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I should just start a religion which requires regular meditation throughout the day. so that when I go work I can say "look see this is my religious practices so it's important that I only work for 45 minutes and then meditate for 15!" 


and then I would no longer suffer for lack of smoke breaks xD 




this is a joke that idk if anyone will get but who knows maybe it is easier to enjoy than I expect -_- 

Edited by aryberry

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Lol great ideaxD

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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  On 3/17/2017 at 7:01 PM, I_Like_Thing said:

"Affordable Healthcare Act" = gave the insurance companies and Big Pharma a monopoly and free reign which caused healthcare to be unaffordable.

Not quite. Healthcare was unaffordable and greasing palms happened long before the ACA. But it's hard to come up with 3 examples of things, I know. ?

nothing is anything

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