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would you be able to concentrate say if you wanted to deconstruct your mind? or is ayahausca just too? distracting? ive never tried it.

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@funkychunkymonkey You're drinking magic. I recommend taking a small dose and seeing how you feel and ramp up from there. You can deconstruct reality and tap into the valve of illusion. For me, it does extreme inner work and I usually cannot operate and fall asleep. 

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16 hours ago, funkychunkymonkey said:

@Recursoinominado whats it like?!?!?! im so excited and a little scared

Depende on the dose but usually the body load is intense, like a hard come up from mdma.

Big change to purge (pooping or vomiting).

With higher doses, you can barely stand and walk straight.

Heartrate to the roof, sweating, anxiety are a common thing.

The highest dose i took, in 10 minutes i had to get up from my chair to go to the garden to puke and only got stronger the next 2 hours.

Almost felt possessed, dissociated, my body moved by itself, rolling in the grass, taking my clothes off lol

Hardest trip of my life

But in mild trips you can meditate a little.

Each place has its rituals.

The place that i used to go (Santo Daime church) had a silent meditative point at the come up for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

At UDV church, you basically stay sittted in silence the whole ritual.

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In my experience, Aya has never been for going 'right, i'm gonna sit down and deconstruct my mind', but rather letting Aya take you where it wants. When I've drunken Aya, a 'divine mother' has always made itself known, invisible but felt as a feminine loving energy spirit guide that simply leads the whole experience. Sounds like LSD/Weed is more for your intent.

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