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Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito need to be held accountable

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There has been growing criticism of the US Supreme Court and the court already has a 40% approval rating, which is even lower than the approval rating of either Biden or Trump or what Obama himself ever had. 

Justices Thomas and Alito have been the most extreme right-wing judges on bench and have been totally corrupted by money in politics.

There is growing real evidence that Clarence Thomas himself has been bribed for many years by a despicable right-wing megadonor named Harlan Crow to always rule in favor of conservative and Republican attorney general, regardless of the merits of the case being brought to SCOTUS. Thomas's wife, who a radical right-wing freak, also has been very complicit and tried to help Trump overturn the 2020 election.



Here's the scrutiny that Alito has been getting after constantly judging every case in favor of conservatives and Republicans as well:


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