
what makes the best leaders?

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through my experience in the military i know what surley doesnt! (i had a bad experience ignor my static) i was always gifted as a leader, i know it takes guts! you gotta take on responsibility, you gotta be willing to fucking take it all! understand those you lead, sit with them, drink some tea with them, laugh with them cry with them, be thier rallying cry, love them, DONT DECIEVE THEM. sacrafice yourself for them while they drink you study and mold yourself into the image they can be, jesus im crying writing this... just curious on what yhe community thinks, leo please dont answer i want u to make a video i know you probably already have one coming. what about YOU GUYS! who would you trust? why? How does this person make himself known? is it just his vision? maybe he IS his vision... some food for thought ya hungry thinkers!

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Depends on the domain.
Military leaders are very androgenic
Political leaders are often more mannered and feminine.
Spiritual leaders even more so.

In all coaches they have high energy and/or intelligence.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Everyone has nice answers in their head, but somehow, people keep electing narcissists.  


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