anytime if you strongly focus on your body "energetic field",

You can play with it if you want, I like to sense it as a wave top to down, down to top ^^



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I've meditated in the past but was never consistent with it (maybe lasted for a few days or so)

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You are on the right path. Do not stop. Be aware of the sensations and watch the feelings and the thoughts. It means you are making progress. 

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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I won't lie. At first it was tough to let thoughts "pass by". But it became better the more I focused on my breath and somewhat started to enjoy the tingling sensation. 

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If I could make a suggestion, It seems like you are progressing naturally. While being mindful of the breath, focus and expand the tingling feeling. It's nonlinear, so dont worry if it goes away (impermanence). Once you can do this, be mindful of whether your muscles are tightening up. Learning to spread focus across awareness is huge, and results in a full experience of life. For me, when thoughts seem to plague me after acknowledging them, I imagine a green ball of energy in the center of my head and then focus on expanding it. The point is to throw my awareness outside of my mind to get a birds eye view of all of my sensations. What happens is that focusing on breath becomes a trigger for expanded awareness in everyday life (meditation never truly ceases). Just some suggestions that may be useful. If not, disregard them. Also, Maybe if possible, try to meditate longer than 20 minutes. For me, disregarding time passing really opened up a lot of "progress" in my practice. 

I am truly excited for you, and hope you stick with it. If you do, you will discover how incredible the mind and awareness can be. Its unfuckingreal when it starts unlocking and revealing itself.

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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The fine line is 2 hours of meditation per day, that's when I started to get my first samadhis experiences without even seeking for them.

When you'll get them, you'll be pulled more and more, like god(your true self) itself wants you to remember him(you), that's how it feel sometimes, and it's beautiful ...


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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8 hours ago, Shin said:

The fine line is 2 hours of meditation per day, that's when I started to get my first samadhis experiences without even seeking for them.

When you'll get them, you'll be pulled more and more, like god(your true self) itself wants you to remember him(you), that's how it feel sometimes, and it's beautiful ...


I agree with this. 1.5 to 2 hours a day, and things start naturally happening. I'm sure this isn't a black and white rule, but I didn't even know what awakening was until after it happened. I was meditating that long leading up to that. I know that's a lot, but to be honest, my practice is the most important thing in my life because the enhancement it brings to all facets make it the most valuable time investment I could make. I'm a law student, and the return on the study time I sacrifice is that my mind works more efficiently, I problem solving skills increase significantly, my relation to others is enhanced (this includes my wife as well as classmates), and when my mind is silent and I am almost completely objective, I pick up information quicker from adverse perspectives. It's frustrating at times that I have suggested it to people I love and they kind of blow it off. They just have no idea that it could possibly be so amazing. 

That's why I'm excited to hear your progress, you are probably going to see some big changes if you stick with it.

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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